blob: 911c44d79fa288217bf8491f17188c40edae4de2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2011 The Goma Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include "basictypes.h"
#include "scoped_fd.h"
#ifdef _WIN32
#include "socket_helper_win.h"
namespace google {
namespace protobuf {
class Message;
} // namespace protobuf
} // namespace google
namespace devtools_goma {
class ScopedSocket;
class SubProcessKill;
class SubProcessReq;
class SubProcessRun;
class SubProcessSetOption;
class SubProcessStarted;
class SubProcessTerminated;
// SubProcessController consists of server and client.
// A SubProcessController server runs in single threaded process and manages
// SubProcessImpl and actual subprocesses.
// A SubProcessController client runs with worker thread manager and serves
// for SubProcessTask.
// These server and client communicate with a socket created by socketpair(2).
// message format:
// op: first int
// len: second int
// payload: len bytes
// client->server
// op=REGISTER; payload: serialized SubProcessReq
// op=REQUEST_RUN; payload: serialized SubProcessRun
// op=KILL; payload: serialized SubProcessKill
// op=SET_OPTION; payload: serialized SubProcessSetOption
// server->client
// op=STARTED; payload: serialized SubProcessStarted
// op=TERMINATED; payload: serialized SubProcessTerminated
class SubProcessController {
struct Options {
int max_subprocs;
int max_subprocs_low_priority;
int max_subprocs_heavy_weight;
bool dont_kill_subprocess;
// dont_kill_commands should be normalized to lower case on Windows.
std::set<std::string> dont_kill_commands;
std::string DebugString() const;
enum Op {
CLOSED = -1,
NOP = 0,
KILL = 3,
// Initializes SubProcessController subsystem.
// Must be called before creating threads.
static void Initialize(const char* arg0, const Options& options);
virtual ~SubProcessController();
// Register subproc. Takes ownership of req.
// Client -> server
virtual void Register(std::unique_ptr<SubProcessReq> req) = 0;
// Request to run the subproc. Takes ownership of run.
// Client -> server
virtual void RequestRun(std::unique_ptr<SubProcessRun> run) = 0;
// Kills the subproc. Takes ownership of kill.
// Client -> server
virtual void Kill(std::unique_ptr<SubProcessKill> kill) = 0;
// Sets option. Takes the ownership of |option|.
// Client -> server.
virtual void SetOption(std::unique_ptr<SubProcessSetOption> option) = 0;
// Notifies the subproc is started. Takes ownership of started.
// This function takes raw pointer because it is used for
// NewCallback in SubProcessControllerClient::DoRead().
// Server -> client.
virtual void Started(std::unique_ptr<SubProcessStarted> started) = 0;
// Notifies the subproc is terminated. Takes ownership of terminated.
// This function takes raw pointer because it is used for
// NewCallback in SubProcessControllerClient::DoRead().
// Server -> client.
virtual void Terminated(std::unique_ptr<SubProcessTerminated> terminated) = 0;
// Adds message of op, with message to pending_write_.
// Returns true if it is the initial request in pending_write_.
// Must use on the same thread everytime.
bool AddMessage(int op, const google::protobuf::Message& message);
bool has_pending_write() const;
// Writes pending_write_ message through fd.
// Returns true if it has still more data to send.
// Returns false if there is no more data to send.
bool WriteMessage(const IOChannel* fd);
// Reads message through fd.
// If it returns true, you can read payload data in payload_data().
// Once you processed data, you need to call ReadDone().
// Must use on the same thread everytime.
bool ReadMessage(const IOChannel* fd, int* op, int* len);
// Access payload data read by ReadMessage.
// Valid only between ReadMessage() and ReadDone().
const char* payload_data() const;
// Discards read message.
void ReadDone();
#ifdef _WIN32
static unsigned __stdcall StartServer(void* thread_params);
static const size_t kMessageHeaderLen;
static const size_t kOpOffset;
static const size_t kSizeOffset;
std::string pending_write_;
std::string pending_read_;
size_t read_len_;
} // namespace devtools_goma