blob: de4e4d8903ca2224f3c3662ba073b6c57d9f78ef [file] [log] [blame]
import logging
import os
import platform
import re
import stat
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from ConfigParser import RawConfigParser
from distutils.spawn import find_executable
from utils import call, get, untar, unzip
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
uname = platform.uname()
def path(path, exe):
path = path.replace("/", os.path.sep)
if exe and uname[0] == "Windows":
path += ".exe"
return path
class Browser(object):
__metaclass__ = ABCMeta
def install(self, dest=None):
return NotImplemented
def install_webdriver(self):
return NotImplemented
def version(self):
return NotImplemented
def requirements(self):
"""Name of the browser-specific wptrunner requirements file"""
return NotImplemented
def prepare_environment(self):
"""Do any additional setup of the environment required to start the
browser successfully
class Firefox(Browser):
"""Firefox-specific interface.
Includes installation, webdriver installation, and wptrunner setup methods.
product = "firefox"
binary = "firefox/firefox"
platform_ini = "firefox/platform.ini"
requirements = "requirements_firefox.txt"
def platform_string(self):
platform = {
"Linux": "linux",
"Windows": "win",
"Darwin": "mac"
if platform is None:
raise ValueError("Unable to construct a valid Firefox package name for current platform")
if platform == "linux":
bits = "-%s" % uname[4]
elif platform == "win":
bits = "64" if uname[4] == "x86_64" else "32"
bits = ""
return "%s%s" % (platform, bits)
def platform_string_geckodriver(self):
platform = {
"Linux": "linux",
"Windows": "win",
"Darwin": "macos"
if platform is None:
raise ValueError("Unable to construct a valid Geckodriver package name for current platform")
if platform in ("linux", "win"):
bits = "64" if uname[4] == "x86_64" else "32"
bits = ""
return "%s%s" % (platform, bits)
def latest_nightly_listing(self):
return get("")
def get_from_nightly(self, pattern):
index = self.latest_nightly_listing()
filename = re.compile(pattern).search(index.text).group(1)
return get("" %
def install(self, dest=None):
"""Install Firefox."""
if dest is None:
dest = os.getcwd()
resp = self.get_from_nightly("<a[^>]*>(firefox-\d+\.\d(?:\w\d)?.en-US.%s\.tar\.bz2)" % self.platform_string())
untar(resp.raw, dest=dest)
return find_executable("firefox", os.path.join(dest, "firefox"))
def find_binary(self, path=None):
return find_executable("firefox", path)
def find_certutil(self):
path = find_executable("certutil")
if path is None:
return None
if os.path.splitdrive(path)[1].split(os.path.sep) == ["", "Windows", "system32", "certutil.exe"]:
return None
return path
def find_webdriver(self):
return find_executable("geckodriver")
def install_certutil(self, dest=None):
# TODO: this doesn't really work because it just gets the binary, and is missing the
# libnss3 library. Getting that means either downloading the corresponding Firefox
# and extracting the library (which is hard on mac becase DMG), or maybe downloading from
# nss's treeherder builds?
if dest is None:
dest = os.pwd
# Don't create a path like bin/bin/certutil
split = os.path.split(dest)
if split[1] == "bin":
dest = split[0]
resp = self.get_from_nightly(
"<a[^>]*>(firefox-\d+\.\d(?:\w\d)?.en-US.%s\.common\</a>" % self.platform_string())
bin_path = path("bin/certutil", exe=True)
unzip(resp.raw, dest=dest, limit=[bin_path])
return os.path.join(dest, bin_path)
def install_prefs(self, dest=None):
if dest is None:
dest = os.pwd
dest = os.path.join(dest, "profiles")
if not os.path.exists(dest):
with open(os.path.join(dest, "prefs_general.js"), "wb") as f:
resp = get("")
return dest
def _latest_geckodriver_version(self):
"""Get and return latest version number for geckodriver."""
# This is used rather than an API call to avoid rate limits
tags = call("git", "ls-remote", "--tags", "--refs",
release_re = re.compile(".*refs/tags/v(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)")
latest_release = 0
for item in tags.split("\n"):
m = release_re.match(item)
if m:
version = [int(item) for item in m.groups()]
if version > latest_release:
latest_release = version
assert latest_release != 0
return "v%s.%s.%s" % tuple(str(item) for item in latest_release)
def install_webdriver(self, dest=None):
"""Install latest Geckodriver."""
if dest is None:
dest = os.getcwd()
version = self._latest_geckodriver_version()
format = "zip" if uname[0] == "Windows" else "tar.gz"
logger.debug("Latest geckodriver release %s" % version)
url = ("" %
(version, version, self.platform_string_geckodriver(), format))
if format == "zip":
unzip(get(url).raw, dest=dest)
untar(get(url).raw, dest=dest)
return find_executable(os.path.join(dest, "geckodriver"))
def version(self, root):
"""Retrieve the release version of the installed browser."""
platform_info = RawConfigParser()
with open(os.path.join(root, self.platform_ini), "r") as fp:
return "BuildID %s; SourceStamp %s" % (
platform_info.get("Build", "BuildID"),
platform_info.get("Build", "SourceStamp"))
class Chrome(Browser):
"""Chrome-specific interface.
Includes installation, webdriver installation, and wptrunner setup methods.
product = "chrome"
binary = "/usr/bin/google-chrome"
requirements = "requirements_chrome.txt"
def install(self, dest=None):
raise NotImplementedError
def platform_string(self):
platform = {
"Linux": "linux",
"Windows": "win",
"Darwin": "mac"
if platform is None:
raise ValueError("Unable to construct a valid Chrome package name for current platform")
if platform == "linux":
bits = "64" if uname[4] == "x86_64" else "32"
elif platform == "mac":
bits = "64"
elif platform == "win":
bits = "32"
return "%s%s" % (platform, bits)
def find_webdriver(self):
return find_executable("chromedriver")
def install_webdriver(self, dest=None):
"""Install latest Webdriver."""
if dest is None:
dest = os.pwd
latest = get("").text.strip()
url = "" % (latest,
unzip(get(url).raw, dest)
path = find_executable("chromedriver", dest)
st = os.stat(path)
os.chmod(path, st.st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC)
return path
def version(self, root):
"""Retrieve the release version of the installed browser."""
output = call(self.binary, "--version")
return"[0-9\.]+( [a-z]+)?$", output.strip()).group(0)
def prepare_environment(self):
logger.debug("DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS %s" % os.environ.get("DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS"))
if "DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS" not in os.environ:
if find_executable("dbus-launch"):
logger.debug("Attempting to start dbus")
dbus_conf = subprocess.check_output(["dbus-launch"])
# From dbus-launch(1):
# > When dbus-launch prints bus information to standard output,
# > by default it is in a simple key-value pairs format.
for line in dbus_conf.strip().split("\n"):
key, _, value = line.partition("=")
os.environ[key] = value
logger.critical("dbus not running and can't be started")
class Edge(Browser):
"""Edge-specific interface.
Includes installation, webdriver installation, and wptrunner setup methods.
product = "edge"
requirements = "requirements_edge.txt"
def install(self, dest=None):
raise NotImplementedError
def find_webdriver(self):
return find_executable("MicrosoftWebDriver")
def install_webdriver(self, dest=None):
"""Install latest Webdriver."""
raise NotImplementedError
def version(self):
raise NotImplementedError
class InternetExplorer(Browser):
"""Internet Explorer-specific interface.
Includes installation, webdriver installation, and wptrunner setup methods.
product = "ie"
requirements = "requirements_ie.txt"
def install(self, dest=None):
raise NotImplementedError
def find_webdriver(self):
return find_executable("IEDriverServer.exe")
def install_webdriver(self, dest=None):
"""Install latest Webdriver."""
raise NotImplementedError
def version(self):
raise NotImplementedError
class Servo(Browser):
"""Servo-specific interface.
Includes installation, webdriver installation, and wptrunner setup methods.
product = "servo"
requirements = "requirements_servo.txt"
def install(self, dest=None):
raise NotImplementedError
def find_binary(self, path=None):
return find_executable("servo")
def find_webdriver(self):
return None
def install_webdriver(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def version(self, root):
return None
class Sauce(Browser):
"""Sauce-specific interface.
Includes installation, webdriver installation, and wptrunner setup methods.
product = "sauce"
requirements = "requirements_sauce.txt"
def install(self, dest=None):
raise NotImplementedError
def find_binary(self, path=None):
return None
def find_webdriver(self):
return None
def install_webdriver(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def version(self, root):
return None