blob: 0e168931f858f261109a4e8643173253618c53bf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Goma Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifdef _WIN32
#include "socket_helper_win.h"
#include <openssl/ssl.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include "absl/time/time.h"
#include "absl/types/optional.h"
#include "autolock_timer.h"
#include "tls_engine.h"
using std::string;
namespace devtools_goma {
class HttpRequest;
class HttpResponse;
class OneshotClosure;
class ScopedSocket;
class ScopedX509CRLFree {
inline void operator()(X509_CRL *x) const { if (x) X509_CRL_free(x); }
typedef std::unique_ptr<X509_CRL, ScopedX509CRLFree> ScopedX509CRL;
class OpenSSLContext {
// |invalidate_closure| should be one-shot closure.
// It will be deleted after running.
// |invalidate_closure| MUST NOT call any OpenSSLContext methods
// to avoid dead lock.
void Init(const string& hostname,
int crl_max_valid_duration,
OneshotClosure* invalidate_closure);
// Set proxy to be used to download CRLs.
void SetProxy(const string& proxy_host, const int proxy_port);
// Returns true if server's identity is valid.
bool IsValidServerIdentity(X509* cert);
// Returns true if one of X509 certificates have revoked.
bool IsRevoked(STACK_OF(X509)* x509s);
string GetCertsInfo() const {
AUTOLOCK(lock, &mu_);
return certs_info_;
bool IsCrlReady() const {
AUTOLOCK(lock, &mu_);
return is_crl_ready_;
const string GetLastErrorMessage() const {
AUTOLOCK(lock, &mu_);
return last_error_;
size_t ref_cnt() { return ref_cnt_; }
SSL* NewSSL(bool* session_reused);
void DeleteSSL(SSL* ssl);
void RecordSession(SSL* ssl);
void Invalidate();
// Returns true if |hostname| matches |pattern|.
// |pattern| may have a wildcard explained in RFC2818 Section 3.1.
// See:
// Limitation: it does not support the case with multiple wildcards.
static bool IsHostnameMatched(absl::string_view hostname,
absl::string_view pattern);
const string& hostname() { return hostname_; }
ScopedX509CRL GetX509CrlsFromUrl(const string& url, string* crl_str);
// Loads CRLs based on X509v3 CRL distribution point.
bool SetupCrlsUnlocked(STACK_OF(X509) * x509s) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(mu_);
// Lock for OpenSSL context (ctx_, crls_, is_crl_ready_, certs_info_
// and last_error_).
mutable Lock mu_;
SSL_CTX* ctx_;
// Since we do not know good way to get CRLs from SSL_CTX, we will use crls_
// to check revoked certificate.
std::vector<ScopedX509CRL> crls_;
string proxy_host_;
int proxy_port_;
string certs_info_;
string hostname_;
bool is_crl_ready_;
string last_error_;
absl::optional<absl::Time> last_error_time_;
int crl_max_valid_duration_;
// ref_cnt_ represents the number of OpenSSLEngine using the class instance.
// It is increased by NewSSL, and decreased by DeleteSSL.
// If ref_cnt_ become 0, OpenSSLEngineCache can delete the instance.
// Note: NewSSL, DeleteSSL, ref_cnt() MUST be called under
// OpenSSLEngineCache lock. Or, OpenSSLEngineCache may delete OpenSSLContext
// in use:
// e.g. th1: checks ref_cnt() == 0 -> th2: NewTLSEngine -> th1: delete.
size_t ref_cnt_;
OneshotClosure* notify_invalidate_closure_;
// OpenSSLEngine is not synchronized.
class OpenSSLEngine : public TLSEngine {
bool IsIOPending() const override;
int GetDataToSendTransport(string* data) override;
size_t GetBufSizeFromTransport() override;
int SetDataFromTransport(const absl::string_view& data) override;
int Read(void* data, int size) override;
int Write(const void* data, int size) override;
string GetLastErrorMessage() const override;
// Shows this engine has already used before.
bool IsRecycled() const override { return recycled_; }
friend class OpenSSLEngineCache;
~OpenSSLEngine() override;
// Will not take ownership of ctx.
void Init(OpenSSLContext* ctx);
void SetRecycled() { recycled_ = true; }
friend std::unique_ptr<OpenSSLEngine>::deleter_type;
// Returns |return_value| if |return_value| > 0.
// Note that positive |return_value| usually means the number of data
// read / written.
// Otherwise, returns TLSEngine::TLSErrorReason to make a caller know
// error reason.
int UpdateStatus(int return_value);
// Returns 1 if TLS handshake was successfully completed, and a TLS connection
// has been established.
// Otherwise, returns TLSEngine::TLSErrorReason to make a caller know
// error reason.
int Connect();
string GetErrorString() const;
SSL* ssl_;
BIO* network_bio_;
bool want_read_;
bool want_write_;
bool recycled_;
bool need_self_verify_;
bool need_to_store_session_;
OpenSSLContext* ctx_; // OpenSSLEngineCache has ownership.
class OpenSSLEngineCache : public TLSEngineFactory {
~OpenSSLEngineCache() override;
TLSEngine* NewTLSEngine(int sock) override;
void WillCloseSocket(int sock) override;
void AddCertificateFromFile(const string& ssl_cert_filename);
void AddCertificateFromString(const string& ssl_cert);
string GetCertsInfo() override {
return ctx_->GetCertsInfo();
void SetHostname(const string& hostname) override {
AUTOLOCK(lock, &mu_);
hostname_ = hostname;
void SetProxy(const string& proxy_host, const int proxy_port) {
AUTOLOCK(lock, &mu_);
proxy_host_ = proxy_host;
proxy_port_ = proxy_port;
void SetCRLMaxValidDurationInSeconds(int duration) {
crl_max_valid_duration_ = duration;
// This function should be called with mu_ lock held.
std::unique_ptr<OpenSSLEngine> GetOpenSSLEngineUnlocked();
void InvalidateContext();
// Lock for ctx_, contexts_to_delete_, ssl_map_, certs_ and proxy configs.
mutable Lock mu_;
std::unique_ptr<OpenSSLContext> ctx_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<OpenSSLContext>> contexts_to_delete_;
std::unordered_map<int, std::unique_ptr<OpenSSLEngine>> ssl_map_;
// Proxy configs to download CRLs.
string hostname_;
string proxy_host_;
int proxy_port_;
int crl_max_valid_duration_;
} // namespace devtools_goma