blob: a4832d17fed726f747d6edf5f9a6f508cdc0bbba [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2010 The Goma Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef _WIN32
# include <unistd.h>
# include <direct.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstring>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#ifdef _WIN32
#include "config_win.h"
#include "absl/strings/ascii.h"
#include "absl/types/optional.h"
using std::string;
namespace devtools_goma {
// Options to be used with ReadCommandOutput to specify which command output
// will be returned.
enum CommandOutputOption {
typedef string (*ReadCommandOutputFunc)(const string& prog,
const std::vector<string>& argv,
const std::vector<string>& env,
const string& cwd,
CommandOutputOption option,
int32_t* status);
// Installs new ReadCommandOutput function.
// ReadCommandOutput function should be installed before calling it.
void InstallReadCommandOutputFunc(ReadCommandOutputFunc func);
// Calls current ReadCommandOutput function.
// If exit status of the command is not zero and |status| == NULL,
// then fatal error.
// Note: You MUST call InstallReadCommandOuptutFunc beforehand.
string ReadCommandOutput(
const string& prog, const std::vector<string>& argv,
const std::vector<string>& env,
const string& cwd, CommandOutputOption option, int32_t* status);
// Platform independent getenv.
// Note: in chromium/win, gomacc can only get environments that was
// extracted by build/toolchain/win/
string GetEnv(const string& name);
// Platform independent setenv.
void SetEnv(const string& name, const string& value);
// Gets iterator to the environment variable entry.
template <typename Iter>
Iter GetEnvIterFromEnvIter(Iter env_begin, Iter env_end,
const string& name, bool ignore_case) {
string key = name + "=";
if (ignore_case)
for (Iter i = env_begin; i != env_end; ++i) {
string token = i->substr(0, key.length());
if (ignore_case)
if (token == key) {
return i;
return env_end;
// Gets an environment variable between |envs_begin| and |envs_end|.
// Do not care |name| case if |ignore_case| is true.
template <typename Iter>
string GetEnvFromEnvIter(Iter env_begin, Iter env_end,
const string& name, bool ignore_case) {
Iter found = GetEnvIterFromEnvIter(env_begin, env_end, name, ignore_case);
if (found == env_end)
return "";
return found->substr(name.length() + 1); // Also cuts off "=".
// Gets an environment variable between |envs_begin| and |envs_end|.
// It automatically ignores case according to the platform.
template <typename Iter>
string GetEnvFromEnvIter(Iter env_begin, Iter env_end, const string& name) {
#ifdef _WIN32
return GetEnvFromEnvIter(env_begin, env_end, name, true);
return GetEnvFromEnvIter(env_begin, env_end, name, false);
// Replace an environment variable |name| value to |to_replace|
// between |envs_begin| and |envs_end|.
// It automatically ignores case according to the platform.
template <typename Iter>
bool ReplaceEnvInEnvIter(Iter env_begin, Iter env_end,
const string& name, const string& to_replace) {
#ifdef _WIN32
Iter found = GetEnvIterFromEnvIter(env_begin, env_end, name, true);
Iter found = GetEnvIterFromEnvIter(env_begin, env_end, name, false);
if (found != env_end) {
found->replace(name.size() + 1, found->size() - (name.size() + 1),
return true;
return false;
// Platform independent getpid function.
pid_t Getpid();
// Wrapper for chdir(). VS2015 warns using chdir().
// Returns true if succeeded.
inline bool Chdir(const char* path) {
#ifndef _WIN32
return chdir(path) == 0;
return _chdir(path) == 0;
// Convert node name to short and lower case nodename.
// e.g.
// slave123 -> slave123 (Linux CCompute)
// -> vm123-m1 (Mac golo)
// BUILD123-M1 -> build123-m1 (Windows golo)
string ToShortNodename(const string& nodename);
} // namespace devtools_goma
// Convert absl::StrSplit result to std::vector<string>
// Because of clang-cl.exe bug, we cannot write
// std::vector<string> vs = absl::StrSplit(...);
// This function provides an wrapper to avoid this bug.
// After clang-cl.exe or absl has been fixed, this function be removed.
// See b/73514249 for more detail.
template<typename SplitResult>
std::vector<string> ToVector(SplitResult split_result) {
std::vector<string> result;
for (auto&& s : split_result) {
return result;
// Used for printing absl::optional<T>. T must be compatible with the <<
// operator to pass it to a stringstream.
template <typename T>
std::string OptionalToString(const absl::optional<T>& opt_value) {
std::stringstream ss;
if (opt_value.has_value()) {
ss << *opt_value;
} else {
ss << "(none)";
return ss.str();