blob: 002b0955fe0fa688938cbf7c950cc769b4010710 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2010 The Goma Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "absl/container/flat_hash_map.h"
class FlagParser {
struct Options {
// '-' for GCC, '/' for VC++, and '\0' for ar.
char flag_prefix;
// Alternative flag prefix if any.
// '-' for VC++.
// It is weaker than flag_prefix. If arg starts with alt_flag_prefix, but
// no Flag matching found, arg may be considered as non flag.
// TODO: for clang-cl, flag_prefix='-', alt_flag_prefix='/' ?
char alt_flag_prefix;
// Support -flag=value style. default false.
bool allows_equal_arg;
// Support -flagvalue style. default false.
bool allows_nonspace_arg;
// If true, we will skip the first argument. True by default.
bool has_command_name;
class Flag;
class Callback {
Callback() {}
virtual ~Callback() {}
Callback(const Callback&) = delete;
Callback& operator=(const Callback&) = delete;
// Returns parsed flag value of value for flag.
virtual std::string ParseFlagValue(const Flag& flag,
const std::string& value) = 0;
class Flag {
Flag(const Flag&) = delete;
Flag& operator=(const Flag&) = delete;
// Uses seen_output to store boolean whether the flag is seen or not.
// Should be called before calling FlagParser::Parse().
// *seen_output will be updated in FlagParser::Parse().
// Doesn't take ownership of seen_output.
void SetSeenOutput(bool* seen_output);
// Uses output to store original arguments for the flag.
// Should be called before calling FlagParser::Parse().
// *output will be updated in FlagParser::Parse().
// output may be shared with other flags.
// Doesn't take ownership of output.
void SetOutput(std::vector<std::string>* output);
// Uses values to store values for the flags.
// If callback is not NULL, it is used to parse flag value before stroing
// to values. If callback is NULL, original flag value will be stored.
// Should be called before calling FlagParser::Parse().
// *values will be updated in FlagParser::Parse().
// Doesn't take ownership of callback and values.
void SetValueOutputWithCallback(Callback* callback,
std::vector<std::string>* values);
// Uses callback to get parsed args.
// If callback is NULL or SetCallbackForParsedArgs() is not used, original
// args will be used as parsed args.
// Should be called before calling FlagParser::Parse().
// Doesn't take ownership of callback.
void SetCallbackForParsedArgs(Callback* callback);
// Name of the flag. E.g "c" for "-c". "" for non flag args.
const std::string& name() const { return name_; }
// True if the flag requires a value.
bool require_value() const { return require_value_; }
// True if the flag is used. Used after FlagParser::Parse() called.
bool seen() const { return seen_; }
// Returns flag values. Used after FlagParser::Parse() called.
const std::vector<std::string>& values() const { return values_; }
// Gets i'th flag value. Used after FlagParser::Parse() called.
const std::string& value(int i) const;
// Gets last flag value. Used after FlagParser::Parse() called.
std::string GetLastValue() const;
friend class FlagParser;
friend std::unique_ptr<Flag>::deleter_type;
Flag(const char* name, bool require_value, bool allow_space_arg,
const Options& options);
// Tries to parse args at i.
// Returns true if it is the flag and sets last i in *last_i.
// Returns false if it is not the flag.
bool Parse(const std::vector<std::string>& args, size_t i, size_t* last_i);
// Gets parsed arguments at i, where Parse() had returned true for the i.
const std::string& GetParsedArgs(int i) const;
void Output(int i, const std::string& arg, const std::string* value);
std::string name_;
bool require_value_;
char flag_prefix_;
char alt_flag_prefix_;
bool allows_equal_arg_;
bool allows_nonspace_arg_;
bool allows_space_arg_;
bool seen_;
bool* seen_output_;
std::vector<std::string>* output_;
Callback* value_callback_;
std::vector<std::string> values_;
std::vector<std::string>* values_output_;
Callback* parse_callback_;
absl::flat_hash_map<int, std::string> parsed_args_;
FlagParser(const FlagParser&) = delete;
FlagParser& operator=(const FlagParser&) = delete;
FlagParser::Options* mutable_options() {
return &opts_;
// Adds flag to be parsed.
// If name is already added, returns the same flag instance.
// Must be called before calling Parse().
// BoolFlag doesn't take any value. "-name".
Flag* AddBoolFlag(const char* name);
// PrefixFlag may take value in the same argument. "-name" or "-namevalue".
Flag* AddPrefixFlag(const char* name);
// Flag takes value.
// "-name value".
// "-namevalue" (if allows_non_space_arg).
// "-name=value" (if allows_equal_arg).
Flag* AddFlag(const char* name);
// Argument that isn't prefixed with flag_prefix.
Flag* AddNonFlag();
void Parse(const std::vector<std::string>& args);
// Returns parsed args. Called once Parse() is called.
std::vector<std::string> GetParsedArgs();
// Returns unknown flags. Valid after Parse() is called.
const std::vector<std::string>& unknown_flag_args() const {
return unknown_flag_args_;
Options opts_;
std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<Flag>> flags_;
// original args given by Parse().
std::vector<std::string> args_;
// Valid after Parse. This contains unknown flags.
std::vector<std::string> unknown_flag_args_;
std::vector<Flag*> parsed_flags_;