blob: 39e37e03749d2875d8ec02a7bd2b52b58c1451f0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Goma Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto2";
package devtools_goma;
// GomaDeps contains all information for DepsCache.
// We will make the following map from this information.
// <identifier> -> <input file>s
// <input file> -> <file stat>, <directive hash>
// - <identifier> is hash created from command line.
// - <input file> is a file that will be sent to goma server
// in the <identifier> command line.
// - <file stat> is a FileStat of <input file>
// - <directive hash> is a hash value of <input file>'s directive lines.
// This information is saved to deps cache file.
message GomaDeps {
required GomaFilenameIdTable filename_id_table = 1;
// id 2, 3 are deleted.
required GomaDepsIdTable deps_id_table = 4;
required GomaDependencyTable dependency_table = 5;
optional int32 DEPRECATED_version = 6 [deprecated=true];
// When the built revision does not match with the real kBuiltRevision,
// we dispose cache.
optional string built_revision = 7;
// GomaFilenameIdTable is a bimap (filename <-> int (filename_id))
// Since more than 64MB proto cannot be saved by default, we need to reduce the
// proto size. There are lots of the same filenames, so we use integer id
// instead of using filename as is.
message GomaFilenameIdTable {
optional int32 DEPRECATED_next_available_id = 1 [deprecated=true];
repeated GomaFilenameIdTableRecord record = 2;
message GomaFilenameIdTableRecord {
required string filename = 1;
required uint32 filename_id = 2;
// GomaDepsIdTable is a map (<filename_id> -> <file stat>, <directive_hash>)
message GomaDepsIdTable {
repeated GomaDepsIdTableRecord record = 1;
message GomaDepsIdTableRecord {
required uint32 filename_id = 1;
optional uint64 DEPRECATED_dev = 2 [deprecated = true];
optional uint64 DEPRECATED_inode = 3 [deprecated = true];
required int64 mtime = 4;
required int64 size = 5;
required string directive_hash = 6;
// GomaDependencyTable is a map record
// (<identifer> -> <input file's filename_id>s)
message GomaDependencyTable {
repeated GomaDependencyTableRecord record = 1;
message GomaDependencyTableRecord {
required string identifier = 1;
repeated int32 filename_id = 2;
optional int64 last_used_time = 3;