blob: aa266548d7ec4d06a06b99fe711641b3b2c1ec54 [file] [log] [blame]
# mypy: allow-untyped-calls, allow-untyped-defs
from __future__ import annotations
import abc
import hashlib
import itertools
import json
import os
import queue
from urllib.parse import urlsplit
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from collections import defaultdict, deque, namedtuple
from typing import (cast, Any, Callable, Dict, Deque, List, Mapping, MutableMapping, Optional, Set,
Tuple, Type)
from . import manifestinclude
from . import manifestexpected
from . import manifestupdate
from . import wpttest
from mozlog import structured
manifest = None
manifest_update = None
download_from_github = None
# Mapping from (subsuite, test_type) to [Test]
TestsByType = Mapping[Tuple[str, str], List[wpttest.Test]]
def do_delayed_imports():
# This relies on an already loaded module having set the sys.path correctly :(
global manifest, manifest_update, download_from_github
from manifest import manifest # type: ignore
from manifest import update as manifest_update
from import download_from_github # type: ignore
class WriteQueue:
def __init__(self, queue_cls: Callable[[], Any] = queue.SimpleQueue):
"""Queue wrapper that is only used for writing items to a queue.
Once all items are enqueued, call to_read() to get a reader for the queue.
This will also prevent further writes using this writer."""
self._raw_queue = queue_cls()
def put(self, item: Any) -> None:
if self._raw_queue is None:
raise ValueError("Tried to write to closed queue")
def to_read(self) -> ReadQueue:
reader = ReadQueue(self._raw_queue)
self._raw_queue = None
return reader
class ReadQueue:
def __init__(self, raw_queue: Any):
self._raw_queue = raw_queue
def get(self) -> Any:
"""Queue wrapper that is only used for reading items from a queue."""
return self._raw_queue.get(False)
class TestGroups:
def __init__(self, logger, path, subsuites):
with open(path) as f:
data = json.load(f)
except ValueError:
logger.critical("test groups file %s not valid json" % path)
self.tests_by_group = defaultdict(set)
self.group_by_test = {}
for group, test_ids in data.items():
id_parts = group.split(":", 1)
if len(id_parts) == 1:
group_name = id_parts[0]
subsuite = ""
subsuite, group_name = id_parts
if subsuite not in subsuites:
raise ValueError(f"Unknown subsuite {subsuite} in group data {group}")
for test_id in test_ids:
self.group_by_test[(subsuite, test_id)] = group_name
def load_subsuites(logger: Any,
base_run_info: wpttest.RunInfo,
path: Optional[str],
include_subsuites: Set[str]) -> Dict[str, Subsuite]:
subsuites: Dict[str, Subsuite] = {}
run_all_subsuites = not include_subsuites
def maybe_add_subsuite(name: str, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
if run_all_subsuites or name in include_subsuites:
subsuites[name] = Subsuite(name,
data.get("config", {}),
run_info_extras=data.get("run_info", {}),
tags=set(data["tags"]) if "tags" in data else None)
if name in include_subsuites:
maybe_add_subsuite("", {})
if path is None:
if include_subsuites:
raise ValueError("Unrecognised subsuites {','.join(include_subsuites)}, missing --subsuite-file?")
return subsuites
with open(path) as f:
data = json.load(f)
except ValueError:
logger.critical("subsuites file %s not valid json" % path)
for key, subsuite in data.items():
if key == "":
raise ValueError("Subsuites must have a non-empty name")
maybe_add_subsuite(key, subsuite)
if include_subsuites:
raise ValueError(f"Unrecognised subsuites {','.join(include_subsuites)}")
return subsuites
class Subsuite:
def __init__(self,
name: str,
config: Dict[str, Any],
base_run_info: Optional[wpttest.RunInfo] = None,
run_info_extras: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
include: Optional[List[str]] = None,
tags: Optional[Set[str]] = None): = name
self.config = config
self.run_info_extras = run_info_extras or {}
self.run_info_extras["subsuite"] = name
self.include = include
self.tags = tags
run_info = base_run_info.copy() if base_run_info is not None else {}
self.run_info = run_info
def manifest_filters(self, manifests):
manifest_filters = [TestFilter(manifests,
return manifest_filters
# use base manifest_filters for default subsuite
return []
def __repr__(self):
return "Subsuite('%s', config:%s, run_info:%s)" % ( or 'default',
def read_include_from_file(file):
new_include = []
with open(file) as f:
for line in f:
line = line.strip()
# Allow whole-line comments;
# fragments mean we can't have partial line #-based comments
if len(line) > 0 and not line.startswith("#"):
return new_include
def update_include_for_groups(test_groups, include):
new_include = []
if include is None:
# We're just running everything
for tests in test_groups.tests_by_group.values():
for item in include:
if item in test_groups.tests_by_group:
return new_include
class TestChunker(abc.ABC):
def __init__(self, total_chunks: int, chunk_number: int, **kwargs: Any):
self.total_chunks = total_chunks
self.chunk_number = chunk_number
assert self.chunk_number <= self.total_chunks
self.logger = structured.get_default_logger()
assert self.logger
self.kwargs = kwargs
def __call__(self, manifest):
class Unchunked(TestChunker):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
TestChunker.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
assert self.total_chunks == 1
def __call__(self, manifest, **kwargs):
yield from manifest
class HashChunker(TestChunker):
def __call__(self, manifest):
for test_type, test_path, tests in manifest:
tests_for_chunk = {
test for test in tests
if self._key_in_chunk(self.chunk_key(test_type, test_path, test))
if tests_for_chunk:
yield test_type, test_path, tests_for_chunk
def _key_in_chunk(self, key: str) -> bool:
chunk_index = self.chunk_number - 1
digest = hashlib.md5(key.encode()).hexdigest()
return int(digest, 16) % self.total_chunks == chunk_index
def chunk_key(self, test_type: str, test_path: str,
test: wpttest.Test) -> str:
class PathHashChunker(HashChunker):
def chunk_key(self, test_type: str, test_path: str,
test: wpttest.Test) -> str:
return test_path
class IDHashChunker(HashChunker):
def chunk_key(self, test_type: str, test_path: str,
test: wpttest.Test) -> str:
return cast(str,
class DirectoryHashChunker(HashChunker):
"""Like HashChunker except the directory is hashed.
This ensures that all tests in the same directory end up in the same
def chunk_key(self, test_type: str, test_path: str,
test: wpttest.Test) -> str:
depth = self.kwargs.get("depth")
if depth:
return os.path.sep.join(os.path.dirname(test_path).split(os.path.sep, depth)[:depth])
return os.path.dirname(test_path)
class TestFilter:
"""Callable that restricts the set of tests in a given manifest according
to initial criteria"""
def __init__(self, test_manifests, include=None, exclude=None, manifest_path=None, explicit=False):
if manifest_path is None or include or explicit:
self.manifest = manifestinclude.IncludeManifest.create()
self.manifest = manifestinclude.get_manifest(manifest_path)
if include or explicit:
self.manifest.set("skip", "true")
if include:
for item in include:
self.manifest.add_include(test_manifests, item)
if exclude:
for item in exclude:
self.manifest.add_exclude(test_manifests, item)
def __call__(self, manifest_iter):
for test_type, test_path, tests in manifest_iter:
include_tests = set()
for test in tests:
if self.manifest.include(test):
if include_tests:
yield test_type, test_path, include_tests
class TagFilter:
def __init__(self, include_tags, exclude_tags):
self.include_tags = set(include_tags) if include_tags else None
self.exclude_tags = set(exclude_tags) if exclude_tags else None
def __call__(self, test):
does_match = True
if self.include_tags:
does_match &= bool(test.tags & self.include_tags)
if self.exclude_tags:
does_match &= not (test.tags & self.exclude_tags)
return does_match
class ManifestLoader:
def __init__(self, test_paths, force_manifest_update=False, manifest_download=False,
self.test_paths = test_paths
self.force_manifest_update = force_manifest_update
self.manifest_download = manifest_download
self.types = types
self.logger = structured.get_default_logger()
if self.logger is None:
self.logger = structured.structuredlog.StructuredLogger("ManifestLoader")
def load(self):
rv = {}
for url_base, test_root in self.test_paths.items():
manifest_file = self.load_manifest(url_base, test_root)
path_data = {"url_base": url_base,
"tests_path": test_root.tests_path,
"metadata_path": test_root.metadata_path,
"manifest_path": test_root.manifest_path}
rv[manifest_file] = path_data
return rv
def load_manifest(self, url_base, test_root):
cache_root = os.path.join(test_root.metadata_path, ".cache")
if self.manifest_download:
download_from_github(test_root.manifest_path, test_root.tests_path)
return manifest.load_and_update(test_root.tests_path, test_root.manifest_path, url_base,
cache_root=cache_root, update=self.force_manifest_update,
def iterfilter(filters, iter):
for f in filters:
iter = f(iter)
yield from iter
class TestLoader:
"""Loads tests according to a WPT manifest and any associated expectation files"""
def __init__(self,
self.test_types = test_types
self.base_run_info = base_run_info
self.subsuites = subsuites or {}
self.manifest_filters = manifest_filters if manifest_filters is not None else []
self.test_filters = test_filters if test_filters is not None else []
self.manifests = test_manifests
self.tests = None
self.disabled_tests = None
self.include_https = include_https
self.include_h2 = include_h2
self.include_webtransport_h3 = include_webtransport_h3
self.skip_timeout = skip_timeout
self.skip_crash = skip_crash
self.skip_implementation_status = skip_implementation_status
self.chunk_type = chunk_type
self.total_chunks = total_chunks
self.chunk_number = chunk_number
if chunker_kwargs is None:
chunker_kwargs = {}
self.chunker = {"none": Unchunked,
"hash": PathHashChunker,
"id_hash": IDHashChunker,
"dir_hash": DirectoryHashChunker}[chunk_type](total_chunks,
self._test_ids = None
self.directory_manifests = {}
def test_ids(self):
if self._test_ids is None:
self._test_ids = []
for test_dict in [self.disabled_tests, self.tests]:
for subsuite in self.subsuites:
for test_type in self.test_types:
self._test_ids += [ for item in test_dict[subsuite][test_type]]
return self._test_ids
def get_test(self, manifest_file, manifest_test, inherit_metadata, test_metadata):
if test_metadata is not None:
test_metadata = test_metadata.get_test(manifestupdate.get_test_name(
return wpttest.from_manifest(manifest_file, manifest_test, inherit_metadata, test_metadata)
def load_dir_metadata(self, run_info, test_manifest, metadata_path, test_path):
rv = []
path_parts = os.path.dirname(test_path).split(os.path.sep)
for i in range(len(path_parts) + 1):
path = os.path.join(metadata_path, os.path.sep.join(path_parts[:i]), "__dir__.ini")
if path not in self.directory_manifests:
self.directory_manifests[path] = manifestexpected.get_dir_manifest(path,
manifest = self.directory_manifests[path]
if manifest is not None:
return rv
def load_metadata(self, run_info, test_manifest, metadata_path, test_path):
inherit_metadata = self.load_dir_metadata(run_info, test_manifest, metadata_path, test_path)
test_metadata = manifestexpected.get_manifest(
metadata_path, test_path, run_info)
return inherit_metadata, test_metadata
def iter_tests(self, run_info, manifest_filters):
manifest_items = []
manifests_by_url_base = {}
for manifest in sorted(self.manifests.keys(), key=lambda x:x.url_base):
manifest_iter = iterfilter(manifest_filters,
manifests_by_url_base[manifest.url_base] = manifest
if self.chunker is not None:
manifest_items = self.chunker(manifest_items)
for test_type, test_path, tests in manifest_items:
manifest_file = manifests_by_url_base[next(iter(tests)).url_base]
metadata_path = self.manifests[manifest_file]["metadata_path"]
inherit_metadata, test_metadata = self.load_metadata(run_info, manifest_file, metadata_path, test_path)
for test in tests:
wpt_test = self.get_test(manifest_file, test, inherit_metadata, test_metadata)
if all(f(wpt_test) for f in self.test_filters):
yield test_path, test_type, wpt_test
def _load_tests(self):
"""Read in the tests from the manifest file"""
tests_enabled = {}
tests_disabled = {}
for subsuite_name, subsuite in self.subsuites.items():
tests_enabled[subsuite_name] = defaultdict(list)
tests_disabled[subsuite_name] = defaultdict(list)
run_info = subsuite.run_info
if not subsuite_name:
manifest_filters = self.manifest_filters
manifest_filters = subsuite.manifest_filters(self.manifests)
for test_path, test_type, test in self.iter_tests(run_info, manifest_filters):
enabled = not test.disabled()
if not self.include_https and test.environment["protocol"] == "https":
enabled = False
if not self.include_h2 and test.environment["protocol"] == "h2":
enabled = False
if self.skip_timeout and test.expected() == "TIMEOUT":
enabled = False
if self.skip_crash and test.expected() == "CRASH":
enabled = False
if self.skip_implementation_status and test.implementation_status() in self.skip_implementation_status:
# for backlog, we want to run timeout/crash:
if not (test.implementation_status() == "implementing" and test.expected() in ["TIMEOUT", "CRASH"]):
enabled = False
target = tests_enabled if enabled else tests_disabled
self.tests = tests_enabled
self.disabled_tests = tests_disabled
def groups(self, test_types, chunk_type="none", total_chunks=1, chunk_number=1):
groups = set()
for test_type in test_types:
for test in self.tests[test_type]:
group = test.url.split("/")[1]
return groups
def get_test_queue_builder(**kwargs: Any) -> Tuple[TestQueueBuilder, Mapping[str, Any]]:
builder_kwargs = {"processes": kwargs["processes"],
"logger": kwargs["logger"]}
chunker_kwargs = {}
builder_cls: Type[TestQueueBuilder]
if kwargs["fully_parallel"]:
builder_cls = FullyParallelGroupedSource
elif kwargs["run_by_dir"] is not False:
# A value of None indicates infinite depth
builder_cls = PathGroupedSource
builder_kwargs["depth"] = kwargs["run_by_dir"]
chunker_kwargs["depth"] = kwargs["run_by_dir"]
elif kwargs["test_groups"]:
builder_cls = GroupFileTestSource
builder_kwargs["test_groups"] = kwargs["test_groups"]
builder_cls = SingleTestSource
return builder_cls(**builder_kwargs), chunker_kwargs
TestGroup = namedtuple("TestGroup", ["group", "subsuite", "test_type", "metadata"])
class TestQueueBuilder:
__metaclass__ = ABCMeta
def __init__(self, **kwargs: Any):
"""Class for building a queue of groups of tests to run.
Each item in the queue is a TestGroup, which consists of an iterable of
tests to run, the name of the subsuite, the name of the test type, and
a dictionary containing group-specific metadata.
Tests in the same group are run in the same TestRunner in the
provided order."""
self.kwargs = kwargs
def make_queue(self, tests_by_type: TestsByType) -> Tuple[ReadQueue, int]:
test_queue = WriteQueue()
groups = self.make_groups(tests_by_type)
processes = self.process_count(self.kwargs["processes"], len(groups))
if processes > 1:
groups.sort(key=lambda group: (
# Place groups of the same test type together to minimize
# browser restarts.
# Next, run larger groups first to avoid straggler runners. Use
# timeout to give slow tests greater relative weight.
-sum(test.timeout for test in,
for item in groups:
return test_queue.to_read(), processes
def make_groups(self, tests_by_type: TestsByType) -> List[TestGroup]:
"""Divide a given set of tests into groups that will be run together."""
def tests_by_group(self, tests_by_type: TestsByType) -> Mapping[str, List[str]]:
def group_metadata(self, state: Mapping[str, Any]) -> Mapping[str, Any]:
return {"scope": "/"}
def process_count(self, requested_processes: int, num_test_groups: int) -> int:
"""Get the number of processes to use.
This must always be at least one, but otherwise not more than the number of test groups"""
return max(1, min(requested_processes, num_test_groups))
class SingleTestSource(TestQueueBuilder):
def make_groups(self, tests_by_type: TestsByType) -> List[TestGroup]:
groups = []
for (subsuite, test_type), tests in tests_by_type.items():
processes = self.kwargs["processes"]
queues: List[Deque[TestGroup]] = [deque([]) for _ in range(processes)]
metadatas = [self.group_metadata({}) for _ in range(processes)]
for test in tests:
idx = hash( % processes
group = queues[idx]
metadata = metadatas[idx]
for item in zip(queues,
if len(item[0]) > 0:
return groups
def tests_by_group(self, tests_by_type: TestsByType) -> Mapping[str, List[str]]:
groups: MutableMapping[str, List[str]] = defaultdict(list)
for (subsuite, test_type), tests in tests_by_type.items():
group_name = f"{subsuite}:{self.group_metadata({})['scope']}"
groups[group_name].extend( for test in tests)
return groups
class PathGroupedSource(TestQueueBuilder):
def new_group(self,
state: MutableMapping[str, Any],
subsuite: str,
test_type: str,
test: wpttest.Test) -> bool:
depth = self.kwargs.get("depth")
if depth is True or depth == 0:
depth = None
path = urlsplit(test.url).path.split("/")[1:-1][:depth]
rv = (subsuite, test_type, path) != state.get("prev_group_key")
state["prev_group_key"] = (subsuite, test_type, path)
return rv
def make_groups(self, tests_by_type: TestsByType) -> List[TestGroup]:
groups = []
state: MutableMapping[str, Any] = {}
for (subsuite, test_type), tests in tests_by_type.items():
for test in tests:
if self.new_group(state, subsuite, test_type, test):
group_metadata = self.group_metadata(state)
groups.append(TestGroup(deque(), subsuite, test_type, group_metadata))
group, _, _, metadata = groups[-1]
return groups
def tests_by_group(self, tests_by_type: TestsByType) -> Mapping[str, List[str]]:
groups = defaultdict(list)
state: MutableMapping[str, Any] = {}
for (subsuite, test_type), tests in tests_by_type.items():
for test in tests:
if self.new_group(state, subsuite, test_type, test):
group = self.group_metadata(state)['scope']
if subsuite:
group_name = f"{subsuite}:{group}"
group_name = group
return groups
def group_metadata(self, state: Mapping[str, Any]) -> Mapping[str, Any]:
return {"scope": "/%s" % "/".join(state["prev_group_key"][2])}
class FullyParallelGroupedSource(PathGroupedSource):
# Chuck every test into a different group, so that they can run
# fully parallel with each other. Useful to run a lot of tests
# clustered in a few directories.
def new_group(self,
state: MutableMapping[str, Any],
subsuite: str,
test_type: str,
test: wpttest.Test) -> bool:
path = urlsplit(test.url).path.split("/")[1:-1]
state["prev_group_key"] = (subsuite, test_type, path)
return True
class GroupFileTestSource(TestQueueBuilder):
def make_groups(self, tests_by_type: TestsByType) -> List[TestGroup]:
groups = []
for (subsuite, test_type), tests in tests_by_type.items():
tests_by_group = self.tests_by_group({(subsuite, test_type): tests})
ids_to_tests = { test for test in tests}
for group_name, test_ids in tests_by_group.items():
group_metadata = {"scope": group_name}
group: Deque[wpttest.Test] = deque()
for test_id in test_ids:
test = ids_to_tests[test_id]
groups.append(TestGroup(group, subsuite, test_type, group_metadata))
return groups
def tests_by_group(self, tests_by_type: TestsByType) -> Mapping[str, List[str]]:
test_groups = self.kwargs["test_groups"]
tests_by_group = defaultdict(list)
for (subsuite, test_type), tests in tests_by_type.items():
for test in tests:
group = test_groups.group_by_test[(subsuite,]
except KeyError:
print(f"{} is missing from test groups file")
if subsuite:
group_name = f"{subsuite}:{group}"
group_name = group
return tests_by_group