blob: 0fc0164e19152b1f90b4dfedceb6f25b5cd91c6d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Goma Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package remoteexec
import (
rpb ""
tspb ""
gomapb ""
cmdpb ""
type request struct {
f *Adapter
gomaReq *gomapb.ExecReq
gomaResp *gomapb.ExecResp
client Client
cas *cas.CAS
cmdConfig *cmdpb.Config
cmdFiles []*cmdpb.FileSpec
digestStore *digest.Store
tree *merkletree.MerkleTree
filepath clientFilePath
args []string
envs []string
outputs []string
outputDirs []string
platform *rpb.Platform
action *rpb.Action
actionDigest *rpb.Digest
allowChroot bool
needChroot bool
err error
type clientFilePath interface {
IsAbs(path string) bool
Base(path string) string
Dir(path string) string
Join(elem ...string) string
Rel(basepath, targpath string) (string, error)
Clean(path string) string
SplitElem(path string) []string
PathSep() string
func doNotCache(req *gomapb.ExecReq) bool {
switch req.GetCachePolicy() {
case gomapb.ExecReq_LOOKUP_AND_STORE, gomapb.ExecReq_STORE_ONLY, gomapb.ExecReq_LOOKUP_AND_STORE_SUCCESS:
return false
return true
func skipCacheLookup(req *gomapb.ExecReq) bool {
switch req.GetCachePolicy() {
case gomapb.ExecReq_STORE_ONLY:
return true
return false
// Takes an input of environment flag defs, e.g. FLAG_NAME=value, and returns an array of
// rpb.Command_EnvironmentVariable with these flag names and values.
func createEnvVars(ctx context.Context, envs []string) []*rpb.Command_EnvironmentVariable {
envMap := make(map[string]string)
logger := log.FromContext(ctx)
for _, env := range envs {
e := strings.SplitN(env, "=", 2)
key, value := e[0], e[1]
storedValue, ok := envMap[key]
if ok {
logger.Infof("Duplicate env var: %s=%s => %s", key, storedValue, value)
envMap[key] = value
// EnvironmentVariables must be lexicographically sorted by name.
var envKeys []string
for k := range envMap {
envKeys = append(envKeys, k)
var envVars []*rpb.Command_EnvironmentVariable
for _, k := range envKeys {
envVars = append(envVars, &rpb.Command_EnvironmentVariable{
Name: k,
Value: envMap[k],
return envVars
// ID returns compiler proxy id of the request.
func (r *request) ID() string {
return r.gomaReq.GetRequesterInfo().GetCompilerProxyId()
// Err returns error of the request.
func (r *request) Err() error {
switch status.Code(r.err) {
case codes.OK:
return nil
case codes.Canceled, codes.DeadlineExceeded, codes.Aborted:
// report cancel/deadline exceeded/aborted as is
return r.err
case codes.Unauthenticated:
// unauthenticated happens when oauth2 access token
// is expired during exec call.
// e.g.
// desc = Request had invalid authentication credentials.
// Expected OAuth 2 access token, login cookie or
// other valid authentication credential.
// See
// report it back to caller, so caller could retry it
// again with new refreshed oauth2 access token.
return r.err
return status.Errorf(codes.Internal, "exec error: %v", r.err)
func (r *request) instanceName() string {
basename := r.cmdConfig.GetRemoteexecPlatform().GetRbeInstanceBasename()
if basename == "" {
return r.f.DefaultInstance()
return path.Join(r.f.InstancePrefix, basename)
// getInventoryData looks up Config and FileSpec from Inventory, and creates
// execution platform properties from Config.
// It returns non-nil ExecResp for:
// - compiler/subprogram not found
// - bad path_type in command config
func (r *request) getInventoryData(ctx context.Context) *gomapb.ExecResp {
if r.err != nil {
return nil
logger := log.FromContext(ctx)
cmdConfig, cmdFiles, err := r.f.Inventory.Pick(ctx, r.gomaReq, r.gomaResp)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("Inventory.Pick failed: %v", err)
return r.gomaResp
r.filepath, err = descriptor.FilePathOf(cmdConfig.GetCmdDescriptor().GetSetup().GetPathType())
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("bad path type in setup %s: %v", cmdConfig.GetCmdDescriptor().GetSelector(), err)
r.gomaResp.Error = gomapb.ExecResp_BAD_REQUEST.Enum()
r.gomaResp.ErrorMessage = append(r.gomaResp.ErrorMessage, fmt.Sprintf("bad compiler config: %v", err))
return r.gomaResp
r.cmdConfig = cmdConfig
r.cmdFiles = cmdFiles
r.platform = &rpb.Platform{}
for _, prop := range cmdConfig.GetRemoteexecPlatform().GetProperties() {
r.addPlatformProperty(ctx, prop.Name, prop.Value)
r.allowChroot = cmdConfig.GetRemoteexecPlatform().GetHasNsjail()
logger.Infof("platform: %s, allowChroot=%t", r.platform, r.allowChroot)
return nil
func (r *request) addPlatformProperty(ctx context.Context, name, value string) {
logger := log.FromContext(ctx)
for _, p := range r.platform.Properties {
if p.Name == name {
logger.Infof("platform property update %s: %s->%s", name, p.Value, value)
p.Value = value
logger.Infof("platform property add %s: %s", name, value)
r.platform.Properties = append(r.platform.Properties, &rpb.Platform_Property{
Name: name,
Value: value,
type inputDigestData struct {
filename string
func (id inputDigestData) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", id.Data.String(), id.filename)
// newInputTree constructs input tree from req.
// it returns non-nil ExecResp for:
// - missing inputs
// - input root detection failed
func (r *request) newInputTree(ctx context.Context) *gomapb.ExecResp {
if r.err != nil {
return nil
ctx, span := trace.StartSpan(ctx, "")
defer span.End()
logger := log.FromContext(ctx)
inputPaths, err := inputPaths(r.filepath, r.gomaReq, r.cmdFiles[0].Path)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("bad input: %v", err)
r.gomaResp.Error = gomapb.ExecResp_BAD_REQUEST.Enum()
r.gomaResp.ErrorMessage = append(r.gomaResp.ErrorMessage, fmt.Sprintf("bad input: %v", err))
return r.gomaResp
rootDir, needChroot, err := inputRootDir(r.filepath, inputPaths, r.allowChroot)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("input root detection failed: %v", err)
logFileList(logger, "input paths", inputPaths)
r.gomaResp.Error = gomapb.ExecResp_BAD_REQUEST.Enum()
r.gomaResp.ErrorMessage = append(r.gomaResp.ErrorMessage, fmt.Sprintf("input root detection failed: %v", err))
return r.gomaResp
r.tree = merkletree.New(r.filepath, rootDir, r.digestStore)
r.needChroot = needChroot
logger.Infof("new input tree cwd:%s root:%s %s", r.gomaReq.GetCwd(), r.tree.RootDir(), r.cmdConfig.GetCmdDescriptor().GetSetup().GetPathType())
gi := gomaInput{
gomaFile: r.f.GomaFile,
digestCache: r.f.DigestCache,
// If toolchain_included is true, r.gomaReq.Input and cmdFiles will contain the same files.
// To avoid dup, if it's added in r.gomaReq.Input, we don't add it as cmdFiles.
// While processing r.gomaReq.Input, we handle missing input, so the main routine is in
// r.gomaReq.Input.
// path from cwd -> is_executable. Don't confuse "path from cwd" and "path from input root".
// Everything (except symlink) in ToolchainSpec should be in r.gomaReq.Input.
// If not and it's necessary to execute, a runtime error (while compile) can happen.
// e.g. *.so is missing etc.
toolchainInputs := make(map[string]bool)
executableInputs := make(map[string]bool)
if r.gomaReq.GetToolchainIncluded() {
for _, ts := range r.gomaReq.ToolchainSpecs {
if ts.GetSymlinkPath() != "" {
// If toolchain is a symlink, it is not included in r.gomaReq.Input.
// So, toolchainInputs should not contain it.
toolchainInputs[ts.GetPath()] = true
if ts.GetIsExecutable() {
executableInputs[ts.GetPath()] = true
var wg sync.WaitGroup
concurrent := r.f.FileLookupConcurrency
if concurrent == 0 {
concurrent = 1
sema := make(chan struct{}, concurrent)
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
type inputFileResult struct {
index int
missingInput string
missingReason string
file merkletree.Entry
uploaded bool
err error
resultCh := make(chan inputFileResult)
for i, input := range r.gomaReq.Input {
go func(index int, input *gomapb.ExecReq_Input) {
defer wg.Done()
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
logger.Warnf("ctx.Done index=%d, filename=%s ctx.Err:%v", index, input.GetFilename(), ctx.Err())
case sema <- struct{}{}:
defer func() {
sendToResultCh := func(r inputFileResult) error {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
logger.Warnf("ctx.Done index=%d, filename=%s ctx.Err:%v", index, input.GetFilename(), ctx.Err())
return ctx.Err()
case resultCh <- r:
return nil
fname, err := rootRel(r.filepath, input.GetFilename(), r.gomaReq.GetCwd(), r.tree.RootDir())
if err != nil {
if err == errOutOfRoot {
logger.Warnf("filename %s: %v", input.GetFilename(), err)
err: fmt.Errorf("input file: %s %v", input.GetFilename(), err),
data, err := gi.toDigest(ctx, input)
if err != nil {
index: index,
missingInput: input.GetFilename(),
missingReason: fmt.Sprintf("input: %v", err),
file := merkletree.Entry{
Name: fname,
Data: inputDigestData{
filename: input.GetFilename(),
Data: data,
IsExecutable: executableInputs[input.GetFilename()],
if input.Content == nil {
index: index,
file: file,
if sendToResultCh(inputFileResult{
index: index,
file: file,
uploaded: true,
}) != nil {
var hk string
err = rpc.Retry{}.Do(ctx, func() error {
hk, err = gi.upload(ctx, input.Content)
return err
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("setup %d %s input error: %v", index, input.GetFilename(), err)
if input.GetHashKey() != hk {
logger.Errorf("hashkey missmatch: embedded input %s %s != %s", input.GetFilename(), input.GetHashKey(), hk)
logger.Infof("embedded input %s %s", input.GetFilename(), hk)
}(i, input)
go func() {
var results []inputFileResult
for result := range resultCh {
if result.err != nil {
r.err = result.err
return nil
results = append(results, result)
sort.Slice(results, func(i, j int) bool {
return results[i].index < results[j].index
var uploaded int
var files []merkletree.Entry
var missingInputs []string
var missingReason []string
for _, in := range results {
if in.missingInput != "" {
missingInputs = append(missingInputs, in.missingInput)
missingReason = append(missingReason, in.missingReason)
files = append(files, in.file)
if in.uploaded {
logger.Infof("upload %d inputs out of %d", uploaded, len(r.gomaReq.Input))
if len(missingInputs) > 0 {
r.gomaResp.MissingInput = missingInputs
r.gomaResp.MissingReason = missingReason
sortMissing(r.gomaReq.Input, r.gomaResp)
logFileList(logger, "missing inputs", r.gomaResp.MissingInput)
return r.gomaResp
// create wrapper scripts
err = r.newWrapperScript(ctx, r.cmdConfig, r.cmdFiles[0].Path)
if err != nil {
r.err = fmt.Errorf("wrapper script: %v", err)
return nil
symAbsOk := r.f.capabilities.GetCacheCapabilities().GetSymlinkAbsolutePathStrategy() == rpb.SymlinkAbsolutePathStrategy_ALLOWED
for _, f := range r.cmdFiles {
if _, found := toolchainInputs[f.Path]; found {
// Must be processed in r.gomaReq.Input. So, skip this.
// TODO: cmdFiles should be empty instead if toolchain_included = true case?
e, err := fileSpecToEntry(ctx, f, r.f.CmdStorage)
if err != nil {
r.err = fmt.Errorf("fileSpecToEntry: %v", err)
return nil
if !symAbsOk && e.Target != "" && filepath.IsAbs(e.Target) {
r.err = fmt.Errorf("absolute symlink path not allowed: %s -> %s", e.Name, e.Target)
return nil
fname, err := rootRel(r.filepath, e.Name, r.gomaReq.GetCwd(), r.tree.RootDir())
if err != nil {
if err == errOutOfRoot {
logger.Warnf("filename %s: %v", e.Name, err)
r.err = fmt.Errorf("command file: %v", err)
return nil
e.Name = fname
files = append(files, e)
addDirs := func(name string, dirs []string) {
if r.err != nil {
for _, d := range dirs {
rel, err := rootRel(r.filepath, d, r.gomaReq.GetCwd(), r.tree.RootDir())
if err != nil {
r.err = fmt.Errorf("%s %s: %v", name, d, err)
files = append(files, merkletree.Entry{
// directory
Name: rel,
// Set up system include and framework paths (b/119072207)
// -isystem etc can be set for a compile, and non-existence of a directory specified by -isystem may cause compile error even if no file inside the directory is used.
addDirs("cxx system include path", r.gomaReq.GetCommandSpec().GetCxxSystemIncludePath())
addDirs("system include path", r.gomaReq.GetCommandSpec().GetSystemIncludePath())
addDirs("system framework path", r.gomaReq.GetCommandSpec().GetSystemFrameworkPath())
// prepare output dirs.
r.outputs = outputs(ctx, r.cmdConfig, r.gomaReq)
var outDirs []string
for _, d := range r.outputs {
outDirs = append(outDirs, r.filepath.Dir(d))
addDirs("output file", outDirs)
r.outputDirs = outputDirs(ctx, r.cmdConfig, r.gomaReq)
addDirs("output dir", r.outputDirs)
if r.err != nil {
return nil
for _, f := range files {
err = r.tree.Set(f)
if err != nil {
r.err = fmt.Errorf("input file: %v: %v", f, err)
return nil
root, err := r.tree.Build(ctx)
if err != nil {
r.err = err
return nil
logger.Infof("input root digest: %v", root)
r.action.InputRootDigest = root
return nil
const (
wrapperScript = `#!/bin/bash
# run command (i.e. "$@") at the same dir as user.
# INPUT_ROOT_DIR: expected directory of input root.
# input root is current directory to run this script.
# need to mount input root on $INPUT_ROOT_DIR.
# WORK_DIR: working directory relative to INPUT_ROOT_DIR.
# command will run at $INPUT_ROOT_DIR/$WORK_DIR.
# by default, it runs in sibling docker (for Cloud RBE).
# with the same uid
# with current directory (input root) mounted as same path as user's input root
# with the same working directory as user
# with the same container image
# to run the command line as user requested.
# if /opt/goma/bin/ exists in contianer image, use it instead.
# http://b/132742952
set -e
# check inputs.
# TODO: report error on other channel than stderr.
if [[ "$INPUT_ROOT_DIR" == "" ]]; then
echo "ERROR: INPUT_ROOT_DIR is not set" >&2
exit 1
if [[ "$WORK_DIR" == "" ]]; then
echo "ERROR: WORK_DIR is not set" >&2
exit 1
# if container image provides the script, use it instead.
if [[ -x /opt/goma/bin/ ]]; then
exec /opt/goma/bin/ "$@"
echo "ERROR: exec /opt/goma/bin/ failed: $?" >&2
exit 1
## get container id
containerid="$(basename "$(cat /proc/self/cpuset)")"
## get image url from current container.
image="$(docker inspect --format '{{.Config.Image}}' "$containerid")"
## get volume source dir for this directory.
set +e # docker inspect might fails, depending on client version.
rundir="$(docker inspect --format '{{range .Mounts}}{{if eq .Source "'"$(pwd)"'"}}{{.Destination}}{{end -}}{{end}}' "$containerid" 2>/dev/null)"
if [[ "$rundir" = "" ]]; then
# for legacy docker client
rundir="$(docker inspect --format '{{index .Volumes "'"$(pwd)"'"}}' "$containerid")"
set -e
if [[ "$rundir" = "" ]]; then
echo "error: failed to detect volume source dir" >&2
docker version
exit 1
# PWD might be /proc/self/cwd, but we need actual path for
# INPUT_ROOT_DIR and WORK_DIR, so we can't use PWD for --workdir.
docker run \
-u "$(id -u)" \
--volume "${rundir}:${INPUT_ROOT_DIR}" \
--workdir "${INPUT_ROOT_DIR}/${WORK_DIR}" \
--rm \
"$image" \
cwdAgnosticWrapperScript = `#!/bin/bash
set -e
if [[ "$WORK_DIR" != "" ]]; then
cd "${WORK_DIR}"
exec "$@"
// TODO: put wrapper script in platform container?
func (r *request) newWrapperScript(ctx context.Context, cmdConfig *cmdpb.Config, argv0 string) error {
logger := log.FromContext(ctx)
cwd := r.gomaReq.GetCwd()
wd, err := rootRel(r.filepath, cwd, cwd, r.tree.RootDir())
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("bad cwd=%s: %v", cwd, err)
if wd == "" {
wd = "."
envs := []string{fmt.Sprintf("WORK_DIR=%s", wd)}
// The developer of this program can make multiple wrapper scripts
// to be used by adding fileDesc instances to `files`.
// However, only the first one is called in the command line.
// The other scripts should be called from the first wrapper script
// if needed.
type fileDesc struct {
name string
data digest.Data
isExecutable bool
var files []fileDesc
args := buildArgs(ctx, cmdConfig, argv0, r.gomaReq)
pathType := cmdConfig.GetCmdDescriptor().GetSetup().GetPathType()
switch pathType {
case cmdpb.CmdDescriptor_POSIX:
if r.needChroot {
logger.Infof("run with chroot")
envs = append(envs, r.gomaReq.Env...)
// needed for bind mount.
r.addPlatformProperty(ctx, "dockerPrivileged", "true")
// needed for chroot command and mount command.
r.addPlatformProperty(ctx, "dockerRunAsRoot", "true")
nsjailCfg := nsjailConfig(cwd)
files = []fileDesc{
name: "",
data: digest.Bytes("nsjail-run-wrapper-script", []byte(nsjailRunWrapperScript)),
isExecutable: true,
name: "nsjail.cfg",
data: digest.Bytes("nsjail-config-file", []byte(nsjailCfg)),
} else {
var d digest.Data
err = cwdAgnosticReq(ctx, cmdConfig, r.filepath, r.gomaReq.Arg, r.gomaReq.Env)
if err != nil {
logger.Infof("non cwd agnostic: %v", err)
d = digest.Bytes("wrapper-script", []byte(wrapperScript))
envs = append(envs, fmt.Sprintf("INPUT_ROOT_DIR=%s", r.tree.RootDir()))
envs = append(envs, r.gomaReq.Env...)
r.addPlatformProperty(ctx, "dockerSiblingContainers", "true")
} else {
logger.Infof("cwd agnostic")
d = digest.Bytes("cwd-agnostic-wrapper-script", []byte(cwdAgnosticWrapperScript))
for _, e := range r.gomaReq.Env {
if strings.HasPrefix(e, "PWD=") {
// PWD is usually absolute path.
// if cwd agnostic, then we should remove
// PWD environment variable.
envs = append(envs, e)
files = []fileDesc{
name: "",
data: d,
isExecutable: true,
case cmdpb.CmdDescriptor_WINDOWS:
wn, data, err := wrapperForWindows(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
files = []fileDesc{
name: wn,
data: data,
isExecutable: true,
return fmt.Errorf("bad path type: %v", pathType)
// Only the first one is called in the command line via storing
// `wrapperPath` in `r.args` later.
wrapperPath := ""
for i, w := range files {
wp, err := rootRel(r.filepath,, r.gomaReq.GetCwd(), r.tree.RootDir())
if err != nil {
return err
logger.Infof("file (%d) %s => %v", i, wp,
Name: wp,
IsExecutable: w.isExecutable,
if wrapperPath == "" {
wrapperPath = wp
r.envs = envs
// if a wrapper exists in cwd, `wrapper` does not have a directory name.
// It cannot be callable on POSIX because POSIX do not contain "." in
// its PATH. Although "." is included in PATH on Windows, there can be
// a risk unexpected scripts with the same name would be called.
// Let's avoid the situation with explicitly specifying the directory
// name i.e. ".".
if r.filepath.Base(wrapperPath) == wrapperPath {
// Since Join omit "." and this is only the case Join must not
// omit ".", we need to join by ourselves here.
wrapperPath = "." + r.filepath.PathSep() + wrapperPath
r.args = append([]string{wrapperPath}, args...)
return nil
// TODO: refactor with exec/clang.go, exec/clangcl.go?
// buildArgs builds args in RBE from arg0 and req, respecting cmdConfig.
func buildArgs(ctx context.Context, cmdConfig *cmdpb.Config, arg0 string, req *gomapb.ExecReq) []string {
// TODO: need compiler specific handling?
args := append([]string{arg0}, req.Arg[1:]...)
if cmdConfig.GetCmdDescriptor().GetCross().GetClangNeedTarget() {
args = addTargetIfNotExist(args, req.GetCommandSpec().GetTarget())
return args
// add target option to args if args doesn't already have target option.
func addTargetIfNotExist(args []string, target string) []string {
// no need to add -target if arg already have it.
for _, arg := range args {
if arg == "-target" || strings.HasPrefix(arg, "--target=") {
return args
// says
// `-target <triple>`, but clang --help shows
// --target=<value> Generate code for the given target
return append(args, fmt.Sprintf("--target=%s", target))
// cwdAgnosticReq checks args, envs is cwd agnostic, respecting cmdConfig.
func cwdAgnosticReq(ctx context.Context, cmdConfig *cmdpb.Config, filepath clientFilePath, args, envs []string) error {
switch name := cmdConfig.GetCmdDescriptor().GetSelector().GetName(); name {
case "gcc", "g++", "clang", "clang++":
return gccCwdAgnostic(filepath, args, envs)
case "clang-cl":
return clangclCwdAgnostic(args, envs)
// "cl.exe", "javac", "clang-tidy"
return fmt.Errorf("no cwd agnostic check for %s", name)
// outputs gets output filenames from gomaReq.
// If either expected_output_files or expected_output_dirs is specified,
// expected_output_files is used.
// Otherwise, it's calculated from args.
func outputs(ctx context.Context, cmdConfig *cmdpb.Config, gomaReq *gomapb.ExecReq) []string {
if len(gomaReq.ExpectedOutputFiles) > 0 || len(gomaReq.ExpectedOutputDirs) > 0 {
return gomaReq.GetExpectedOutputFiles()
args := gomaReq.Arg
switch name := cmdConfig.GetCmdDescriptor().GetSelector().GetName(); name {
case "gcc", "g++", "clang", "clang++":
return gccOutputs(args)
case "clang-cl":
return clangclOutputs(args)
// "cl.exe", "javac", "clang-tidy"
return nil
// outputDirs gets output dirnames from gomaReq.
// If either expected_output_files or expected_output_dirs is specified,
// expected_output_dirs is used.
// Otherwise, it's calculated from args.
func outputDirs(ctx context.Context, cmdConfig *cmdpb.Config, gomaReq *gomapb.ExecReq) []string {
if len(gomaReq.ExpectedOutputFiles) > 0 || len(gomaReq.ExpectedOutputDirs) > 0 {
return gomaReq.GetExpectedOutputDirs()
args := gomaReq.Arg
switch cmdConfig.GetCmdDescriptor().GetSelector().GetName() {
case "javac":
return javacOutputDirs(args)
return nil
func (r *request) setupNewAction(ctx context.Context) {
if r.err != nil {
command, err := r.newCommand(ctx)
if err != nil {
r.err = err
// we'll run wrapper script that chdir, so don't set chdir here.
// see newWrapperScript.
// TODO: set command.WorkingDirectory
data, err := digest.Proto(command)
if err != nil {
r.err = err
logger := log.FromContext(ctx)
logger.Infof("command digest: %v %s", data.Digest(), command)
r.action.CommandDigest = data.Digest()
data, err = digest.Proto(r.action)
if err != nil {
r.err = err
logger.Infof("action digest: %v %s", data.Digest(), r.action)
r.actionDigest = data.Digest()
func (r *request) newCommand(ctx context.Context) (*rpb.Command, error) {
logger := log.FromContext(ctx)
envVars := createEnvVars(ctx, r.envs)
sort.Slice(r.platform.Properties, func(i, j int) bool {
return r.platform.Properties[i].Name < r.platform.Properties[j].Name
command := &rpb.Command{
Arguments: r.args,
EnvironmentVariables: envVars,
Platform: r.platform,
logger.Debugf("setup for outputs: %v", r.outputs)
// set output files from command line flags.
for _, output := range r.outputs {
rel, err := rootRel(r.filepath, output, r.gomaReq.GetCwd(), r.tree.RootDir())
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("output %s: %v", output, err)
command.OutputFiles = append(command.OutputFiles, rel)
logger.Debugf("setup for output dirs: %v", r.outputDirs)
// set output dirs from command line flags.
for _, output := range r.outputDirs {
rel, err := rootRel(r.filepath, output, r.gomaReq.GetCwd(), r.tree.RootDir())
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("output dir %s: %v", output, err)
command.OutputDirectories = append(command.OutputDirectories, rel)
return command, nil
func (r *request) checkCache(ctx context.Context) (*rpb.ActionResult, bool) {
if r.err != nil {
// no need to ask to execute.
return nil, true
logger := log.FromContext(ctx)
if skipCacheLookup(r.gomaReq) {
logger.Infof("store_only; skip cache lookup")
return nil, false
resp, err := r.client.Cache().GetActionResult(ctx, &rpb.GetActionResultRequest{
InstanceName: r.instanceName(),
ActionDigest: r.actionDigest,
if err != nil {
switch status.Code(err) {
case codes.NotFound:
logger.Infof("no cached action %v: %v", r.actionDigest, err)
case codes.Unavailable, codes.Canceled, codes.Aborted:
logger.Warnf("get action result %v: %v", r.actionDigest, err)
logger.Errorf("get action result %v: %v", r.actionDigest, err)
return nil, false
return resp, true
func (r *request) missingBlobs(ctx context.Context) []*rpb.Digest {
if r.err != nil {
return nil
var blobs []*rpb.Digest
err := rpc.Retry{}.Do(ctx, func() error {
var err error
blobs, err = r.cas.Missing(ctx, r.instanceName(), r.digestStore.List())
return err
if err != nil {
r.err = err
return nil
return blobs
func inputForDigest(ds *digest.Store, d *rpb.Digest) (string, error) {
src, ok := ds.GetSource(d)
if !ok {
return "", fmt.Errorf("not found for %s", d)
idd, ok := src.(inputDigestData)
if !ok {
return "", fmt.Errorf("not input file for %s", d)
return idd.filename, nil
type byInputFilenames struct {
order map[string]int
resp *gomapb.ExecResp
func (b byInputFilenames) Len() int { return len(b.resp.MissingInput) }
func (b byInputFilenames) Swap(i, j int) {
b.resp.MissingInput[i], b.resp.MissingInput[j] = b.resp.MissingInput[j], b.resp.MissingInput[i]
b.resp.MissingReason[i], b.resp.MissingReason[j] = b.resp.MissingReason[j], b.resp.MissingReason[i]
func (b byInputFilenames) Less(i, j int) bool {
io := b.order[b.resp.MissingInput[i]]
jo := b.order[b.resp.MissingInput[j]]
return io < jo
func sortMissing(inputs []*gomapb.ExecReq_Input, resp *gomapb.ExecResp) {
m := make(map[string]int)
for i, input := range inputs {
m[input.GetFilename()] = i
order: m,
resp: resp,
func logFileList(logger log.Logger, msg string, files []string) {
s := fmt.Sprintf("%q", files)
const logLineThreshold = 95 * 1024
if len(s) < logLineThreshold {
logger.Infof("%s %s", msg, s)
logger.Warnf("too many %s %d", msg, len(files))
var b strings.Builder
var i int
for len(files) > 0 {
if b.Len() > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(&b, " ")
s, files = files[0], files[1:]
fmt.Fprintf(&b, "%q", s)
if b.Len() > logLineThreshold {
logger.Infof("%s %d: [%s]", msg, i, b)
if b.Len() > 0 {
logger.Infof("%s %d: [%s]", msg, i, b)
func (r *request) uploadBlobs(ctx context.Context, blobs []*rpb.Digest) *gomapb.ExecResp {
if r.err != nil {
return nil
err := r.cas.Upload(ctx, r.instanceName(), blobs...)
if err != nil {
if missing, ok := err.(cas.MissingError); ok {
logger := log.FromContext(ctx)
logger.Infof("failed to upload blobs %s", missing.Blobs)
var missingInputs []string
var missingReason []string
for _, b := range missing.Blobs {
fname, err := inputForDigest(r.digestStore, b.Digest)
if err != nil {
logger.Warnf("unknown input for %s: %v", b.Digest, err)
missingInputs = append(missingInputs, fname)
missingReason = append(missingReason, b.Err.Error())
if len(missingInputs) > 0 {
r.gomaResp.MissingInput = missingInputs
r.gomaResp.MissingReason = missingReason
sortMissing(r.gomaReq.Input, r.gomaResp)
logFileList(logger, "missing inputs", r.gomaResp.MissingInput)
return r.gomaResp
// failed to upload non-input, so no need to report
// missing input to users.
// handle it as grpc error.
r.err = err
return nil
func (r *request) executeAction(ctx context.Context) (*rpb.ExecuteResponse, error) {
if r.err != nil {
return nil, r.Err()
_, resp, err := ExecuteAndWait(ctx, r.client, &rpb.ExecuteRequest{
InstanceName: r.instanceName(),
SkipCacheLookup: skipCacheLookup(r.gomaReq),
ActionDigest: r.actionDigest,
// ExecutionPolicy
// ResultsCachePolicy
if err != nil {
r.err = err
return nil, r.Err()
return resp, nil
func timestampSub(ctx context.Context, t1, t2 *tspb.Timestamp) time.Duration {
logger := log.FromContext(ctx)
time1, err := ptypes.Timestamp(t1)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("%s: %v", t1, err)
return 0
time2, err := ptypes.Timestamp(t2)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("%s: %v", t2, err)
return 0
return time1.Sub(time2)
func (r *request) newResp(ctx context.Context, eresp *rpb.ExecuteResponse, cached bool) (*gomapb.ExecResp, error) {
logger := log.FromContext(ctx)
if r.err != nil {
logger.Warnf("error during exec: %v", r.err)
return nil, r.Err()
logger.Debugf("response %v cached=%t", eresp, cached)
r.gomaResp.CacheKey = proto.String(r.actionDigest.String())
switch {
case eresp.CachedResult:
r.gomaResp.CacheHit = gomapb.ExecResp_STORAGE_CACHE.Enum()
case cached:
r.gomaResp.CacheHit = gomapb.ExecResp_MEM_CACHE.Enum()
r.gomaResp.CacheHit = gomapb.ExecResp_NO_CACHE.Enum()
if st := eresp.GetStatus(); st.GetCode() != 0 {
logger.Errorf("execute status error: %v", st)
s := status.FromProto(st)
r.gomaResp.ErrorMessage = append(r.gomaResp.ErrorMessage, fmt.Sprintf("Execute error: %s", s.Code()))
logger.Errorf("resp %v", r.gomaResp)
return r.gomaResp, nil
if eresp.Result == nil {
r.gomaResp.ErrorMessage = append(r.gomaResp.ErrorMessage, "unexpected response message")
logger.Errorf("resp %v", r.gomaResp)
return r.gomaResp, nil
md := eresp.Result.GetExecutionMetadata()
logger.Infof("exit=%d cache=%s : exec on %q queue=%s worker=%s input=%s exec=%s output=%s",
timestampSub(ctx, md.GetWorkerStartTimestamp(), md.GetQueuedTimestamp()),
timestampSub(ctx, md.GetWorkerCompletedTimestamp(), md.GetWorkerStartTimestamp()),
timestampSub(ctx, md.GetInputFetchCompletedTimestamp(), md.GetInputFetchStartTimestamp()),
timestampSub(ctx, md.GetExecutionCompletedTimestamp(), md.GetExecutionStartTimestamp()),
timestampSub(ctx, md.GetOutputUploadCompletedTimestamp(), md.GetOutputUploadStartTimestamp()))
gout := gomaOutput{
gomaResp: r.gomaResp,
bs: r.client.ByteStream(),
instance: r.instanceName(),
gomaFile: r.f.GomaFile,
// TODO: gomaOutput should return err for codes.Unauthenticated,
// instead of setting ErrorMessage in r.gomaResp,
// so it returns to caller (i.e. frontend), and retry with new
// refreshed oauth2 access.
// token.
gout.stdoutData(ctx, eresp)
gout.stderrData(ctx, eresp)
if len(r.gomaResp.Result.StdoutBuffer) > 0 {
// docker failure would be error of goma server, not users.
// so make it internal error, rather than command execution error.
// http://b/80272874
const dockerErrorResponse = "docker: Error response from daemon: oci runtime error:"
if eresp.Result.ExitCode == 127 &&
bytes.Contains(r.gomaResp.Result.StdoutBuffer, []byte(dockerErrorResponse)) {
logger.Errorf("docker error response %s", shortLogMsg(r.gomaResp.Result.StdoutBuffer))
return r.gomaResp, status.Errorf(codes.Internal, "docker error: %s", string(r.gomaResp.Result.StdoutBuffer))
logger.Infof("stdout %s", shortLogMsg(r.gomaResp.Result.StdoutBuffer))
if len(r.gomaResp.Result.StderrBuffer) > 0 {
logger.Infof("stderr %s", shortLogMsg(r.gomaResp.Result.StderrBuffer))
for _, output := range eresp.Result.OutputFiles {
if r.err != nil {
// output.Path should not be absolute, but relative to root dir.
// convert it to fname, which is cwd relative.
fname, err := r.filepath.Rel(r.gomaReq.GetCwd(), r.filepath.Join(r.tree.RootDir(), output.Path))
if err != nil {
r.gomaResp.ErrorMessage = append(r.gomaResp.ErrorMessage, fmt.Sprintf("output path %s: %v", output.Path, err))
gout.outputFile(ctx, fname, output)
for _, output := range eresp.Result.OutputDirectories {
if r.err != nil {
// output.Path should not be absolute, but relative to root dir.
// convert it to fname, which is cwd relative.
fname, err := r.filepath.Rel(r.gomaReq.GetCwd(), r.filepath.Join(r.tree.RootDir(), output.Path))
if err != nil {
r.gomaResp.ErrorMessage = append(r.gomaResp.ErrorMessage, fmt.Sprintf("output path %s: %v", output.Path, err))
gout.outputDirectory(ctx, r.filepath, fname, output)
if len(r.gomaResp.ErrorMessage) == 0 {
r.gomaResp.Result.ExitStatus = proto.Int32(eresp.Result.ExitCode)
return r.gomaResp, r.Err()
func shortLogMsg(msg []byte) string {
if len(msg) <= 1024 {
return string(msg)
var b strings.Builder
fmt.Fprint(&b, "...")
return b.String()