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<title>CSS Align Gap Values: longhand and shorthand gap parsing for style attribute</title>
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test_valid_value("gap", "normal");
test_valid_value("gap", "10px");
test_valid_value("gap", "normal normal", "normal");
test_valid_value("gap", "10px 10px", "10px");
test_valid_value("column-gap", "normal");
test_valid_value("column-gap", "10px");
test_valid_value("row-gap", "normal");
test_valid_value("row-gap", "10px");
const div = document.createElement("div");
const style =;
test(function() {
style.cssText = "row-gap: normal; column-gap: normal;";
assert_equals(style.cssText, "gap: normal;");
}, "'row-gap: normal; column-gap: normal;' is serialized to 'gap: normal;'");
test(function() {
style.cssText = "row-gap: normal; column-gap: normal;";
assert_equals(style.getPropertyValue('gap'), "normal");
}, "getPropertyValue for 'row-gap: normal; column-gap: normal;' returns 'normal'");
test(function() {
style.cssText = "row-gap: 10px; column-gap: 10px;";
assert_equals(style.cssText, "gap: 10px;");
}, "'row-gap: 10px; column-gap: 10px;' is serialized to 'gap: 10px;'");
test(function() {
style.cssText = "row-gap: 10px; column-gap: 10px;";
assert_equals(style.getPropertyValue('gap'), "10px");
}, "getPropertyValue for 'row-gap: 10px; column-gap: 10px;' returns '10px'");
test(function() {
style.cssText = "row-gap: 10px; column-gap: normal;";
assert_equals(style.cssText, "gap: 10px normal;");
}, "'row-gap: 10px; column-gap: normal;' is serialized to 'gap: 10px normal;'");
test(function() {
style.cssText = "row-gap: 10px; column-gap: normal;";
assert_equals(style.getPropertyValue('gap'), "10px normal");
}, "getPropertyValue for 'row-gap: 10px; column-gap: normal;' returns '10px normal'");
test(function() {
style.cssText = "column-gap: normal; row-gap: 10px;";
assert_equals(style.cssText, "gap: 10px normal;");
}, "'column-gap: normal; row-gap: 10px;' is serialized to 'gap: 10px normal;'");
test(function() {
style.cssText = "column-gap: normal; row-gap: 10px;";
assert_equals(style.getPropertyValue('gap'), "10px normal");
}, "getPropertyValue for 'column-gap: normal; row-gap: 10px;' returns '10px normal'");