blob: bd8fb379c787457675a41c141c2cddf886450682 [file] [log] [blame]
<meta name="variant" content="?keep-promise">
<title>Test#add_cleanup with Promise-returning functions (rejection handling following "load" event)</title>
<script src="../../variants.js"></script>
<h1>Promise Tests</h1>
<p>This test demonstrates the use of <tt>promise_test</tt>. Assumes ECMAScript 6
Promise support. Some failures are expected.</p>
<div id="log"></div>
<script src="../../../testharness.js"></script>
<script src="../../../testharnessreport.js"></script>
promise_test(function(t) {
t.add_cleanup(function() {
return Promise.reject(new Error("foo"));
return new Promise((resolve) => {
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
setTimeout(resolve, 0)
}, "Test with failing cleanup that completes after DOMContentLoaded event");
promise_test(function(t) {
return Promise.resolve();
}, "Test that should not be run due to invalid harness state ('NOT RUN')");
<script type="text/json" id="expected">
"summarized_status": {
"status_string": "ERROR",
"message": "Test named 'Test with failing cleanup that completes after DOMContentLoaded event' specified 1 'cleanup' function, and 1 failed."
"summarized_tests": [
"status_string": "NOTRUN",
"name": "Test that should not be run due to invalid harness state ('NOT RUN')",
"message": null,
"properties": {}
"status_string": "PASS",
"name": "Test with failing cleanup that completes after DOMContentLoaded event",
"message": null,
"properties": {}
"type": "complete"