blob: c826b9fa226403ec96d5604087a6670d9758c972 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Goma Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "client_util.h"
#include <deque>
#include "absl/strings/str_split.h"
#include "glog/logging.h"
#include "glog/stl_logging.h"
#include "ioutil.h"
#include "path.h"
#include "path_resolver.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "vc_flags.h"
namespace devtools_goma {
namespace {
// Path separators are platform dependent
#ifndef _WIN32
const char* kPathListSep = ":";
const char* kPathListSep = ";";
#ifdef _WIN32
std::deque<string> ParsePathExts(const string& pathext_spec) {
std::vector<string> pathexts;
if (!pathext_spec.empty()) {
pathexts =
ToVector(absl::StrSplit(pathext_spec, kPathListSep, absl::SkipEmpty()));
} else {
// If |pathext_spec| is empty, we should use the default PATHEXT.
// See:
static const char* kDefaultPathext = ".COM;.EXE;.BAT;.CMD";
pathexts = ToVector(
absl::StrSplit(kDefaultPathext, kPathListSep, absl::SkipEmpty()));
for (auto& pathext : pathexts) {
return std::deque<string>(pathexts.begin(), pathexts.end());
bool HasExecutableExtension(const std::deque<string>& pathexts,
const string& filename) {
const size_t pos = filename.rfind(".");
if (pos == string::npos)
return false;
string ext = filename.substr(pos);
for (const auto& pathext : pathexts) {
if (ext == pathext)
return true;
return false;
string GetExecutableWithExtension(const std::deque<string>& pathexts,
const string& cwd,
const string& prefix) {
for (const auto& pathext : pathexts) {
const string& fullname = prefix + pathext;
// Do not return cwd prefixed path here.
const string& candidate = file::JoinPathRespectAbsolute(cwd, fullname);
DWORD attr = GetFileAttributesA(candidate.c_str());
return fullname;
return "";
} // anonymous namespace
// True if |candidate_path| is gomacc, by running it under an invalid GOMA env
// flag. It is usually used to confirm |candidate_path| is not gomacc.
// If candadate_path is (a copy of or a symlink to) gomacc, it will die with
// "unknown GOMA_ parameter".
// It assumes real compiler doesn't emit "GOMA" in its output.
// On Windows, path must include a directory where mspdb*.dll,
// otherwise, real cl.exe will pops up a dialog:
// This application has failed to start because mspdb100.dll was not found.
// prevent from popping up message box on error, which we did in
bool IsGomacc(const string& candidate_path,
const string& path,
const string& pathext,
const string& cwd) {
// TODO: fix workaround.
// Workaround not to pause with dialog when cl.exe is executed.
if (VCFlags::IsVCCommand(candidate_path))
return false;
std::vector<string> argv;
std::vector<string> env;
env.push_back("PATH=" + path);
if (!pathext.empty())
env.push_back("PATHEXT=" + pathext);
int32_t status = 0;
string out = ReadCommandOutput(candidate_path, argv, env, cwd,
return (status == 1) && (out.find("GOMA") != string::npos);
bool GetRealExecutablePath(const FileStat* gomacc_filestat,
const string& cmd,
const string& cwd,
const string& path_env,
const string& pathext_env,
string* local_executable_path,
string* no_goma_path_env,
bool* is_in_relative_path) {
#ifndef _WIN32
std::deque<string> pathexts = ParsePathExts(pathext_env);
if (HasExecutableExtension(pathexts, cmd)) {
if (no_goma_path_env)
*no_goma_path_env = path_env;
// Fast path.
// If cmd contains '/', it is just cwd/cmd.
if (cmd.find_first_of(PathResolver::kPathSep) != string::npos) {
#ifndef _WIN32
string candidate_fullpath = file::JoinPathRespectAbsolute(cwd, cmd);
if (access(candidate_fullpath.c_str(), X_OK) != 0)
return false;
const string& candidate_path = cmd;
string candidate_path = GetExecutableWithExtension(pathexts, cwd, cmd);
if (candidate_path.empty()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "empty candidate_path from GetExecutableWithExtension"
<< " pathexts=" << pathexts << " cwd=" << cwd
<< " cmd=" << cmd;
return false;
string candidate_fullpath =
file::JoinPathRespectAbsolute(cwd, candidate_path);
const FileStat candidate_filestat(candidate_fullpath);
if (is_in_relative_path)
*is_in_relative_path = !file::IsAbsolutePath(cmd);
if (!candidate_filestat.IsValid()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "invalid filestats candidate_path=" << candidate_path
<< " candidate_fullpath=" << candidate_fullpath;
return false;
if (gomacc_filestat && candidate_filestat == *gomacc_filestat)
return false;
if (gomacc_filestat &&
IsGomacc(candidate_fullpath, path_env, pathext_env, cwd))
return false;
*local_executable_path = candidate_path;
return true;
for (size_t pos = 0, next_pos; pos != string::npos; pos = next_pos) {
next_pos = path_env.find(kPathListSep, pos);
absl::string_view dir;
if (next_pos == absl::string_view::npos) {
dir = absl::string_view(path_env.c_str() + pos, path_env.size() - pos);
} else {
dir = absl::string_view(path_env.c_str() + pos, next_pos - pos);
if (is_in_relative_path)
*is_in_relative_path = !file::IsAbsolutePath(dir);
// Empty paths should be treated as the current directory.
if (dir.empty()) {
dir = cwd;
VLOG(2) << "dir:" << dir;
string candidate_path(PathResolver::ResolvePath(
file::JoinPath(file::JoinPathRespectAbsolute(cwd, dir), cmd)));
VLOG(2) << "candidate:" << candidate_path;
#ifndef _WIN32
if (access(candidate_path.c_str(), X_OK) != 0)
candidate_path = GetExecutableWithExtension(pathexts, cwd, candidate_path);
if (candidate_path.empty())
FileStat candidate_filestat(candidate_path);
if (candidate_filestat.IsValid()) {
if (gomacc_filestat && candidate_filestat == *gomacc_filestat &&
next_pos != string::npos) {
// file is the same as gomacc.
// Update local path.
// TODO: drop a path of gomacc only. preserve other paths
// For example,
// PATH=c:\P\MVS10.0\Common7\Tools;c:\goma;c:\P\MVS10.0\VC\bin
// we should not drop c:\P\MVS10.0\Common7\Tools.
if (no_goma_path_env)
*no_goma_path_env = path_env.substr(next_pos);
} else {
// file is executable, and from file id, it is different
// from gomacc.
if (gomacc_filestat &&
IsGomacc(candidate_path, path_env.substr(pos), pathext_env, cwd)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "You have 2 goma directories in your path? "
<< candidate_path << " seems gomacc";
if (next_pos != string::npos && no_goma_path_env)
*no_goma_path_env = path_env.substr(next_pos);
*local_executable_path = candidate_path;
return true;
return false;
#ifdef _WIN32
string ResolveExtension(const string& cmd,
const string& pathext_env,
const string& cwd) {
std::deque<string> pathexts = ParsePathExts(pathext_env);
if (HasExecutableExtension(pathexts, cmd)) {
return GetExecutableWithExtension(pathexts, cwd, cmd);
} // namespace devtools_goma