blob: 189fd52b66aed17337ffb36b7dc152d0e9285c31 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2011 The Goma Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "basictypes.h"
#include "compiler_specific.h"
#include "lockhelper.h"
#include "prototmp/subprocess.pb.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "worker_thread_manager.h"
using std::string;
namespace devtools_goma {
class Closure;
class SubProcessControllerClient;
// A SubProcessTask is managed by SubProcessControllerClient and is
// a peer of SubProcessImpl that is managed by SubProcessControllerServer.
// Typical usage is:
// SubProcessTask* task = new SubProcessTask(trace_id, prog, argv);
// SubProcessReq* req = task->mutable_req();
// // setup request in req.
// task->Start(callback);
// // SubProcessControllerClient takes ownership of task.
// // you can access task until callback is called.
// // task->status(), task->started().pid(), ...
// Once callback is called, the subprocess is terminated, and
// the SubProcessTask will be deleted after returning the callback.
class SubProcessTask {
// Provides ReadCommandOutput interface.
// It uses SubProcessTask blocking mode internally.
// |status| basically shows exit status of the program.
// Since program exit status is usually positive value on Posix and Windows,
// ReadCommandOutput set SubProcessTerminated::kInternalError to |status|
// for its internal error.
static string ReadCommandOutput(
const string& prog,
const std::vector<string>& argv, const std::vector<string>& env,
const string& cwd, CommandOutputOption option, int32_t* status);
// Creates new sub process task.
// The created instance will be used on the thread where it was created.
SubProcessTask(const string& trace_id,
const char* prog, char* const argv[]);
WorkerThreadManager::ThreadId thread_id() { return thread_id_; }
SubProcessState::State state() const {
AUTOLOCK(lock, &mu_);
return state_;
// Client can set subprocess configuration via mutable_req().
// Must be called before Start() call.
SubProcessReq* mutable_req() { return &req_; }
const SubProcessReq& req() const { return req_; }
const SubProcessStarted& started() const { return started_; }
const SubProcessTerminated& terminated() const { return terminated_; }
// Starts subprocess.
// It returns immediately and callback will be called when the process is
// finished, and delete it by itself.
// If req().detach() is true, callback must be NULL. The process will run
// in detached mode. SubProcessTask will be deleted before returning from
// Start().
// state(): SETUP -> PENDING.
void Start(OneshotClosure* callback);
// Requests to run the subprocess in high priority.
void RequestRun();
// Kills the subprocess. callback will be called when the process is killed.
// state(): PENDING, RUN -> SIGNALED: returns true
// state(): SIGNALED, TERMINATED -> returns false.
bool Kill();
static int NumPending();
friend class SubProcessControllerClient;
bool BelongsToCurrentThread() const;
bool async_callback() const { return callback_ != NULL; }
// Starts subprocess.
// If callback is not NULL, it returns immediately and callback will be
// called when the process is finished, and delete it by itself.
// state(): SETUP -> PENDING.
// If callback is NULL, it waits for subprocess termination.
// state(): SETUP -> .. -> FINISHED.
// Caller should delete it.
void StartInternal(OneshotClosure* callback);
// Feedback from subprocess controller.
// The subprocess is started with pid.
// Runs in subprocess controller's context.
// Takes ownership of started.
void Started(std::unique_ptr<SubProcessStarted> started);
// The subprocess is terminated.
// Runs in subprocess controller's context.
// Takes ownership of terminated.
void Terminated(std::unique_ptr<SubProcessTerminated> terminated);
// Calls callback_ and delete itself.
void Done();
SubProcessReq req_;
SubProcessStarted started_;
SubProcessTerminated terminated_;
WorkerThreadManager::ThreadId thread_id_;
OneshotClosure* callback_;
mutable Lock mu_;
ConditionVariable cond_;
SubProcessState::State state_ GUARDED_BY(mu_);
} // namespace devtools_goma