Support SCHEDULED CheckRun status

Bug: 1228935
Change-Id: I6e82f44962bae61e4d497998d31f383cb6bf6a37
2 files changed
tree: 1e4bbeea8ea68534083e52778324c0924c3117fc
  1. src/
  2. web/
  3. .gitignore
  4. BUILD
  5. codereview.settings

Chromium Binary Size Plugin for Gerrit

How it works

The plugin queries the android-binary-size trybot for the current patchset on Gerrit, and gets the binary_size_plugin property. This property contains the metadata about the binary size metrics affected by the patchset in question. It then shows an inline table with the metric deltas + links to SuperSize output.


This plugin is configured via the chromium-binary-size.config file present in the repo‘s refs/meta/config ref, as well as the same file in all repositories in the repo’s inheritance chain (up to and including All-Projects).

An example chromium-binary-size.config is below (this enables the plugin on the chromium/src repo using the android-binary-size trybot:

  gerrit = ""

[repo "chromium/src"]
  builder = "android-binary-size"
  bucket = "try"
  project = "chromium"

All changes to chromium-binary-size.config files are instantly reflected. There is no caching period or need to restart the server.



This plugin must be placed inside the Gerrit plugins directory:

git clone --recurse-submodules
cd gerrit/plugins
git clone

Web Plugin Development

For running Java unit tests execute:

bazel test --test_output=all //plugins/chromium-binary-size:chromium-binary-size_tests

For running TypeScript unit tests execute:

bazel test --test_output=all //plugins/chromium-binary-size/web:karma_test

For checking or fixing eslint formatter problems run:

bazel test //plugins/chromium-binary-size/web:lint_test
bazel run //plugins/chromium-binary-size/web:lint_bin -- --fix "$(pwd)/plugins/chromium-binary-size/web"

For testing the plugin with Gerrit FE Dev Helper build the JavaScript bundle and copy it to the plugins/chromium-binary-size folder:

bazel build //plugins/chromium-binary-size/web:chromium-binary-size
cp -f bazel-bin/plugins/chromium-binary-size/web/chromium-binary-size.js plugins/chromium-binary-size

and let the Dev Helper redirect from .+/plugins/chromium-binary-size/static/chromium-binary-size.js to http://localhost:8081/plugins_/plugins/chromium-binary-size.js.