Make `AutoMoveOneLineHandler` track the new line range while moving content nodes

It moves nodes in a range to new place one by one.  At this time, the moved
position range is not tracked.  Therefore, if the DOM tree is unexpectedly
changed by `HTMLEditor` itself, the range gets broken.  E.g., in this case,
deleting empty inline element causes the range after the source position is

Differential Revision:

gecko-commit: a7200c4d402a2ac9407512a17978f59356d94470
gecko-reviewers: m_kato
diff --git a/editing/crashtests/delete-at-text-following-svg.html b/editing/crashtests/delete-at-text-following-svg.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc2040a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/editing/crashtests/delete-at-text-following-svg.html
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+<!doctype html>
+<meta charset="utf-8">
+mask, li {
+  float: inline-start;
+  animation-name: kf0;
+@keyframes kf0 {}
+document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
+  window.focus();
+  document.designMode = "on";
+  document.onpointerlockerror = onPointerLockErrorOrAnimationStart;
+  const mask = document.querySelector("mask");
+  mask.requestPointerLock();
+  mask.prepend(document.querySelector("table"));
+function onPointerLockErrorOrAnimationStart() {
+  document.execCommand("underline");
+  document.execCommand("delete");
+  onanimationstart  = onPointerLockErrorOrAnimationStart;
+  try {
+    getSelection().setBaseAndExtent(
+      document.querySelector("li"), 0,
+      document.querySelector("thead"), 0
+    );
+  } catch (e) {}