blob: e9574109b275f660448ea255ef0617ba0ea142e3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Goma Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
import "api/goma_data.proto";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
package command;
// Selector is a command selector.
// it is used to select a compiler or a subprogram/plugin to run on
// cmd_server by matching it with CommandSpec or SubprogramSpec in a request
// from goma client.
// a subprogram/plugin use name and binary_hash for matching.
// basename of path in SubprogramSpec should match with name in Selector.
// TODO: consider also using target.
message Selector {
// command name.
// name is command base name without version number and architecture.
// i.e. it should be equivalent CompilerFlags::GetCompilerName.
// e.g. "gcc", "g++", "clang", "",
// "libFindBadConstructs.dylib".
string name = 1;
// version. e.g. "4.4.3[Ubuntu 4.4.3-4ubuntu5]"
string version = 2;
// compiler's target machine. e.g. gcc -dumpmachine.
string target = 3;
// binary hash of the command (sha256, hexencoded)
string binary_hash = 4;
// FileSpec is a file metadata. content is identified by hash.
message FileSpec {
// path in client file system.
// may be relative.
// for cmd descriptor, it is relative to command binary directory.
// (e.g. /usr/bin for /usr/bin/gcc).
// for CmdReq, it is relative to working directory specified in cmd.Dir.
string path = 1;
int64 size = 2;
string hash = 3; // hash is empty, if file is symlink, or dir.
bool is_executable = 4;
string symlink = 5; // hash is empty.
// used for goma api.
string hash_key = 6;
devtools_goma.FileBlob blob = 7;
reserved 8;
// TODO: retention period?
// Target is a target address.
message Target {
string addr = 1;
// TBD: dial option?
// BuildInfo is image build info.
message BuildInfo {
// deprecated. use cmd_server instead.
reserved 1;
reserved "commit";
// who build this toolchain.
string creator = 2;
// hostname where the toolchain was built.
string hostname = 3;
// current working directory of toolchain build.
string directory = 4;
// when this toolchain was built.
google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp = 5;
// deprecated. use toolchain instead.
reserved 6;
reserved "upstreams";
// full image name of cmd_server container.
string cmd_server = 7;
// full qualified toolchain name (separated by space)
string toolchain = 8;
// notify?
// CmdDescriptor is a command descriptor.
message CmdDescriptor {
enum PathType {
POSIX = 1; // unix-style, slash separated.
WINDOWS = 2; // windows-style. backslash separated.
Selector selector = 1;
// command binaries to run.
// it includes driver program (e.g. gcc), and subprograms
// (e.g. cc1, cc1plus, as, objcopy etc).
// note: shared objects in standard dirs (/lib, /usr/lib, etc)
// will be included in image, so no need to install in each run.
// shared objects specified by RPATH (i.e. $ORIGIN/../lib, e.g.
// in chromium-clang) should be specified in files below.
// path is represented in path type.
message Setup {
// If cmd_file.Path is abs path, then this command binary is installed
// in image at the path, and no need to setup. when run command, use
// this path instead of local_compiler_path. files would be empty.
// If cmd_file.Path is relative path from cmd_dir, then this command
// binary is installed at local_compiler_path as cmd run setup. files
// would be also installed.
FileSpec cmd_file = 1;
string cmd_dir = 2;
repeated FileSpec files = 3; // relative to cmd path or absolute.
PathType path_type = 4;
Setup setup = 2;
// cross options (when user's platform and cmd_server's platform differs)
message Cross {
// If clang_need_target is true, exec_service adds -target <arch>
// in args if args does not have -target option.
// note: it is clang/clang++ specific.
bool clang_need_target = 1;
// TODO: implement followings.
// - needs path conversion
// - nacl/win->linux
// - pnacl/win->linux
Cross cross = 3;
// EmulationOpts is used when goma backend cannot fully emulate client environment.
message EmulationOpts {
// respect_client_include_paths is true if we need to append
// include directories sent from goma client to command line.
// For example, when we choose a binary is not relocatable, we need to
// specify -isystem, -imsvc (or equivalent)
bool respect_client_include_paths = 1;
EmulationOpts emulation_opts = 6;
reserved 4, 5;
reserved "cmd_opts", "package_opt";
// other options?
// TODO: more data to describe command (used in exec.Service).
// RemoteexecPlatform is a set of requirements, such as hardware,
// operating system, for an remoteexec API.
message RemoteexecPlatform {
message Property {
// The property name.
string name = 1;
// The property value.
string value = 2;
repeated Property properties = 1;
// Basename of RBE instance to use. e.g. "default_instance" or "windows".
string rbe_instance_basename = 2;
// Config is a command config; mapping from selector.
message Config {
Target target = 1;
reserved 2;
reserved "image";
BuildInfo build_info = 3;
CmdDescriptor cmd_descriptor = 4;
RemoteexecPlatform remoteexec_platform = 5;
// If this config is configured for arbitrary toolchain support,
// set dimensions of the config. Otherwise, this should be nil.
repeated string dimensions = 6;
// Platform is a set of requirements, such as haredware, operting system
// for RBE backend.
// matched with build.bazel.remote.execution.v2.Platform.
message Platform {
message Property {
string name = 1;
string value = 2;
repeated Property properties = 1;
// RuntimeConfig is config for runtime.
message RuntimeConfig {
// name of runtime.
// if this runtime config found in a bucket,
// the following files will be detected in this name directory in the bucket:
// seq
// <prebuilt-item>/descriptors/<descriptorHash>
// remoteexec-platform/<property-name>
string name = 1;
// service address for the runtime. i.e. RBE address.
string service_addr = 2;
// If not nil, this runtime config will be also configured
// for arbitrary toolchain support.
// This is selector to use this runtime. i.e. if client request contains
// the dimentions, this runtime config will be selected.
PlatformRuntimeConfig platform_runtime_config = 6;
// Basename of RBE instance to use. e.g. "default_instance" or "windows".
string rbe_instance_basename = 7;
// Platform is a set of requirements, such as haredware, operting system
// for RBE backend.
// property files stored in remoteexec-platform/ in the bucket will be
// merged into this.
Platform platform = 8;
// go/goma-toolchain-filter-per-cluster
// prefix of prebuilts in the runtime.
// disallowed takes precedence over allowed.
// prebuilts prefix to allow.
// if allowed_prebuilts specified, only prebuilts that are matched
// by allowed_prebuilts is allowed. other prebuilts are disallowed.
// if no allowed_prebuilts specified, any prebuilts are allowed
// if it is not disallowed by disallowed_prebuilts.
repeated string allowed_prebuilts = 3;
// prebuilts prefix to disallow.
// if no disallowed_prebuilts specified, only allowed_prebuilts is used.
// if both are not specified, all prebuilts are allowed.
repeated string disallowed_prebuilts = 4;
// commands that is disallowed in the runtime.
// selector field is used for exact match, if it is specified.
// selector field that is not specified in disallowed_commands will
// match any selector.
repeated Selector disallowed_commands = 5;
// PlatformRuntimeConfig is a config to use the runtime.
message PlatformRuntimeConfig {
repeated string dimensions = 1;
// ConfigMap is a config map; data source of Config.
// admin creates/updates the file in <bucket>/<config>.config
// and ConfigMapBucket will read the info.
message ConfigMap {
repeated RuntimeConfig runtimes = 1;
// TODO: remove ConfigResp.
message ConfigResp {
string version_id = 2;
repeated Config configs = 1;