blob: 5f8d97d6cec64d5ebe48a86eee7a4f8ac518ab77 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Goma Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace devtools_goma {
struct LuciContextAuthAccount {
// Logical identifier of the account (e.g "task" or "system").
std::string id;
struct LuciContextAuth {
// RPC port of LuciLocalAuthService
int rpc_port;
// secret used for OAuthTokenRequest.
std::string secret;
// list of accounts available through LUCI context.
std::vector<LuciContextAuthAccount> accounts;
// an account to use by default, see enabled().
std::string default_account_id;
LuciContextAuth() : rpc_port(-1) {}
// Returns true if LUCI local auth should be used by default in this process.
bool enabled() const {
// There two flavors of the protocol:
// 1. One doesn't use 'accounts' or 'default_account_id', and has local
// auth always enabled. This is deprecated.
// 2. Another always uses 'accounts', and has local auth enabled only if
// 'default_account_id' is set.
return rpc_port > 0 && !secret.empty()
&& (accounts.empty() || !default_account_id.empty());
void clear() {
rpc_port = -1;
struct LuciContext {
LuciContextAuth local_auth;
// There may be more stuff here in the future.
void clear() {
struct LuciOAuthTokenRequest {
std::vector<std::string> scopes;
std::string secret;
std::string account_id;
std::string ToString() const;
struct LuciOAuthTokenResponse {
// an error code (or 0 if success)
int error_code;
// optional error message
std::string error_message;
// the actual access token
std::string access_token;
// its expiration time, as unix timestamp
int64_t expiry;
LuciOAuthTokenResponse() : error_code(-1), expiry(-1) {}
void clear() {
error_code = -1;
expiry = -1;
// Parse LUCI_CONTEXT file contents.
// Returns false on invalid JSON.
// Or, return false if some required fields in LuciContextAuth are missing.
// Note that this function returns true even if local_auth is missing in
// JSON, please use valid() method before using what is in local_auth.
bool ParseLuciContext(
const std::string& json_body, LuciContext* luci_context);
bool ParseLuciOAuthTokenResponse(
const std::string& json_body, LuciOAuthTokenResponse* resp);
} // namespace devtools_goma