blob: 3d8664e6dd62f0353a067259f130e790dd0cb54b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Goma Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "gomacc_argv.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include "absl/strings/match.h"
#include "compiler_flags.h"
#include "path.h"
namespace devtools_goma {
static const char* kGomaVerifyCommandFlag = "--goma-verify-command";
bool BuildGomaccArgv(int orig_argc, const char* orig_argv[],
std::vector<string>* args,
bool* masquerade_mode,
string* verify_command,
string* local_command_path) {
int argv0 = -1;
const string progname = string(file::Basename(orig_argv[0]));
for (int i = 0; i < orig_argc; i++) {
if (absl::StartsWith(orig_argv[i], kGomaVerifyCommandFlag)) {
// --goma-veirfy-command is useful for end-to-end test.
// It always sends a compile request from compiler_proxy to remote server,
// ignores cache, and checks compiler version between local and remote.
// It also takes a parameter:
// "none": doesn't check compiler version.
// "version": check version string only
// "checksum": check binary hash only
// "all": check "version" and "checksum".
if (strcmp(orig_argv[i], kGomaVerifyCommandFlag) == 0) {
*verify_command = "all";
} else if (orig_argv[i][strlen(kGomaVerifyCommandFlag)] == '=') {
*verify_command = orig_argv[i] + strlen(kGomaVerifyCommandFlag) + 1;
if (*verify_command != "version" && *verify_command != "checksum" &&
*verify_command != "all" && *verify_command != "none") {
fprintf(stderr, "Wrong --goma-verify-command: %s\n",
" use \"version\", \"checksum\", \"all\" or \"none\".\n");
return false;
if (*orig_argv[i] == '-') {
// option found without having gcc or g++ as command name.
#ifdef _WIN32
} else if (*orig_argv[i] == '/') {
// found command name.
const absl::string_view p = file::Basename(orig_argv[i]);
if (p == "gomacc"
#ifdef _WIN32
|| p == "gomacc.exe"
) {
argv0 = i;
if (i != 0 && p != orig_argv[i]) {
// If this was not the first argument (i.e. symlinked name),
// and argv[i] is not basename, then we'll see this as local command path.
*local_command_path = orig_argv[i];
if (argv0 < 0)
return false;
*masquerade_mode = argv0 == 0;
orig_argc -= argv0;
for (int i = 0; i < orig_argc; i++) {
// if masqueraded mode, use basename of argv[0].
if (i == 0 && *masquerade_mode)
args->push_back(orig_argv[i + argv0]);
return true;
#ifdef _WIN32
void FanOutArgsByInput(
const std::vector<string>& args,
const std::set<string>& input_filenames,
std::vector<string>* args_no_input) {
for (size_t i = 1; i < args.size(); ++i) {
if (input_filenames.count(args[i]))
string BuildArgsForInput(
const std::vector<string>& args_no_input,
const string& input_filename) {
std::ostringstream rsp;
for (const auto& arg : args_no_input) {
rsp << EscapeWinArg(arg) << " ";
// assume input_filename doesn't end with \.
// TODO: quote input_filename correctly.
rsp << "\"" << input_filename << "\"";
return rsp.str();
string EscapeWinArg(const string& arg) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << '"';
for (size_t i = 0; i < arg.size(); ++i) {
char c = arg[i];
switch (c) {
case '"': // " -> \"
ss << '\\' << '"';
case '\\':
if (i + 1 == arg.size()) {
// \ at the end of string. => "...\\"
ss << '\\';
} else if (arg[i + 1] == '"') {
// \ before " => ..\\\"..
ss << '\\';
} // otherwise, backslashes are interpreted literally.
ss << c;
ss << '"';
return ss.str();
#endif // _WIN32
} // namespace devtools_goma