blob: 8b6de0da00538ab604aaa81621a802380c22de6c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2011 The Goma Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "path_resolver.h"
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cctype>
#include <functional>
#include <locale>
#include "absl/container/inlined_vector.h"
#include "absl/strings/ascii.h"
#include "absl/strings/match.h"
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include "glog/logging.h"
#include "path_util.h"
using std::string;
namespace {
void trim(string* s) {
std::find_if(s->begin(), s->end(),
std::not1(std::ptr_fun<int, int>(std::isspace))));
s->erase(std::find_if(s->rbegin(), s->rend(),
std::not1(std::ptr_fun<int, int>(std::isspace))).base(),
// Get the separator position where the UNC/drive letters end and the path
// part begins.
string::size_type GetDrivePrefixPosition(absl::string_view path) {
if (path.size() < 2) return 0;
absl::string_view preserve = path.substr(0, 2);
bool is_unc = (preserve == "\\\\");
if (!is_unc && preserve[1] != ':')
return 0;
if (!is_unc)
return 2;
string::size_type pos = absl::ClippedSubstr(path, 2).find('\\');
return (pos == string::npos) ? path.size() : pos + 2;
// Separate UNC/drive letter from path so that path operations can be done
// correctly. The UNC/drive letter will be kept in |preserve|, and the
// path relative to topmost level (i.e. UNC host/drive letter) is in
// |resolved_path|.
void SeparatePath(string* preserve, string* resolved_path) {
*preserve = resolved_path->substr(0, 2);
bool is_unc = (strcmp(preserve->c_str(), "\\\\") == 0);
if (!is_unc && (*preserve)[1] != ':') {
} else {
*resolved_path = resolved_path->substr(2);
if (is_unc) { // we need to preserve \\host
string::size_type pos = resolved_path->find('\\');
if (pos == string::npos) {
*preserve += *resolved_path;
} else {
*preserve += resolved_path->substr(0, pos);
*resolved_path = resolved_path->substr(pos);
} // namespace
namespace devtools_goma {
#ifndef _WIN32
const char PathResolver::kPathSep = '/';
const char PathResolver::kPathSep = '\\';
PathResolver::PathResolver() {
PathResolver::~PathResolver() {
string PathResolver::PlatformConvert(const string& path) {
string OUTPUT;
PlatformConvertToString(path, &OUTPUT);
return OUTPUT;
void PathResolver::PlatformConvertToString(const string& path,
string* OUTPUT) {
#ifdef _WIN32
string PathResolver::PlatformConvert(
const string& path, PathResolver::PathSeparatorType sep_type,
PathResolver::PathCaseType case_type) {
string OUTPUT;
PlatformConvertToString(path, sep_type, case_type, &OUTPUT);
return OUTPUT;
void PathResolver::PlatformConvertToString(
const string& path, PathResolver::PathSeparatorType sep_type,
PathResolver::PathCaseType case_type, string* OUTPUT) {
// TODO: use Chrome base FilePath object, which has everything
// we need and is much better than the hack below.
*OUTPUT = path;
if (sep_type == PathResolver::kWin32PathSep) {
std::replace(OUTPUT->begin(), OUTPUT->end(), '/', '\\');
if (OUTPUT->size() > 2) {
string::size_type pos = 2;
while (pos < OUTPUT->size() && pos != string::npos) {
pos = OUTPUT->find("\\\\", pos);
if (pos != string::npos) {
OUTPUT->replace(pos, strlen("\\\\"), string("\\"));
pos += strlen("\\");
} else {
#ifdef _WIN32
LOG(FATAL) << "Unsupported";
std::replace(OUTPUT->begin(), OUTPUT->end(), '\\', '/');
if (case_type == PathResolver::kLowerCase)
string PathResolver::ResolvePath(absl::string_view path) {
#ifndef _WIN32
return PathResolver::ResolvePath(path, kPosixPathSep);
return PathResolver::ResolvePath(path, kWin32PathSep);
// TODO: This does similar path conversion to PlatformConvert inline.
// Probably we should also (or rather) improve the method too.
/* static */
string PathResolver::ResolvePath(absl::string_view path,
PathSeparatorType sep_type) {
// Note: Windows PathCanonicalize() API has different behavior than
// what's expected, so we'll do a lot of due dilligence here.
absl::string_view buf(path);
absl::InlinedVector<char, 1024> ibuf;
if (sep_type == kWin32PathSep && path.find('/') != string::npos) {
// Normalize path separator.
ibuf.assign(path.begin(), path.end());
std::replace(ibuf.begin(), ibuf.end(), '/', '\\');
buf = absl::string_view(ibuf.begin(), ibuf.size());
string resolved_path;
char sep_char = '/';
if (sep_type == kPosixPathSep) {
} else if (sep_type == kWin32PathSep) {
sep_char = '\\';
// Split UNC paths and drive letter.
string::size_type drive_position = GetDrivePrefixPosition(buf);
resolved_path.append(buf.begin(), drive_position);
if (drive_position == buf.size()) {
return resolved_path;
buf = absl::ClippedSubstr(buf, drive_position);
} else {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unknown sep_type=" << sep_type;
return string(path);
size_t found = 0;
bool is_absolute = buf[0] == sep_char;
absl::InlinedVector<absl::string_view, 32> components;
do {
found = buf.find(sep_char);
absl::string_view component = buf.substr(0, found);
buf.remove_prefix(found + 1);
if (component.empty() || component == ".") {
if (component == ".." && (!components.empty() || is_absolute)) {
if (!components.empty() && components.back() == "..") {
} else if (!components.empty()) {
} while (found != string::npos);
if (is_absolute) {
if (components.empty()) {
return resolved_path;
resolved_path.append(components[0].begin(), components[0].size());
for (size_t i = 1; i < components.size(); ++i) {
resolved_path.append(components[i].begin(), components[i].size());
return resolved_path;
/* static */
string PathResolver::WeakRelativePath(
const string& raw_path, const string& raw_cwd) {
// Note: Windows PathRelativePathTo() API has a way different behavior than
// what's expected, so we'll do a lot of due dilligence here.
PathSeparatorType sep_type;
if (IsPosixAbsolutePath(raw_cwd)) {
sep_type = kPosixPathSep;
} else if (IsWindowsAbsolutePath(raw_cwd)) {
sep_type = kWin32PathSep;
} else {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unknown path type given to raw_cwd=" << raw_cwd;
return raw_path;
string path = raw_path;
string cwd = raw_cwd;
if (sep_type == kWin32PathSep) {
if (sep_type == kPosixPathSep && !IsPosixAbsolutePath(path)) {
return path;
string preserve_path;
if (sep_type == kWin32PathSep) {
if (!IsWindowsAbsolutePath(path)) {
return path;
SeparatePath(&preserve_path, &path);
string preserve_cwd;
SeparatePath(&preserve_cwd, &cwd);
if (preserve_path != preserve_cwd) {
return preserve_path + path;
string resolved_cwd = ResolvePath(cwd, sep_type);
absl::string_view real_cwd = resolved_cwd;
CHECK_EQ(real_cwd[0], sep_type)
<< "expect real_cwd[0] == sep_type"
<< " real_cwd=" << real_cwd
<< " sep_type=" << sep_type;
// Don't resolve path for some case:
// cwd = "/tmp"
// path = "/tmp/foo/../bar"
// /tmp/foo -> /var/tmp/foo
// if path is resolved, we'll get "bar" in /tmp.
// but it should be /var/tmp/bar.
// it might failed some cases, but we'll take safer option here.
absl::string_view target = path;
CHECK_EQ(target[0], sep_type);
if (target == real_cwd)
return ".";
if (HasPrefixDirWithSep(target, real_cwd, sep_type)) {
target.remove_prefix(real_cwd.size() + 1);
return string(target);
size_t found;
size_t last_slash = 0;
while ((found = real_cwd.find(sep_type, last_slash + 1)) != string::npos) {
if (real_cwd.substr(0, found) == target.substr(0, found)) {
last_slash = found;
// mismatch path component.
if (last_slash == 0) {
// If it shares only /, use absolute path instead of relative.
// e.g. $HOME/src vs /tmp
if (sep_type == kWin32PathSep && target == path) {
path = preserve_path + path;
return path;
return string(target);
target = absl::ClippedSubstr(target, last_slash + 1);
int depth = 1;
found = last_slash;
while ((found = real_cwd.find(sep_type, found + 1)) != string::npos) {
string relative_path;
relative_path.reserve(depth * 3 + target.size());
for (int i = 0; i < depth; ++i) {
relative_path += "..";
relative_path += sep_type;
relative_path += string(target);
if (sep_type == kWin32PathSep && relative_path == path) {
relative_path = preserve_path + relative_path;
return relative_path;
bool PathResolver::IsSystemPath(const string& raw_path) const {
#ifndef _WIN32
const string& path = raw_path;
string path = PlatformConvert(raw_path);
for (const auto& iter : system_paths_) {
if (absl::StartsWith(path, iter))
return true;
return false;
void PathResolver::RegisterSystemPath(const string& raw_path) {
#ifndef _WIN32
const string& path = raw_path;
string path = PlatformConvert(raw_path);
} // namespace devtools_goma