blob: 5fb695f8e66aa373da36c06fd50ab8133897864a [file] [log] [blame]
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<test-fixture id="tricium-client-fixture">
async function assertRejects(promise, expectedReason = null) {
try {
await promise();'exception', 'no exception');
} catch (actualReason) {
if (expectedReason) {
assert.deepEqual(actualReason, expectedReason);
suite('<tricium-client> oauth-related behavior', () => {
let element;
let sandbox;
setup(() => {
element = fixture('tricium-client-fixture');
sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create();
sandbox.stub(window, 'gapi', {
auth: {
init: () => { throw Error('should be stubbed'); },
authorize: () => { throw Error('should be stubbed'); },
teardown(() => {
function nowSeconds() {
return ~~( / 1000);
test('_oauthTokenIsValid with valid token', () => {
access_token: 'foo',
expires_at: (nowSeconds() + 3600) + '',
test('_oauthTokenIsValid with no access_token field', () => {
expires_at: (nowSeconds() + 3600) + '',
test('_oauthTokenIsValid with expired token', () => {
access_token: 'foo',
expires_at: (nowSeconds() - 5) + '',
test('_oauthTokenIsValid with invalid values', () => {
assert.isFalse(element._oauthTokenIsValid({access_token: 'foo'}));
test('_refreshToken resolves when authorize gives token', async () => {
const token = {
access_token: 'test_access_token',
expires_at: (nowSeconds() + 3600) + '',
element._sharedAuthState = {
config: {
client_id: 'test_client_id',
email: '',
sandbox.stub(window.gapi.auth, 'authorize', (opts, callback) => {
const value = await element._refreshToken(100);
assert.deepEqual(value, token);
test('_refreshToken rejects when authorize gives error', async () => {
const token = {error: 'could not authorize'};
sandbox.stub(window.gapi.auth, 'authorize', (opts, callback) => {
assertRejects(async () => await element._refreshToken(100));
test('_refreshToken rejects when authorize times out', async () => {
// In this test, we make it so that authorize never resolves,
// and the timeout is made smaller so that the test completes faster.
sandbox.stub(window.gapi.auth, 'authorize', () => new Promise(() => {}));
assertRejects(async () => await element._refreshToken(0));
suite('<tricium-client> rpc request behavior', () => {
let element;
const change = {
id: 'myProject~master~I3ea943139cb62e86071996f2480e58bf3eeb9dd2',
project: 'myProject',
branch: 'master',
subject: 'Implement Feature X',
const revision = {
kind: 'REWORK',
ref: 'refs/changes/99/4799/2',
subject: 'My Patchset',
const comment = {
id: '8a0b9120_a01440e3',
robot_id: 'Hello',
robot_run_id: 123412341234,
properties: {
tricium_comment_uuid: 'f37e05e3-ce3b-475b-a4cd-2cc60814bc69',
function newSuccessResponse(data) {
return new window.Response(')]}\'' + JSON.stringify(data), {
status: 200,
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'X-Prpc-Grpc-Code': '0',
setup(() => {
element = fixture('tricium-client-fixture');
element.triciumHost = '';
sinon.stub(window, 'fetch');
teardown(() => {
test('getProgress with a success response', async () => {
const responseData = {
runId: '56511',
state: 'SUCCESS',
functionProgress: [
name: 'GitFileIsolator',
state: 'SUCCESS',
swarmingUrl: '',
swarmingTaskId: '390a',
name: 'Spacey',
state: 'SUCCESS',
swarmingUrl: '',
swarmingTaskId: '390b',
numComments: 2,
const response = newSuccessResponse(responseData);
const data = await element.getProgress(change, revision);
assert.deepEqual(data, responseData);
test('getProgress with invalid argument response', async () => {
const response = new window.Response('Invalid Argument', {
status: 400,
headers: {'X-Prpc-Grpc-Code': '3'},
async () => element.getProgress(change, revision),
'X-Prpc-Grpc-Code: 3\nHTTP status: 400\nBody: Invalid Argument');
test('getProgress with not found response', async () => {
// If no progress was found, we don't necessarily want
// to treat this as an error case because it may just
// not be finished yet.
const response = new window.Response('Not found', {
status: 404,
headers: {'X-Prpc-Grpc-Code': '5'},
const data = await element.getProgress(change, revision);
test('getProgress with invalid response', async () => {
const response = new window.Response('No pRPC code', {
status: 200,
async () => await element.getProgress(change, revision),
'X-Prpc-Grpc-Code: NaN\nHTTP status: 200\nBody: No pRPC code');
test('reportNotUseful with valid comment', async () => {
const responseData = {responseField: 123};
const response = newSuccessResponse(responseData);
const data = await element.reportNotUseful(comment);
assert.deepEqual(data, responseData);
test('reportNotUseful with invalid empty comment', async () => {
const response = newSuccessResponse({responseField: 123});
async () => await element.reportNotUseful({properties: {}}),
'No tricium_comment_uuid field in {}');
test('_message describes response contents', async () => {
const successResponse = newSuccessResponse({responseField: 123});
const message = await element._message(successResponse);
'X-Prpc-Grpc-Code: 0\nHTTP status: 200\n' +
'Body: )]}\'{"responseField":123}');
test('_parseRpcJson parses pRPC JSON', async () => {
const response = newSuccessResponse({mydata: 42});
const data = await element._parseRpcJson(response);
assert.deepEqual(data, {mydata: 42});
test('_parseRpcJson raises with invalid JSON', async () => {
const response = new window.Response('not valid JSON', {
status: 500,
headers: {'X-Prpc-Grpc-Code': '1'},
assertRejects(async () => await element._parseRpcJson(response));
test('_rpcCode with an error code present', () => {
const response = new window.Response('Invalid Argument', {
status: 400,
headers: {'X-Prpc-Grpc-Code': '3'},
assert.equal(element._rpcCode(response), 3);
test('_rpcCode with missing header', () => {
const response = new window.Response('Not pRPC', {
status: 200,