blob: 282b2d3190ea4236733def6c0d0737e4c4df7f35 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/threading/thread.h"
#include "webkit/fileapi/file_system_url.h"
namespace fileapi {
// Represents local file sync status.
// This class is thread-safe and fields of this class are protected by a lock.
// Owned by FileSystemContext.
// This class manages two important synchronization flags: writing (counter)
// and syncing (flag). Writing counter keeps track of which URL is in
// writing and syncing flag indicates which URL is in syncing.
// An invariant of this class is: no FileSystem objects should be both
// in syncing_ and writing_ status, i.e. trying to increment writing
// while the target url is in syncing must fail and vice versa.
class FILEAPI_EXPORT LocalFileSyncStatus {
// Tries to increment writing counter for |url|.
// This fails if the target |url| is in syncing.
bool TryIncrementWriting(const FileSystemURL& url);
// Decrement writing counter for |url|.
void DecrementWriting(const FileSystemURL& url);
// Tries to mark syncing flag for |url| to enable writing.
// This fails if the target |url| is in writing.
bool TryDisableWriting(const FileSystemURL& url);
// Clears the syncing flag for |url| to disable writing.
void EnableWriting(const FileSystemURL& url);
// Returns true if the |url| or its parent or child is in writing.
bool IsWriting(const FileSystemURL& url) const;
// Returns true if the |url| is enabled for writing (i.e. not in syncing).
bool IsWritable(const FileSystemURL& url) const;
typedef std::map<FileSystemURL, int64, FileSystemURL::Comparator> URLCountMap;
typedef std::set<FileSystemURL, FileSystemURL::Comparator> URLSet;
// These private methods must be called with the lock_ held.
bool IsChildOrParentWriting(const FileSystemURL& url) const;
bool IsChildOrParentSyncing(const FileSystemURL& url) const;
mutable base::Lock lock_;
// If this count is non-zero positive there're ongoing write operations.
URLCountMap writing_;
// If this flag is set sync process is running on the file.
URLSet syncing_;
} // namespace fileapi