blob: 808042b182c4e102050d09fc8bcd3221c0756016 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Goma Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "util.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <string>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "absl/strings/str_split.h"
#include "unittest_util.h"
using std::string;
TEST(Util, GetEnvFromEnvIter) {
using devtools_goma::GetEnvFromEnvIter;
std::vector<string> envs;
// Should return "" for unknown name.
EXPECT_EQ(GetEnvFromEnvIter(envs.begin(), envs.end(), "not_exist", true),
EXPECT_EQ(GetEnvFromEnvIter(envs.begin(), envs.end(), "not_exist", false),
// Should return "" if case is different and ignore_case=false.
EXPECT_EQ(GetEnvFromEnvIter(envs.begin(), envs.end(), "pAtH", false), "");
EXPECT_EQ(GetEnvFromEnvIter(envs.begin(), envs.end(), "pathext", false), "");
// Should return value if case is different and ignore_case=true.
EXPECT_EQ(GetEnvFromEnvIter(envs.begin(), envs.end(), "pAtH", true),
EXPECT_EQ(GetEnvFromEnvIter(envs.begin(), envs.end(), "pathext", true),
TEST(Util, ReplaceEnvInEnvIter) {
using devtools_goma::ReplaceEnvInEnvIter;
std::vector<string> envs;
std::vector<string> expected_envs;
// Should return false if env not found and envs should be kept as is.
std::copy(envs.begin(), envs.end(), std::back_inserter(expected_envs));
EXPECT_FALSE(ReplaceEnvInEnvIter(envs.begin(), envs.end(), "not_exist",
"should not change"));
EXPECT_EQ(expected_envs, envs);
// Should return true if env is replaced.
EXPECT_TRUE(ReplaceEnvInEnvIter(envs.begin(), envs.end(), "PATH", "/sbin"));
expected_envs[1] = "PATH=/sbin";
EXPECT_EQ(expected_envs, envs);
#ifdef _WIN32
// Should not change the original env name.
EXPECT_TRUE(ReplaceEnvInEnvIter(envs.begin(), envs.end(), "path",
expected_envs[1] = "PATH=c:\\";
EXPECT_EQ(expected_envs, envs);
TEST(Util, GetEnvShouldReturnValueContainingNul) {
const string& env = devtools_goma::GetEnv("PATH");
EXPECT_EQ(string(env.c_str()), env);
TEST(Util, ToShortNodename) {
std::vector<std::pair<string, string>> testcases = {
{"slave123-m1", "slave123-m1"},
{"", "build123-m1"},
{"BUILD123-M1", "build123-m1"},
for (const auto& tc : testcases) {
EXPECT_EQ(tc.second, devtools_goma::ToShortNodename(tc.first));
TEST(Util, ToVector) {
std::vector<string> vs = ToVector(absl::StrSplit("x:y:z", ':'));
EXPECT_EQ((std::vector<string> { "x", "y", "z" }), vs);