blob: bcffcae8a77e80cc40940b31bd1de7106a935601 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2010 The Goma Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "autolock_timer.h"
#include "basictypes.h"
#include "lockhelper.h"
#include "platform_thread.h"
using std::string;
namespace devtools_goma {
class Closure;
class IOChannel;
class OneshotClosure;
class PermanentClosure;
class ScopedSocket;
class SocketDescriptor;
class WorkerThreadManagerTest;
using PeriodicClosureId = int;
const PeriodicClosureId kInvalidPeriodicClosureId = -1;
class WorkerThreadManager {
// Windows often pass back 0xfffffffe (pseudo handle) as thread handle.
// Therefore the reliable way of selecting a thread is to use the thread id.
// ThreadHandle is used for Join().
typedef PlatformThreadHandle ThreadHandle;
typedef PlatformThreadId ThreadId;
// Default pool ids.
static const int kDeadPool; // for terminated workers.
static const int kAlarmPool; // for periodic closures.
static const int kFreePool; // for RunClosure().
class WorkerThread;
// Priority of closures and descriptors.
enum Priority {
PRIORITY_LOW = 0, // Used in compile_task.
PRIORITY_MED, // Used in http rpc and subprocess ipc.
PRIORITY_HIGH, // Used in http server (http and goma ipc serving)
PRIORITY_IMMEDIATE, // Called without descriptor polling.
// Used to clear notification closures of descriptor,
// delayed closures, or periodic closures.
// Thread unsafe. See RunDelayedClosureInThread.
class CancelableClosure {
CancelableClosure(const char* const locaction, Closure* closure);
const char* location() const;
void Cancel();
virtual ~CancelableClosure();
Closure* closure_;
const char* const location_;
// See UnregisterPeriodicClosure
class UnregisteredClosureData {
UnregisteredClosureData() : done_(false), location_(nullptr) {}
bool Done() const {
AUTOLOCK(lock, &mu_);
return done_;
void SetDone(bool b) {
AUTOLOCK(lock, &mu_);
done_ = b;
const char* Location() const {
AUTOLOCK(lock, &mu_);
return location_;
void SetLocation(const char* location) {
AUTOLOCK(lock, &mu_);
location_ = location;
mutable Lock mu_;
bool done_ GUARDED_BY(mu_);
const char* location_ GUARDED_BY(mu_);
// Starts worker threads.
void Start(int num_threads);
// Starts pool of num_threads. Returns pool id that can be used for
// RunClosureInPool().
// Can't be called on a worker thread.
int StartPool(int num_threads, const std::string& name);
// Starts new dedicated worker thread.
void NewThread(OneshotClosure* closure, const std::string& name);
size_t num_threads() const;
// Shutdown. runs delayed closures as soon as possible.
// Can't be called on a worker thread.
void Shutdown();
// Finishes all workers.
// Can't be called on a worker thread.
void Finish();
ThreadId GetCurrentThreadId();
// Run one step in current worker thread.
// Returns true if the worker thread is active.
// Returns false if the worker thread is terminating.
bool Dispatch();
// Registers file descriptor in current worker thread.
SocketDescriptor* RegisterSocketDescriptor(
ScopedSocket&& fd, Priority priority);
ScopedSocket DeleteSocketDescriptor(SocketDescriptor* d);
// Registers periodic closure.
PeriodicClosureId RegisterPeriodicClosure(
const char* const location,
int ms, std::unique_ptr<PermanentClosure> closure);
// Unregisters periodic closure.
void UnregisterPeriodicClosure(PeriodicClosureId id);
// Runs closure on least loaded worker thread in kFreePool.
void RunClosure(const char* const location,
Closure* closure, Priority priority);
// Runs closure in pool, which was created by StartPool().
void RunClosureInPool(const char* const location,
int pool,
Closure* closure,
Priority priority);
// Runs closure on specified worker thread.
void RunClosureInThread(const char* const location,
ThreadId id, Closure* closure,
Priority priority);
// Runs closure after msec on specified worker thread.
// It takes onwership of closure. It will be deleted if it is canceled.
// Normal closure will be deleted when it runs, so just pass ownership
// of the closure.
// Permanent closure won't be deleted when it runs, so it would be
// difficult to tell who is the owner of the closure; thus, don't pass
// permanent closure to this.
// CancelableClosure will be valid until closure returns, or
// Cancel is called.
// CancelableClosure is thread unsafe. Access it only in the specified
// worker thread.
CancelableClosure* RunDelayedClosureInThread(
const char* const location,
ThreadId handle, int msec, Closure* closure);
string DebugString() const;
void DebugLog() const;
static string Priority_Name(int priority);
friend class WorkerThreadManagerTest;
struct Periodic;
static void RegisterPeriodicClosureOnAlarmer(
WorkerThread* alarmer, PeriodicClosureId id, const char* location,
int ms, std::unique_ptr<PermanentClosure> closure);
WorkerThread* GetWorker(ThreadId id);
WorkerThread* GetWorkerUnlocked(ThreadId id) SHARED_LOCKS_REQUIRED(mu_);
WorkerThread* GetCurrentWorker();
PeriodicClosureId NextPeriodicClosureId();
mutable ReadWriteLock mu_;
std::vector<WorkerThread*> workers_ GUARDED_BY(mu_);
size_t next_worker_index_ GUARDED_BY(mu_);
int next_pool_ GUARDED_BY(mu_);
WorkerThread* alarm_worker_;
Lock periodic_closure_id_mu_;
PeriodicClosureId next_periodic_closure_id_
// WorkerThreadRunner runs closure in worker thread manager.
// It will wait for closure completion before it is destructed.
class WorkerThreadRunner {
WorkerThreadRunner(WorkerThreadManager* wm,
const char* const location,
OneshotClosure* closure);
void Wait();
bool Done() const;
void Run(OneshotClosure* closure);
mutable Lock mu_;
ConditionVariable cond_;
bool done_ GUARDED_BY(mu_);
} // namespace devtools_goma