Correct id of img element in aria-labelledby test (#45854)

This test includes an aria-labelledby reference to id "nested_image_label3"
but that id doesn't exist. Instead, "nested_image_label_3" exists. This commit
updates the id, removing the underscore to fit the pattern of the test file.
diff --git a/accname/name/comp_name_from_content.html b/accname/name/comp_name_from_content.html
index 3504658..2f6b3ab 100644
--- a/accname/name/comp_name_from_content.html
+++ b/accname/name/comp_name_from_content.html
@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@
     <span class="note" id="crossref_link">link</span><!-- this text is skipped the first time around because of aria-labelledby on parent element -->
   <!-- but it's picked up again in inverse order b/c of cross-referencial aria-labelledby edge case -->
-  <img id="nested_image_label_3" alt="image" aria-labelledby="crossref_link" src="">
+  <img id="nested_image_label3" alt="image" aria-labelledby="crossref_link" src="">
 <!-- self-referencial edge case-->