Merge pull request #7860 from w3c/MediaStreamTrack-idl

Split MediaStreamTrack IDL tests into a separate file
diff --git a/mediacapture-streams/MediaStreamTrack-idl.https.html b/mediacapture-streams/MediaStreamTrack-idl.https.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5164d99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mediacapture-streams/MediaStreamTrack-idl.https.html
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+<!doctype html>
+<title>MediaStreamTrack IDL tests</title>
+<link rel="help" href="">
+<script src=/resources/testharness.js></script>
+<script src=/resources/testharnessreport.js></script>
+<script src=/resources/WebIDLParser.js></script>
+<script src=/resources/idlharness.js></script>
+function idl_test([dom_idl, stream]) {
+  const idl_array = new IdlArray();
+  idl_array.add_untested_idls(dom_idl);
+  idl_array.add_untested_idls('interface EventHandler {};');
+  idl_array.add_idls("interface MediaStreamTrack : EventTarget {\
+    readonly    attribute DOMString             kind;\
+    readonly    attribute DOMString             id;\
+    readonly    attribute DOMString             label;\
+                attribute boolean               enabled;\
+    readonly    attribute boolean               muted;\
+                attribute EventHandler          onmute;\
+                attribute EventHandler          onunmute;\
+    readonly    attribute MediaStreamTrackState readyState;\
+                attribute EventHandler          onended;\
+                attribute EventHandler          onoverconstrained;\
+    MediaStreamTrack       clone ();\
+    void                   stop ();\
+    MediaTrackCapabilities getCapabilities ();\
+    MediaTrackConstraints  getConstraints ();\
+    MediaTrackSettings     getSettings ();\
+    Promise<void>          applyConstraints (optional MediaTrackConstraints constraints);\
+enum MediaStreamTrackState {\
+    \"live\",\
+    \"ended\"\
+  self.track = stream.getTracks()[0];
+  idl_array.add_objects({MediaStreamTrack: ["track"]});
+  idl_array.test();
+promise_test(() => {
+  return Promise.all([
+    fetch("/interfaces/dom.idl").then(response => response.text()),
+    navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({audio: true}),
+  ]).then(idl_test);
+}, "Test driver")
diff --git a/mediacapture-streams/MediaStreamTrack-init.https.html b/mediacapture-streams/MediaStreamTrack-init.https.html
index a51cb67..e3e5ada 100644
--- a/mediacapture-streams/MediaStreamTrack-init.https.html
+++ b/mediacapture-streams/MediaStreamTrack-init.https.html
@@ -18,53 +18,19 @@
 <div id='log'></div>
 <script src=/resources/testharness.js></script>
 <script src=/resources/testharnessreport.js></script>
-<script src=/resources/WebIDLParser.js></script>
-<script src=/resources/idlharness.js></script>
-var t = async_test("Tests that the video MediaStreamTrack objects are properly initialized", {timeout:10000});
-var track = null
-var idl_array = new IdlArray();
-idl_array.add_idls("interface EventTarget {\
-  void addEventListener(DOMString type, EventListener? callback, optional boolean capture = false);\
-  void removeEventListener(DOMString type, EventListener? callback, optional boolean capture = false);\
-  boolean dispatchEvent(Event event);\
-idl_array.add_idls("interface MediaStreamTrack : EventTarget {\
-    readonly    attribute DOMString             kind;\
-    readonly    attribute DOMString             id;\
-    readonly    attribute DOMString             label;\
-                attribute boolean               enabled;\
-    readonly    attribute boolean               muted;\
-                attribute EventHandler          onmute;\
-                attribute EventHandler          onunmute;\
-    readonly    attribute MediaStreamTrackState readyState;\
-                attribute EventHandler          onended;\
-                attribute EventHandler          onoverconstrained;\
-    MediaStreamTrack       clone ();\
-    void                   stop ();\
-    MediaTrackCapabilities getCapabilities ();\
-    MediaTrackConstraints  getConstraints ();\
-    MediaTrackSettings     getSettings ();\
-    Promise<void>          applyConstraints (optional MediaTrackConstraints constraints);\
-t.step(function () {
-  navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({video: true})
-    .then(t.step_func(function (stream) {
+promise_test(() => {
+  return navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({video: true})
+    .then(stream => {
       var videoTracks = stream.getVideoTracks();
       assert_equals(videoTracks.length, 1, "There is exactly one video track in the media stream");
       track = videoTracks[0];
-      idl_array.add_objects({MediaStreamTrack: ["track"]});
-      idl_array.test();
       assert_equals(track.readyState, "live", "The track object is in live state");
       assert_equals(track.kind, "video", "The track object is of video kind");
       // Not clear that this is required by the spec,
       // see
       assert_true(track.enabled, "The track object is enabed");
-      t.done();
-    }));
+    });