blob: 129b51782969641829127614c41331c060eee5e0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Goma Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using std::string;
namespace devtools_goma {
// Builds "args" for ExecReq from gomacc argv.
// If masqueraded, "masquerade_mode" set to true.
// If --goma-verify-command is specified, set the value to "verify_command".
// Possible value would be "none", "version", "checksum" and "all".
// If prepend mode with path/to/compiler, set the path to "local_command_path".
// Returns true if successful, returns false otherwise.
// - masqueraded: (e.g. ln -sf gomacc gcc, or copy gomacc.exe cl.exe)
// - masquerade in path.e.g. argv[0] = "gcc" or argv[0] = "cl.exe"
// for example
// "gcc", "-c", "hello.c"
// "cl.exe", "/c", "hello.c"
// send original argv to compiler_proxy
// =>
// "gcc", "-c", "hello.c",
// local_path=$PATH, gomacc_path=/gomadir/gcc
// "cl.exe", "/c", "hello.c"
// local_path=%PATH%, gomacc_path=c:\gomadir\cl.exe
// local_compiler_path from command name and local_path.
// (after a dir where gomacc masquerade exists).
// - masquerade full path. e.g. argv[0] = "/gomadir/gcc" or so.
// for example
// "/gomadir/gcc", "/c", "hello.c"
// "c:\gomadir\cl.exe", "/c", "hello.c"
// use basename of argv[0] to send compiler_proxy.
// =>
// "gcc", "-c", "hello.c"
// local_path=$PATH, gomacc_path=/gomadir/gcc
// "cl.exe", "/c", "hello.c"
// local_path=%PATH%, gomacc_path=c:\gomadir\cl.exe
// local_compiler_path from command name and local_path.
// maybe, local_path should not contain gomadir.
// - prepended: (e.g. gomacc gcc or gomacc.exe cl.exe)
// - prepended to no full path of compiler
// (gomacc may or may not be full path)
// for example
// "gomacc", "gcc", "-c", "hello.c"
// "gomacc.exe", "cl.exe", "/c", "hello.c"
// =>
// "gcc", "-c", "hello.c"
// local_path=$PATH, gomacc_path=/gomadir/gomacc
// "cl.exe", "/c", "hello.c"
// local_path=%PATH%, gomacc_path=c:\gomadir\gomacc.exe
// local_compiler_path from command name and local_path.
// local_path should not contain gomadir.
// - prepended to full path or current relative path of compiler
// (gomacc may or may not be full path)
// for example
// "gomacc", "/usr/bin/gcc", "-c", "hello.c"
// "gomacc.exe", "c:\vc\bin\cl.exe", "/c", "hello.c"
// =>
// "/usr/bin/gcc", "-c", "hello.c"
// local_path=$PATH, gomacc_path=/gomadir/gomacc
// local_compiler_path=/usr/bin/gcc
// "c:\vc\bin\cl.exe", "/c", "hello.c"
// local_path=%PATH%, gomacc_path=c:\gomadir\gomacc.exe
// local_compiler_path=c:\vc\bin\cl.exe
// local_compiler_path if the full path of compiler.
bool BuildGomaccArgv(int orig_argc, const char* orig_argv[],
std::vector<string>* args,
bool* masquerade_mode,
string* verify_command,
string* local_command_path);
#ifdef _WIN32
// Used for GOMA_FAN_OUT_EXEC_REQ=true (under devenv or msbuild).
// Fans out "args" for each input filename, and sets command line args
// for each input filename in "args_no_input".
// Note that "args_no_input" doesn't have argv0.
void FanOutArgsByInput(
const std::vector<string>& args,
const std::set<string>& input_filenames,
std::vector<string>* args_no_input);
// Creates command line per input file as
// args_no_input... input_filename
// The returned value is expected to be written in rsp_file, and
// used as "cl @rsp_file".
string BuildArgsForInput(
const std::vector<string>& args_no_input,
const string& input_filename);
// Escape arg string for Windows.
string EscapeWinArg(const string& arg);
} // namespace devtools_goma