blob: 6fab3f885182e22f5110ecf90f1943968ae83379 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Goma Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <deque>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include "scoped_fd.h"
#include "worker_thread_manager.h"
namespace devtools_goma {
class AutoLockStat;
class SocketDescriptor;
class DescriptorPoller {
enum EventType { kReadEvent, kWriteEvent };
typedef std::map<WorkerThreadManager::Priority, std::deque<OneshotClosure*>>
typedef std::map<int, std::unique_ptr<SocketDescriptor>> DescriptorMap;
// Creates a new DescriptorPoller instance.
// |poll_breaker| is a special Descriptor that has no callbacks and is
// only used to break the PollEvents.
// poll_signaler should not be SocketDescriptor because it will be used
// on other thread than the thread for the DescriptorPoller.
static std::unique_ptr<DescriptorPoller> NewDescriptorPoller(
std::unique_ptr<SocketDescriptor> poll_breaker,
ScopedSocket&& poll_signaler);
DescriptorPoller() {}
virtual ~DescriptorPoller() {}
// Registers and unregister polling event for a given descriptor.
// They may be called on a different thread (with lock) from the one
// polling events.
virtual void RegisterPollEvent(SocketDescriptor* d, EventType) = 0;
virtual void UnregisterPollEvent(SocketDescriptor* d, EventType) = 0;
virtual void RegisterTimeoutEvent(SocketDescriptor* d) = 0;
virtual void UnregisterTimeoutEvent(SocketDescriptor* d) = 0;
virtual void UnregisterDescriptor(SocketDescriptor* d) = 0;
// Blocking; polls events over descriptors at most |timeout_millsec| and
// populates |callbacks| if any descriptors which has higher priority
// than |priority| had any events.
// This must be called with |lock| locked and on a single polling thread.
// Returns true if poll breakers broke poller.
virtual bool PollEvents(const DescriptorMap& descriptors,
int timeout_millisec,
int priority,
CallbackQueue* callbacks,
Lock* lock,
AutoLockStat** statp) = 0;
virtual void Signal() = 0;
class DescriptorPollerBase : public DescriptorPoller {
DescriptorPollerBase(std::unique_ptr<SocketDescriptor> poll_breaker,
ScopedSocket&& poll_signaler);
~DescriptorPollerBase() override {}
class EventEnumerator {
// Returns the next descriptor on which events have occured.
// Returns NULL if there're no more descriptors.
virtual SocketDescriptor* Next() = 0;
// Returns the current descriptor's information.
virtual bool IsReadable() const = 0;
virtual bool IsWritable() const = 0;
virtual ~EventEnumerator() {}
// Returns true if idle.
bool PollEvents(const DescriptorMap& descriptors,
int timeout_millisec,
int priority,
CallbackQueue* callbacks,
Lock* lock,
AutoLockStat** statp) override;
void Signal() override;
// Called right before PollEventsInternal; with lock held.
// Scans descriptors or examines registered descriptors to determine
// which descriptors to be polled.
virtual void PreparePollEvents(const DescriptorMap& descriptors) = 0;
// Does actual polling. Returns the number of file descriptors ready
// for the requested I/O, zero if it has timed out, or -1 on failure.
virtual int PollEventsInternal(int timeout_millisec) = 0;
// Called right after PollEventsInternal; with lock held.
// Returns EventEnumerator with which caller can iterate over descriptors
// that have had any events.
virtual std::unique_ptr<EventEnumerator> GetEventEnumerator(
const DescriptorMap& descriptors) = 0;
SocketDescriptor* poll_breaker() const { return poll_breaker_.get(); }
std::unique_ptr<SocketDescriptor> poll_breaker_;
ScopedSocket poll_signaler_;
WorkerThreadManager::ThreadId poll_thread_;
} // namespace devtools_goma