blob: 7b688dd1a6cfa95079dc0b0046c813539fa3c16d [file] [log] [blame]
# mypy: allow-untyped-defs
import collections
from typing import ClassVar, DefaultDict, Optional, Type
class BidiException(Exception):
# The error_code class variable is used to map the JSON Error Code (see
# to a BidiException subclass.
# TODO: Match on error and let it be a class variables only.
error_code: ClassVar[str]
def __init__(self, message: str, stacktrace: Optional[str] = None):
self.message = message
self.stacktrace = stacktrace
def __repr__(self):
"""Return the object representation in string format."""
return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({self.error}, {self.message}, {self.stacktrace})"
def __str__(self):
"""Return the string representation of the object."""
message = f"{self.error_code} ({self.message})"
if self.stacktrace is not None:
message += f"\n\nRemote-end stacktrace:\n\n{self.stacktrace}"
return message
class InvalidArgumentException(BidiException):
error_code = "invalid argument"
class InvalidSessionIDError(BidiException):
error_code = "invalid session id"
class MoveTargetOutOfBoundsException(BidiException):
error_code = "move target out of bounds"
class NoSuchAlertException(BidiException):
error_code = "no such alert"
class NoSuchElementException(BidiException):
error_code = "no such element"
class NoSuchFrameException(BidiException):
error_code = "no such frame"
class NoSuchInterceptException(BidiException):
error_code = "no such intercept"
class NoSuchHandleException(BidiException):
error_code = "no such handle"
class NoSuchNodeException(BidiException):
error_code = "no such node"
class NoSuchRequestException(BidiException):
error_code = "no such request"
class NoSuchScriptException(BidiException):
error_code = "no such script"
class UnableToCaptureScreenException(BidiException):
error_code = "unable to capture screen"
class UnknownCommandException(BidiException):
error_code = "unknown command"
class UnknownErrorException(BidiException):
error_code = "unknown error"
class UnsupportedOperationException(BidiException):
error_code = "unsupported operation"
def from_error_details(error: str, message: str, stacktrace: Optional[str]) -> BidiException:
"""Create specific WebDriver BiDi exception class from error details.
Defaults to ``UnknownErrorException`` if `error` is unknown.
cls = get(error)
return cls(message, stacktrace)
def get(error_code: str) -> Type[BidiException]:
"""Get exception from `error_code`.
It's falling back to ``UnknownErrorException`` if it is not found.
return _errors.get(error_code, UnknownErrorException)
_errors: DefaultDict[str, Type[BidiException]] = collections.defaultdict()
for item in list(locals().values()):
if isinstance(item, type) and item != BidiException and issubclass(item, BidiException):
_errors[item.error_code] = item