blob: 2779d8ad4af3f17e6f0097812ac14d4a8f6a1001 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "content/common/gpu/gpu_command_buffer_stub.h"
#include "content/common/gpu/image_transport_surface.h"
#include "gpu/command_buffer/service/texture_manager.h"
#include "ui/gl/gl_surface.h"
class GpuChannelManager;
class TextureImageTransportSurface :
public ImageTransportSurface,
public GpuCommandBufferStub::DestructionObserver,
public gfx::GLSurface,
public base::SupportsWeakPtr<TextureImageTransportSurface> {
TextureImageTransportSurface(GpuChannelManager* manager,
GpuCommandBufferStub* stub,
const gfx::GLSurfaceHandle& handle);
// gfx::GLSurface implementation.
virtual bool Initialize() OVERRIDE;
virtual void Destroy() OVERRIDE;
virtual bool Resize(const gfx::Size& size) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool IsOffscreen() OVERRIDE;
virtual bool SwapBuffers() OVERRIDE;
virtual gfx::Size GetSize() OVERRIDE;
virtual void* GetHandle() OVERRIDE;
virtual unsigned GetFormat() OVERRIDE;
virtual std::string GetExtensions() OVERRIDE;
virtual unsigned int GetBackingFrameBufferObject() OVERRIDE;
virtual bool PostSubBuffer(int x, int y, int width, int height) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool OnMakeCurrent(gfx::GLContext* context) OVERRIDE;
virtual void SetBackbufferAllocation(bool allocated) OVERRIDE;
virtual void SetFrontbufferAllocation(bool allocated) OVERRIDE;
virtual void* GetShareHandle() OVERRIDE;
virtual void* GetDisplay() OVERRIDE;
virtual void* GetConfig() OVERRIDE;
// ImageTransportSurface implementation.
virtual void OnBufferPresented(
uint32 sync_point) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnResizeViewACK() OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnSetFrontSurfaceIsProtected(
bool is_protected,
uint32 protection_state_id) OVERRIDE;
virtual void OnResize(gfx::Size size) OVERRIDE;
// GpuCommandBufferStub::DestructionObserver implementation.
virtual void OnWillDestroyStub(GpuCommandBufferStub* stub) OVERRIDE;
// A texture backing the front/back buffer in the parent stub.
struct Texture {
// The client-side id in the parent stub.
uint32 client_id;
// The currently allocated size.
gfx::Size size;
// Whether or not that texture has been sent to the client yet.
bool sent_to_client;
// The texture info in the parent stub.
gpu::gles2::TextureManager::TextureInfo::Ref info;
virtual ~TextureImageTransportSurface();
void CreateBackTexture(const gfx::Size& size);
void AttachBackTextureToFBO();
void ReleaseTexture(int id);
void ReleaseParentStub();
void AdjustFrontBufferAllocation();
void BufferPresentedImpl();
int front() const { return front_; }
int back() const { return 1 - front_; }
// The framebuffer that represents this surface (service id). Allocated lazily
// in OnMakeCurrent.
uint32 fbo_id_;
// The front and back buffers.
Texture textures_[2];
gfx::Rect previous_damage_rect_;
// Indicates which of the 2 above is the front buffer.
int front_;
// Whether or not the command buffer stub has been destroyed.
bool stub_destroyed_;
bool backbuffer_suggested_allocation_;
bool frontbuffer_suggested_allocation_;
bool frontbuffer_is_protected_;
uint32 protection_state_id_;
scoped_ptr<ImageTransportHelper> helper_;
gfx::GLSurfaceHandle handle_;
GpuCommandBufferStub* parent_stub_;
// The offscreen surface used to make the context current. However note that
// the actual rendering is always redirected to an FBO.
scoped_refptr<GLSurface> surface_;