blob: 5b5b260aae63cceeb5c6ae7fcf8c581258b0924e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "common_video/libyuv/include/libyuv.h"
#include <assert.h>
// LibYuv includes
#include "libyuv/files/include/libyuv.h"
#include "third_party/libyuv/include/libyuv.h"
namespace webrtc {
VideoType RawVideoTypeToCommonVideoVideoType(RawVideoType type) {
switch (type) {
case kVideoI420:
return kI420;
case kVideoIYUV:
return kIYUV;
case kVideoRGB24:
return kRGB24;
case kVideoARGB:
return kARGB;
case kVideoARGB4444:
return kARGB4444;
case kVideoRGB565:
return kRGB565;
case kVideoARGB1555:
return kARGB1555;
case kVideoYUY2:
return kYUY2;
case kVideoYV12:
return kYV12;
case kVideoUYVY:
return kUYVY;
case kVideoNV21:
return kNV21;
case kVideoNV12:
return kNV12;
case kVideoBGRA:
return kBGRA;
return kUnknown;
int CalcBufferSize(VideoType type, int width, int height) {
int bits_per_pixel = 32;
switch (type) {
case kI420:
case kNV12:
case kNV21:
case kIYUV:
case kYV12:
bits_per_pixel = 12;
case kARGB4444:
case kRGB565:
case kARGB1555:
case kYUY2:
case kUYVY:
bits_per_pixel = 16;
case kRGB24:
bits_per_pixel = 24;
case kBGRA:
case kARGB:
bits_per_pixel = 32;
return -1;
return (width * height * bits_per_pixel) / 8; // bytes
int CalcBufferSize(VideoType src_video_type,
VideoType dst_video_type,
int length) {
int src_bits_per_pixel = 32;
switch (src_video_type) {
case kI420:
case kNV12:
case kNV21:
case kIYUV:
case kYV12:
src_bits_per_pixel = 12;
case kARGB4444:
case kRGB565:
case kARGB1555:
case kYUY2:
case kUYVY:
src_bits_per_pixel = 16;
case kRGB24:
src_bits_per_pixel = 24;
case kBGRA:
case kARGB:
src_bits_per_pixel = 32;
return -1;
int dst_bits_per_pixel = 32;
switch (dst_video_type) {
case kI420:
case kIYUV:
case kYV12:
dst_bits_per_pixel = 12;
case kARGB4444:
case kRGB565:
case kARGB1555:
case kYUY2:
case kUYVY:
dst_bits_per_pixel = 16;
case kRGB24:
dst_bits_per_pixel = 24;
case kBGRA:
case kARGB:
dst_bits_per_pixel = 32;
return -1;
return (length * dst_bits_per_pixel) / src_bits_per_pixel;
int ConvertI420ToARGB4444(const uint8_t* src_frame,
uint8_t* dst_frame,
int width, int height,
int dst_stride) {
if (dst_stride == 0 || dst_stride == width)
dst_stride = 2 * width;
const uint8_t* yplane = src_frame;
const uint8_t* uplane = src_frame + width * height;
const uint8_t* vplane = uplane + (width * height / 4);
return libyuv::I420ToARGB4444(yplane, width,
uplane, width / 2,
vplane, width / 2,
dst_frame, dst_stride,
width, height);
int ConvertI420ToRGB565(const uint8_t* src_frame,
uint8_t* dst_frame,
int width, int height) {
int abs_height = (height < 0) ? -height : height;
const uint8_t* yplane = src_frame;
const uint8_t* uplane = src_frame + width * abs_height;
const uint8_t* vplane = uplane + (width * abs_height / 4);
return libyuv::I420ToRGB565(yplane, width,
uplane, width / 2,
vplane, width / 2,
dst_frame, width,
width, height);
int ConvertI420ToARGB1555(const uint8_t* src_frame,
uint8_t* dst_frame,
int width, int height,
int dst_stride) {
if (dst_stride == 0 || dst_stride == width)
dst_stride = 2 * width;
else if (dst_stride < 2 * width)
return -1;
const uint8_t* yplane = src_frame;
const uint8_t* uplane = src_frame + width * height;
const uint8_t* vplane = uplane + (width * height / 4);
return libyuv::I420ToARGB1555(yplane, width,
uplane, width / 2,
vplane, width / 2,
dst_frame, dst_stride,
width, height);
int ConvertNV12ToRGB565(const uint8_t* src_frame,
uint8_t* dst_frame,
int width, int height) {
const uint8_t* yplane = src_frame;
const uint8_t* uvInterlaced = src_frame + (width * height);
return libyuv::NV12ToRGB565(yplane, width,
uvInterlaced, width / 2,
dst_frame, width,
width, height);
int ConvertRGB24ToARGB(const uint8_t* src_frame, uint8_t* dst_frame,
int width, int height, int dst_stride) {
if (dst_stride == 0 || dst_stride == width)
dst_stride = width;
// Stride - currently webrtc style
return libyuv::RGB24ToARGB(src_frame, width,
dst_frame, dst_stride,
width, height);
libyuv::RotationMode ConvertRotationMode(VideoRotationMode rotation) {
switch(rotation) {
case kRotateNone:
return libyuv::kRotate0;
case kRotate90:
return libyuv::kRotate90;
case kRotate180:
return libyuv::kRotate180;
case kRotate270:
return libyuv::kRotate270;
return libyuv::kRotate0;
int ConvertVideoType(VideoType video_type) {
switch(video_type) {
case kUnknown:
return libyuv::FOURCC_ANY;
case kI420:
return libyuv::FOURCC_I420;
case kIYUV: // same as KYV12
case kYV12:
return libyuv::FOURCC_YV12;
case kRGB24:
return libyuv::FOURCC_24BG;
case kABGR:
return libyuv::FOURCC_ABGR;
case kARGB4444:
case kRGB565:
case kARGB1555:
// TODO(mikhal): Not supported;
return libyuv::FOURCC_ANY;
case kYUY2:
return libyuv::FOURCC_YUY2;
case kUYVY:
return libyuv::FOURCC_UYVY;
case kMJPG:
return libyuv::FOURCC_MJPG;
case kNV21:
return libyuv::FOURCC_NV21;
case kNV12:
return libyuv::FOURCC_NV12;
case kARGB:
return libyuv::FOURCC_ARGB;
case kBGRA:
return libyuv::FOURCC_BGRA;
return libyuv::FOURCC_ANY;
int ConvertToI420(VideoType src_video_type,
const uint8_t* src_frame,
int crop_x, int crop_y,
int src_width, int src_height,
int sample_size,
int dst_width, int dst_height, int dst_stride,
VideoRotationMode rotation,
uint8_t* dst_frame) {
// All sanity tests are conducted within LibYuv.
uint8_t* dst_yplane = dst_frame;
uint8_t* dst_uplane = dst_yplane + dst_width * dst_height;
uint8_t* dst_vplane = dst_uplane + (dst_width * dst_height / 4);
return libyuv::ConvertToI420(src_frame, sample_size,
dst_yplane, dst_stride,
dst_uplane, (dst_stride + 1) / 2,
dst_vplane, (dst_stride + 1) / 2,
crop_x, crop_y,
src_width, src_height,
dst_width, dst_height,
int ConvertFromI420(const uint8_t* src_frame, int src_stride,
VideoType dst_video_type, int dst_sample_size,
int width, int height,
uint8_t* dst_frame) {
const uint8_t* src_yplane = src_frame;
const uint8_t* src_uplane = src_yplane + width * height;
const uint8_t* src_vplane = src_uplane + (width * height / 4);
return libyuv::ConvertFromI420(src_yplane, src_stride,
src_uplane, (src_stride + 1) / 2,
src_vplane, (src_stride + 1) / 2,
dst_frame, dst_sample_size,
width, height,
int ConvertFromYV12(const uint8_t* src_frame, int src_stride,
VideoType dst_video_type, int dst_sample_size,
int width, int height,
uint8_t* dst_frame) {
const uint8_t* src_yplane = src_frame;
const uint8_t* src_uplane = src_yplane + width * height;
const uint8_t* src_vplane = src_uplane + (width * height / 4);
// YV12 = Y, V, U
return libyuv::ConvertFromI420(src_yplane, src_stride,
src_vplane, (src_stride + 1) / 2,
src_uplane, (src_stride + 1) / 2,
dst_frame, dst_sample_size,
width, height,
int MirrorI420LeftRight(const uint8_t* src_frame,
uint8_t* dst_frame,
int width, int height) {
const uint8_t* src_yplane = src_frame;
const uint8_t* src_uplane = src_yplane + width * height;
const uint8_t* src_vplane = src_uplane + (width * height / 4);
uint8_t* dst_yplane = dst_frame;
uint8_t* dst_uplane = dst_yplane + width * height;
uint8_t* dst_vplane = dst_uplane + (width * height / 4);
return libyuv::I420Mirror(src_yplane, width,
src_uplane, width / 2,
src_vplane, width / 2,
dst_yplane, width,
dst_uplane, width / 2,
dst_vplane, width / 2,
width, height);
int MirrorI420UpDown(const uint8_t* src_frame, uint8_t* dst_frame,
int width, int height) {
const uint8_t* src_yplane = src_frame;
const uint8_t* src_uplane = src_frame + width * height;
const uint8_t* src_vplane = src_uplane + (width * height / 4);
uint8_t* dst_yplane = dst_frame;
uint8_t* dst_uplane = dst_frame + width * height;
uint8_t* dst_vplane = dst_uplane + (width * height / 4);
// Inserting negative height flips the frame.
return libyuv::I420Copy(src_yplane, width,
src_uplane, width / 2,
src_vplane, width / 2,
dst_yplane, width,
dst_uplane, width / 2,
dst_vplane, width / 2,
width, -height);
int ConvertToI420AndMirrorUpDown(const uint8_t* src_frame,
uint8_t* dst_frame,
int src_width, int src_height,
VideoType src_video_type) {
if (src_video_type != kI420 && src_video_type != kYV12)
return -1;
// TODO(mikhal): Use a more general convert function - with negative height
// Inserting negative height flips the frame.
// Using I420Copy with a negative height.
const uint8_t* src_yplane = src_frame;
const uint8_t* src_uplane = src_frame + src_width * src_height;
const uint8_t* src_vplane = src_uplane + (src_width * src_height / 4);
uint8_t* dst_yplane = dst_frame;
uint8_t* dst_uplane = dst_frame + src_width * src_height;
uint8_t* dst_vplane = dst_uplane + (src_width * src_height / 4);
if (src_video_type == kYV12) {
// Switch U and V
dst_vplane = dst_frame + src_width * src_height;
dst_uplane = dst_vplane + (src_width * src_height / 4);
// Inserting negative height flips the frame.
return libyuv::I420Copy(src_yplane, src_width,
src_uplane, src_width / 2,
src_vplane, src_width / 2,
dst_yplane, src_width,
dst_uplane, src_width / 2,
dst_vplane, src_width / 2,
src_width, -src_height);
// Compute PSNR for an I420 frame (all planes)
double I420PSNR(const uint8_t* ref_frame,
const uint8_t* test_frame,
int width, int height) {
if (!ref_frame || !test_frame)
return -1;
else if (height < 0 || width < 0)
return -1;
const uint8_t* src_y_a = ref_frame;
const uint8_t* src_u_a = src_y_a + width * height;
const uint8_t* src_v_a = src_u_a + (width * height / 4);
const uint8_t* src_y_b = test_frame;
const uint8_t* src_u_b = src_y_b + width * height;
const uint8_t* src_v_b = src_u_b + (width * height / 4);
int stride_y = width;
int stride_uv = (width + 1) / 2;
double psnr = libyuv::I420Psnr(src_y_a, stride_y,
src_u_a, stride_uv,
src_v_a, stride_uv,
src_y_b, stride_y,
src_u_b, stride_uv,
src_v_b, stride_uv,
width, height);
// LibYuv sets the max psnr value to 128, we restrict it to 48.
// In case of 0 mse in one frame, 128 can skew the results significantly.
return (psnr > 48.0) ? 48.0 : psnr;
// Compute SSIM for an I420 frame (all planes)
double I420SSIM(const uint8_t* ref_frame,
const uint8_t* test_frame,
int width, int height) {
if (!ref_frame || !test_frame)
return -1;
else if (height < 0 || width < 0)
return -1;
const uint8_t* src_y_a = ref_frame;
const uint8_t* src_u_a = src_y_a + width * height;
const uint8_t* src_v_a = src_u_a + (width * height / 4);
const uint8_t* src_y_b = test_frame;
const uint8_t* src_u_b = src_y_b + width * height;
const uint8_t* src_v_b = src_u_b + (width * height / 4);
int stride_y = width;
int stride_uv = (width + 1) / 2;
return libyuv::I420Ssim(src_y_a, stride_y,
src_u_a, stride_uv,
src_v_a, stride_uv,
src_y_b, stride_y,
src_u_b, stride_uv,
src_v_b, stride_uv,
width, height);
} // namespace webrtc