[FLEDGE] Add some basic component auction WPT tests.

In particular, test:

* allowComponentAuction
* Top-level auctions can't have buyers.
* Auction worklet origin parameters.
* Bid passing/modification.

Bug: 1425952
Change-Id: Iccc59be915332ab38f85fd84e5ce9f290ece184e
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/chromium/src/+/5008033
Commit-Queue: Matt Menke <mmenke@chromium.org>
Reviewed-by: Maks Orlovich <morlovich@chromium.org>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/main@{#1220413}
diff --git a/fledge/tentative/component-auction.https.window.js b/fledge/tentative/component-auction.https.window.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cfaf174
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fledge/tentative/component-auction.https.window.js
@@ -0,0 +1,437 @@
+// META: script=/resources/testdriver.js
+// META: script=/common/utils.js
+// META: script=/common/subset-tests.js
+// META: script=resources/fledge-util.sub.js
+// META: timeout=long
+// META: variant=?1-5
+// META: variant=?6-10
+// META: variant=?11-last
+"use strict";
+// Creates an AuctionConfig with a single component auction.
+function createComponentAuctionConfig(uuid) {
+  let componentAuctionConfig = {
+    seller: window.location.origin,
+    decisionLogicURL: createDecisionScriptURL(uuid),
+    interestGroupBuyers: [window.location.origin]
+  };
+  return {
+    seller: window.location.origin,
+    decisionLogicURL: createDecisionScriptURL(uuid),
+    interestGroupBuyers: [],
+    componentAuctions: [componentAuctionConfig]
+  };
+promise_test(async test => {
+  const uuid = generateUuid(test);
+  await joinInterestGroup(
+      test, uuid,
+      { biddingLogicURL: createBiddingScriptURL()});
+  await runBasicFledgeTestExpectingNoWinner(test, uuid, createComponentAuctionConfig(uuid));
+}, 'Component auction allowed not specified by bidder.');
+promise_test(async test => {
+  const uuid = generateUuid(test);
+  await joinInterestGroup(
+      test, uuid,
+      { biddingLogicURL: createBiddingScriptURL(
+        { allowComponentAuction: false })});
+  await runBasicFledgeTestExpectingNoWinner(test, uuid, createComponentAuctionConfig(uuid));
+}, 'Component auction not allowed by bidder.');
+promise_test(async test => {
+  const uuid = generateUuid(test);
+  await joinInterestGroup(
+      test, uuid,
+      { biddingLogicURL: createBiddingScriptURL(
+        { allowComponentAuction: true })});
+  let auctionConfig = createComponentAuctionConfig(uuid);
+  auctionConfig.componentAuctions[0].decisionLogicURL = createDecisionScriptURL(
+      uuid,
+      { scoreAd: "return 5;" });
+  await runBasicFledgeTestExpectingNoWinner(test, uuid, auctionConfig);
+}, 'Component auction allowed not specified by component seller.');
+promise_test(async test => {
+  const uuid = generateUuid(test);
+  await joinInterestGroup(
+      test, uuid,
+      { biddingLogicURL: createBiddingScriptURL(
+        { allowComponentAuction: true })});
+  let auctionConfig = createComponentAuctionConfig(uuid);
+  auctionConfig.componentAuctions[0].decisionLogicURL = createDecisionScriptURL(
+      uuid,
+      { scoreAd: "return {desirability: 5, allowComponentAuction: false};" });
+  await runBasicFledgeTestExpectingNoWinner(test, uuid, auctionConfig);
+}, 'Component auction not allowed by component seller.');
+promise_test(async test => {
+  const uuid = generateUuid(test);
+  await joinInterestGroup(
+      test, uuid,
+      { biddingLogicURL: createBiddingScriptURL(
+        { allowComponentAuction: true })});
+  let auctionConfig = createComponentAuctionConfig(uuid);
+  auctionConfig.decisionLogicURL = createDecisionScriptURL(
+      uuid,
+      { scoreAd: "return 5;" });
+  await runBasicFledgeTestExpectingNoWinner(test, uuid, auctionConfig);
+}, 'Component auction allowed not specified by top-level seller.');
+promise_test(async test => {
+  const uuid = generateUuid(test);
+  await joinInterestGroup(
+      test, uuid,
+      { biddingLogicURL: createBiddingScriptURL(
+        { allowComponentAuction: true })});
+  let auctionConfig = createComponentAuctionConfig(uuid);
+  auctionConfig.interestGroupBuyers = [window.location.origin];
+  try {
+    await runBasicFledgeAuction(test, uuid, auctionConfig);
+  } catch (exception) {
+    assert_true(exception instanceof TypeError, "did not get expected error: " + exception);
+    return;
+  }
+  throw 'Exception unexpectedly not thrown.'
+}, 'Component auction top-level auction cannot have buyers.');
+promise_test(async test => {
+  const uuid = generateUuid(test);
+  await joinInterestGroup(
+      test, uuid,
+      { biddingLogicURL: createBiddingScriptURL(
+        { allowComponentAuction: true })});
+  let auctionConfig = createComponentAuctionConfig(uuid);
+  auctionConfig.decisionLogicURL = createDecisionScriptURL(
+      uuid,
+      { scoreAd: "return {desirability: 5, allowComponentAuction: false};" });
+  await runBasicFledgeTestExpectingNoWinner(test, uuid, auctionConfig);
+}, 'Component auction not allowed by top-level seller.');
+promise_test(async test => {
+  const uuid = generateUuid(test);
+  // Use distinct origins so can validate all origin parameters passed to worklets.
+  let bidder = OTHER_ORIGIN1;
+  let componentSeller = OTHER_ORIGIN2;
+  let topLevelSeller = OTHER_ORIGIN3;
+  let bidderReportURL = createBidderReportURL(uuid);
+  let componentSellerReportURL = createSellerReportURL(uuid, /*id=*/1);
+  let topLevelSellerReportURL = createSellerReportURL(uuid, /*id=*/2);
+  // Note that generateBid() and reportWin() receive slightly different
+  // "browserSignals" fields - only reportWin() gets "interestGroupOwner", so
+  // need different sets of checks for them.
+  await joinCrossOriginInterestGroup(
+      test, uuid, bidder,
+      { biddingLogicURL: createBiddingScriptURL(
+        { origin: bidder,
+          allowComponentAuction: true,
+          generateBid:
+            `if (browserSignals.seller !== "${componentSeller}")
+               throw "Unexpected seller: " + browserSignals.seller;
+             if (browserSignals.componentSeller !== undefined)
+               throw "Unexpected componentSeller: " + browserSignals.componentSeller;
+             if (browserSignals.topLevelSeller !== "${topLevelSeller}")
+               throw "Unexpected topLevelSeller: " + browserSignals.topLevelSeller;
+             if (browserSignals.interestGroupOwner !== undefined)
+               throw "Unexpected interestGroupOwner: " + browserSignals.interestGroupOwner;
+             if (browserSignals.topWindowHostname !== "${window.location.hostname}")
+               throw "Unexpected topWindowHostname: " + browserSignals.topWindowHostname;`,
+          reportWin:
+            `if (browserSignals.seller !== "${componentSeller}")
+               throw "Unexpected seller: " + browserSignals.seller;
+             if (browserSignals.componentSeller !== undefined)
+               throw "Unexpected componentSeller: " + browserSignals.componentSeller;
+             if (browserSignals.topLevelSeller !== "${topLevelSeller}")
+               throw "Unexpected topLevelSeller: " + browserSignals.topLevelSeller;
+             if (browserSignals.interestGroupOwner !== "${bidder}")
+               throw "Unexpected interestGroupOwner: " + browserSignals.interestGroupOwner;
+             if (browserSignals.topWindowHostname !== "${window.location.hostname}")
+               throw "Unexpected topWindowHostname: " + browserSignals.topWindowHostname;
+             sendReportTo("${bidderReportURL}");`})});
+  // Checks for scoreAd() and reportResult() for the component seller.
+  let componentSellerChecks =
+      `if (browserSignals.seller !== undefined)
+         throw "Unexpected seller: " + browserSignals.seller;
+       if (browserSignals.componentSeller !== undefined)
+         throw "Unexpected componentSeller: " + browserSignals.componentSeller;
+       if (browserSignals.topLevelSeller !== "${topLevelSeller}")
+         throw "Unexpected topLevelSeller: " + browserSignals.topLevelSeller;
+       if (browserSignals.interestGroupOwner !== "${bidder}")
+         throw "Unexpected interestGroupOwner: " + browserSignals.interestGroupOwner;
+       if (browserSignals.topWindowHostname !== "${window.location.hostname}")
+         throw "Unexpected topWindowHostname: " + browserSignals.topWindowHostname;`;
+  let componentAuctionConfig = {
+    seller: componentSeller,
+    decisionLogicURL: createDecisionScriptURL(
+        uuid,
+        { origin: componentSeller,
+          scoreAd: componentSellerChecks,
+          reportResult: `${componentSellerChecks}
+                          sendReportTo("${componentSellerReportURL}");` }),
+    interestGroupBuyers: [bidder]
+  };
+  // Checks for scoreAd() and reportResult() for the top-level seller.
+  let topLevelSellerChecks =
+      `if (browserSignals.seller !== undefined)
+         throw "Unexpected seller: " + browserSignals.seller;
+       if (browserSignals.componentSeller !== "${componentSeller}")
+         throw "Unexpected componentSeller: " + browserSignals.componentSeller;
+       if (browserSignals.topLevelSeller !== undefined)
+         throw "Unexpected topLevelSeller: " + browserSignals.topLevelSeller;
+       if (browserSignals.interestGroupOwner !== "${bidder}")
+         throw "Unexpected interestGroupOwner: " + browserSignals.interestGroupOwner;
+       if (browserSignals.topWindowHostname !== "${window.location.hostname}")
+         throw "Unexpected topWindowHostname: " + browserSignals.topWindowHostname;`;
+  let auctionConfigOverrides = {
+    seller: topLevelSeller,
+    decisionLogicURL: createDecisionScriptURL(
+        uuid,
+        { origin: topLevelSeller,
+          scoreAd: topLevelSellerChecks,
+          reportResult: `${topLevelSellerChecks}
+                         sendReportTo("${topLevelSellerReportURL}");` }),
+    interestGroupBuyers: [],
+    componentAuctions: [componentAuctionConfig]
+  };
+  await runBasicFledgeAuctionAndNavigate(test, uuid, auctionConfigOverrides);
+  await waitForObservedRequests(
+      uuid,
+      [bidderReportURL, componentSellerReportURL, topLevelSellerReportURL]);
+}, 'Component auction browserSignals origins.');
+promise_test(async test => {
+  const uuid = generateUuid(test);
+  let bidderReportURL = createBidderReportURL(uuid);
+  let componentSellerReportURL = createSellerReportURL(uuid, /*id=*/1);
+  let topLevelSellerReportURL = createSellerReportURL(uuid, /*id=*/2);
+  await joinInterestGroup(
+      test, uuid,
+      { biddingLogicURL: createBiddingScriptURL(
+        { allowComponentAuction: true,
+          bid: 5,
+          reportWin:
+            `if (browserSignals.bid !== 5)
+               throw "Unexpected bid: " + browserSignals.bid;
+             sendReportTo("${bidderReportURL}");`})});
+  let auctionConfig = createComponentAuctionConfig(uuid);
+  auctionConfig.componentAuctions[0].decisionLogicURL =
+    createDecisionScriptURL(
+        uuid,
+        { scoreAd:
+              `if (bid !== 5)
+                 throw "Unexpected component bid: " + bid`,
+          reportResult:
+              `if (browserSignals.bid !== 5)
+                 throw "Unexpected component browserSignals.bid: " + browserSignals.bid;
+               if (browserSignals.modifiedBid !== undefined)
+                 throw "Unexpected component browserSignals.modifiedBid: " + browserSignals.modifiedBid;
+               sendReportTo("${componentSellerReportURL}");` });
+  auctionConfig.decisionLogicURL =
+    createDecisionScriptURL(
+        uuid,
+        { scoreAd:
+              `if (bid !== 5)
+                 throw "Unexpected top-level bid: " + bid`,
+          reportResult:
+              `if (browserSignals.bid !== 5)
+                 throw "Unexpected top-level browserSignals.bid: " + browserSignals.bid;
+               if (browserSignals.modifiedBid !== undefined)
+                 throw "Unexpected top-level browserSignals.modifiedBid: " + browserSignals.modifiedBid;
+               sendReportTo("${topLevelSellerReportURL}");` });
+  await runBasicFledgeAuctionAndNavigate(test, uuid, auctionConfig);
+  await waitForObservedRequests(
+      uuid,
+      [bidderReportURL, componentSellerReportURL, topLevelSellerReportURL]);
+}, 'Component auction unmodified bid.');
+promise_test(async test => {
+  const uuid = generateUuid(test);
+  let bidderReportURL = createBidderReportURL(uuid);
+  let componentSellerReportURL = createSellerReportURL(uuid, /*id=*/1);
+  let topLevelSellerReportURL = createSellerReportURL(uuid, /*id=*/2);
+  await joinInterestGroup(
+      test, uuid,
+      { biddingLogicURL: createBiddingScriptURL(
+        { allowComponentAuction: true,
+          bid: 5,
+          reportWin:
+            `if (browserSignals.bid !== 5)
+               throw "Unexpected bid: " + browserSignals.bid;
+             sendReportTo("${bidderReportURL}");`})});
+  let auctionConfig = createComponentAuctionConfig(uuid);
+  auctionConfig.componentAuctions[0].decisionLogicURL =
+    createDecisionScriptURL(
+        uuid,
+        { scoreAd:
+              `if (bid !== 5)
+                 throw "Unexpected component bid: " + bid
+               return {desirability: 5, allowComponentAuction: true, bid: 4};`,
+          reportResult:
+              `if (browserSignals.bid !== 5)
+                 throw "Unexpected component browserSignals.bid: " + browserSignals.bid;
+               if (browserSignals.modifiedBid !== 4)
+                 throw "Unexpected component browserSignals.modifiedBid: " + browserSignals.modifiedBid;
+               sendReportTo("${componentSellerReportURL}");` });
+  auctionConfig.decisionLogicURL =
+    createDecisionScriptURL(
+        uuid,
+        { scoreAd:
+              `if (bid !== 4)
+                 throw "Unexpected top-level bid: " + bid`,
+          reportResult:
+              `if (browserSignals.bid !== 4)
+                 throw "Unexpected top-level browserSignals.bid: " + browserSignals.bid;
+               if (browserSignals.modifiedBid !== undefined)
+                 throw "Unexpected top-level browserSignals.modifiedBid: " + browserSignals.modifiedBid;
+               sendReportTo("${topLevelSellerReportURL}");` });
+  await runBasicFledgeAuctionAndNavigate(test, uuid, auctionConfig);
+  await waitForObservedRequests(
+      uuid,
+      [bidderReportURL, componentSellerReportURL, topLevelSellerReportURL]);
+}, 'Component auction modified bid.');
+promise_test(async test => {
+  const uuid = generateUuid(test);
+  let bidderReportURL = createBidderReportURL(uuid);
+  let componentSellerReportURL = createSellerReportURL(uuid, /*id=*/1);
+  let topLevelSellerReportURL = createSellerReportURL(uuid, /*id=*/2);
+  await joinInterestGroup(
+      test, uuid,
+      { biddingLogicURL: createBiddingScriptURL(
+        { allowComponentAuction: true,
+          bid: 5,
+          reportWin:
+            `if (browserSignals.bid !== 5)
+               throw "Unexpected bid: " + browserSignals.bid;
+             sendReportTo("${bidderReportURL}");`})});
+  let auctionConfig = createComponentAuctionConfig(uuid);
+  auctionConfig.componentAuctions[0].decisionLogicURL =
+    createDecisionScriptURL(
+        uuid,
+        { scoreAd:
+              `if (bid !== 5)
+                 throw "Unexpected component bid: " + bid
+               return {desirability: 5, allowComponentAuction: true, bid: 5};`,
+          reportResult:
+              `if (browserSignals.bid !== 5)
+                 throw "Unexpected component browserSignals.bid: " + browserSignals.bid;
+               if (browserSignals.modifiedBid !== 5)
+                 throw "Unexpected component browserSignals.modifiedBid: " + browserSignals.modifiedBid;
+               sendReportTo("${componentSellerReportURL}");` });
+  auctionConfig.decisionLogicURL =
+    createDecisionScriptURL(
+        uuid,
+        { scoreAd:
+              `if (bid !== 5)
+                 throw "Unexpected top-level bid: " + bid`,
+          reportResult:
+              `if (browserSignals.bid !== 5)
+                 throw "Unexpected top-level browserSignals.bid: " + browserSignals.bid;
+               if (browserSignals.modifiedBid !== undefined)
+                 throw "Unexpected top-level browserSignals.modifiedBid: " + browserSignals.modifiedBid;
+               sendReportTo("${topLevelSellerReportURL}");` });
+  await runBasicFledgeAuctionAndNavigate(test, uuid, auctionConfig);
+  await waitForObservedRequests(
+      uuid,
+      [bidderReportURL, componentSellerReportURL, topLevelSellerReportURL]);
+}, 'Component auction modified bid to same value.');
+promise_test(async test => {
+  const uuid = generateUuid(test);
+  let bidderReportURL = createBidderReportURL(uuid);
+  let componentSellerReportURL = createSellerReportURL(uuid, /*id=*/1);
+  let topLevelSellerReportURL = createSellerReportURL(uuid, /*id=*/2);
+  await joinInterestGroup(
+      test, uuid,
+      { biddingLogicURL: createBiddingScriptURL(
+        { allowComponentAuction: true,
+          bid: 5,
+          reportWin:
+            `if (browserSignals.bid !== 5)
+               throw "Unexpected bid: " + browserSignals.bid;
+             sendReportTo("${bidderReportURL}");`})});
+  let auctionConfig = createComponentAuctionConfig(uuid);
+  auctionConfig.componentAuctions[0].decisionLogicURL =
+    createDecisionScriptURL(
+        uuid,
+        { scoreAd:
+              `if (bid !== 5)
+                 throw "Unexpected component bid: " + bid`,
+          reportResult:
+              `if (browserSignals.bid !== 5)
+                 throw "Unexpected component browserSignals.bid: " + browserSignals.bid;
+               if (browserSignals.modifiedBid !== undefined)
+                 throw "Unexpected component browserSignals.modifiedBid: " + browserSignals.modifiedBid;
+               sendReportTo("${componentSellerReportURL}");` });
+  auctionConfig.decisionLogicURL =
+    createDecisionScriptURL(
+        uuid,
+        { scoreAd:
+              `if (bid !== 5)
+                 throw "Unexpected top-level bid: " + bid
+               return {desirability: 5, allowComponentAuction: true, bid: 4};`,
+          reportResult:
+              `if (browserSignals.bid !== 5)
+                 throw "Unexpected top-level browserSignals.bid: " + browserSignals.bid;
+               if (browserSignals.modifiedBid !== undefined)
+                 throw "Unexpected top-level browserSignals.modifiedBid: " + browserSignals.modifiedBid;
+               sendReportTo("${topLevelSellerReportURL}");` });
+  await runBasicFledgeAuctionAndNavigate(test, uuid, auctionConfig);
+  await waitForObservedRequests(
+      uuid,
+      [bidderReportURL, componentSellerReportURL, topLevelSellerReportURL]);
+}, 'Top-level auction cannot modify bid.');