blob: 5b18e541cdf05b141fa335f48b1d33955d66d5bd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2010 The Goma Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <ostream>
#include <string>
#include "absl/time/time.h"
#include "absl/types/optional.h"
#include "basictypes.h"
#include "compiler_specific.h"
#include "file_stat.h"
#include "lockhelper.h"
#include "sha256_hash_cache.h"
#include "prototmp/compiler_info_data.pb.h"
namespace devtools_goma {
class CompilerFlags;
// The type of CompilerInfo. If a new type of CompilerInfo is required,
// you can extend this enum class.
enum class CompilerInfoType {
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, CompilerInfoType type) {
switch (type) {
case CompilerInfoType::Cxx:
return os << "cxx";
case CompilerInfoType::Javac:
return os << "javac";
case CompilerInfoType::Java:
return os << "java";
case CompilerInfoType::Rustc:
return os << "rustc";
case CompilerInfoType::Fake:
return os << "fake";
return os << "unknown compiler info type: " << static_cast<int>(type);
// CompilerInfo represents how a compiler is configured.
// Used as const object.
// Most of the data is in CompilerInfoData, which is defined in
// compiler_info_data.proto. See also it.
class CompilerInfo {
// SubprogramInfo is an information of subprograms. Subprogram means a program
// that is used during compile. For example: "as", "objdump".
struct SubprogramInfo {
SubprogramInfo() {}
static void FromData(const CompilerInfoData::SubprogramInfo& info_data,
SubprogramInfo* info);
bool IsValid() const {
return file_stat.IsValid() && !hash.empty() &&
!user_specified_path.empty() && !abs_path.empty();
bool operator==(const SubprogramInfo& rhs) const {
return user_specified_path == rhs.user_specified_path &&
abs_path == rhs.abs_path && hash == rhs.hash &&
file_stat == rhs.file_stat;
std::string DebugString() const;
std::string abs_path;
std::string user_specified_path;
std::string hash;
FileStat file_stat;
// ResourceInfo is an information of compile resources. A resource means a
// file that might be used during compile implicitly. For example:
// asan_blacklist.txt for clang with address sanitizer.
struct ResourceInfo {
ResourceInfo() {}
static ResourceInfo FromData(
const CompilerInfoData::ResourceInfo& info_data);
bool IsValid() const {
return file_stat.IsValid() && !hash.empty() && !name.empty();
bool operator==(const ResourceInfo& rhs) const {
return name == && type == rhs.type && hash == rhs.hash &&
file_stat == rhs.file_stat && is_executable == rhs.is_executable &&
symlink_path == rhs.symlink_path;
std::string DebugString() const;
// Returns true if this resource is up to date.
// Returns false if not, and set the reason to |reason|.
bool IsUpToDate(const std::string& cwd, std::string* reason) const;
std::string name;
CompilerInfoData::ResourceType type;
std::string hash;
FileStat file_stat;
bool is_executable = false;
std::string symlink_path;
virtual ~CompilerInfo() = default;
// Returns compiler info type.
virtual CompilerInfoType type() const = 0;
std::string DebugString() const;
// Returns true if |abs_local_compiler_path| is up to date.
// i.e. FileStat of |abs_local_compiler_path| matches |local_compiler_stat|.
bool IsUpToDate(const std::string& abs_local_compiler_path) const;
// Updates FileStat to the current FileStat when hash is matched.
// Returns false if hash doesn't match.
bool UpdateFileStatIfHashMatch(SHA256HashCache* sha256_cache);
// Returns true if CompilerInfo has some error.
bool HasError() const { return data_->has_error_message(); }
// Returns true if CompilerInfo content depends on cwd.
// compiler path, subprograms paths and resouce paths
// can be relative paths. In that case, CompilerInfo content depends on
// cwd.
// We say CompilerInfo depends on cwd when one of the followings is
// satisfied.
// (a) a path is relative
// (b) a path starts with cwd
// (b) is to cover a path like /path/to/cwd/../../somewhere/to/gcc.
virtual bool DependsOnCwd(const std::string& cwd) const;
// See field's comment below.
const FileStat& local_compiler_stat() const { return local_compiler_stat_; }
// See field's comment below.
const std::string& local_compiler_path() const {
return data_->local_compiler_path();
// Absolute path of local_compiler_path. Joined with cwd if
// local_compiler_path() is relative and resolve.
std::string abs_local_compiler_path() const;
// See field's comment below.
const std::string& local_compiler_hash() const {
return data_->local_compiler_hash();
// See field's comment below.
const FileStat& real_compiler_stat() const { return real_compiler_stat_; }
// See field's comment below.
const std::string& real_compiler_path() const {
return data_->real_compiler_path();
// Absolute path of real_compiler_path. Joined with cwd if
// real_compiler_path() is relative and resolve.
std::string abs_real_compiler_path() const;
// See field's comment below.
const std::string& real_compiler_hash() const { return data_->hash(); }
// compiler hash to identify the compiler in backend.
const std::string& request_compiler_hash() const;
// compiler family name. (e.g. gcc, g++, clang, clang++).
// For example, if compiler's basename is "x86_64-linux-gcc-7", name will be
// "gcc".
const std::string& name() const { return data_->name(); }
// Returns true if name is defined.
bool HasName() const { return data_->has_name(); }
// compiler's version. e.g. "4.2.1[clang version 7.0.0 (trunk 338452)]"
const std::string& version() const { return data_->version(); }
// compiler's target. e.g. "x86_64-pc-linux-gnu"
const std::string& target() const { return data_->target(); }
// input source's language. e.g. "c++". The compiler will treat the input
// language is this.
const std::string& lang() const { return data_->lang(); }
// If taking CopmilerInfo is failed, error message is stored here.
const std::string& error_message() const { return data_->error_message(); }
// See field's comment below.
const std::vector<std::string>& additional_flags() const {
return additional_flags_;
// Returns true if additional flags exist.
bool HasAdditionalFlags() const { return !additional_flags_.empty(); }
const std::vector<SubprogramInfo>& subprograms() const {
return subprograms_;
const std::vector<ResourceInfo>& resource() const {
return resource_;
absl::optional<absl::Time> failed_at() const {
if (data_->failed_at() == 0) {
return absl::nullopt;
return absl::FromTimeT(data_->failed_at());
absl::Time last_used_at() const;
void set_last_used_at(absl::Time t);
bool found() const { return data_->found(); }
bool IsSameCompiler(const CompilerInfo& ci) const {
return data_->target() == ci.data_->target()
&& data_->version() == ci.data_->version()
&& data_->lang() == ci.data_->lang()
&& data_->hash() == ci.data_->hash()
&& data_->real_compiler_path() == ci.data_->real_compiler_path();
const CompilerInfoData& data() const { return *data_; }
CompilerInfoData* mutable_data() { return data_.get(); }
friend class CompilerInfoCacheTest;
explicit CompilerInfo(std::unique_ptr<CompilerInfoData> data);
// The internal data of CompilerInfo.
std::unique_ptr<CompilerInfoData> data_;
// Note about "local compiler" and "real compiler".
// Some project uses a compiler wrapper (e.g. chromeos).
// For example, "gcc" might be just a python script, and it invokes
// a real "gcc". Even the compiler wrapper wasn't changed, the real
// compiler might be changed. We have to detect this case.
// When such a wrapper exists, we think the wrapper is "local compiler",
// and the real compiler as "real compiler".
// Otherwise, local_compiler and real_compiler are the same.
// Local compiler's FileStat.
FileStat local_compiler_stat_;
// Real compiler's FileStat if real_compiler_path != local_compiler_path.
// Otherwise, real_compiler_stat is the same as local_compiler_stat.
FileStat real_compiler_stat_;
// Additional flags to correct compile arguments in remote.
// These flags will be automatically added to compile flags.
// e.g. -resource-dir for clang.
std::vector<std::string> additional_flags_;
// A list of subprograms specified by -B flag.
std::vector<SubprogramInfo> subprograms_;
// Additional resources that a compiler will use during a compile.
// e.g. clang with address sanizier will use
// "<resource_dir>/share/asan_blacklist.txt" during a compile.
std::vector<ResourceInfo> resource_;
// Protects data_->last_used_at.
mutable ReadWriteLock last_used_at_mu_;
inline void SetFileStatToData(const FileStat& file_stat,
CompilerInfoData::FileStat* data) {
// TODO: Use protobuf/timestamp.
data->set_mtime(file_stat.mtime ? absl::ToTimeT(*file_stat.mtime) : 0);
// The default value of CompilerInfoData::FileStat and devtools_goma::FileStat
// is incompatible. CompilerInfoData::FileStat is proto message, so the default
// values are all 0. However, devtools_goma::FileStat is not.
// Before calling this function, you have to check
// CompilerInfoData::FileStat really exists.
inline void GetFileStatFromData(const CompilerInfoData::FileStat& data,
FileStat* file_stat) {
file_stat->mtime = absl::FromTimeT(data.mtime());
file_stat->size = data.size();
file_stat->is_directory = data.is_directory();
} // namespace devtools_goma