blob: bd5f1f4e0a2d9636c4e1cb00c6e65f42dd68b00b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Goma Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package winpath
import (
func TestIsAbs(t *testing.T) {
for _, tc := range []struct {
path string
isAbs bool
{`C:\`, true},
{`c\`, false},
{`c::`, false},
{`c:`, false},
{`/`, false},
{`\`, false},
{`\Windows`, false},
{`c:a\b`, false},
{`c:\a\b`, true},
{`c:/a/b`, true},
// TODO: support UNC?
} {
got := IsAbs(tc.path)
if got != tc.isAbs {
t.Errorf("IsAbs(%q)=%t; want=%t", tc.path, got, tc.isAbs)
func TestBase(t *testing.T) {
for _, tc := range []struct {
path, result string
{"", "."},
{".", "."},
{"/.", "."},
{"/", `\`},
{"////", `\`},
{"x/", "."}, // different from filepath.Base
{"abc", "abc"},
{"abc/def", "def"},
{"a/b/.x", ".x"},
{"a/b/c.", "c."},
{"a/b/c.x", "c.x"},
{`c:\`, `\`},
{`c:.`, `.`},
{`c:\a\b`, `b`},
{`c:a\b`, `b`},
{`c:a\b\c`, `c`},
// TODO: support UNC?
} {
got := Base(tc.path)
if got != tc.result {
t.Errorf("Base(%q)=%q; want=%q", tc.path, got, tc.result)
func TestDir(t *testing.T) {
for _, tc := range []struct {
path, result string
{"", "."},
{".", "."},
{"/.", `\`},
{"/", `\`},
{"////", `\`},
{"/foo", `\`},
{"x/", "x"},
{"abc", "."},
{"abc/def", "abc"},
{"a/b/.x", `a\b`},
{"a/b/c.", `a\b`},
{"a/b/c.x", `a\b`},
{`c:\`, `c:\`},
{`c:.`, `c:.`},
{`c:\a\b`, `c:\a`},
{`c:a\b`, `c:a`},
{`c:a\b\c`, `c:a\b`},
// TODO: support UNC
} {
got := Dir(tc.path)
if got != tc.result {
t.Errorf("Dir(%q)=%q; want=%q", tc.path, got, tc.result)
func TestJoin(t *testing.T) {
for _, tc := range []struct {
elem []string
path string
// zero parameters.
{nil, ""},
// one parameter
{[]string{""}, ``},
{[]string{"/"}, `\`},
{[]string{"a"}, "a"},
// two parameters
{[]string{"a", "b"}, `a\b`},
{[]string{"a", ""}, "a"},
{[]string{"", "b"}, "b"},
{[]string{"/", "a"}, `\a`},
{[]string{"/", "a/b"}, `\a\b`},
{[]string{"/", ""}, `\`},
{[]string{"//", "a"}, `\a`},
{[]string{"/a", "b"}, `\a\b`},
{[]string{"a/", "b"}, `a\b`},
{[]string{"a/", ""}, "a"},
{[]string{"", ""}, ""},
// different from filepath.Join, it won't clean \..\.
{[]string{"a", "../b"}, `a\..\b`},
// tree parameters
{[]string{"/", "a", "b"}, `\a\b`},
{[]string{`directory`, `file`}, `directory\file`},
{[]string{`C:\Windows\`, `System32`}, `C:\Windows\System32`},
{[]string{`C:\Windows\`, ``}, `C:\Windows`},
{[]string{`C:\`, `Windows`}, `C:\Windows`},
{[]string{`C:`, `a`}, `C:a`},
{[]string{`C:`, `a\b`}, `C:a\b`},
{[]string{`C:`, `a`, `b`}, `C:a\b`},
{[]string{`C:.`, `a`}, `C:a`},
{[]string{`C:a`, `b`}, `C:a\b`},
{[]string{`C:a`, `b`, `d`}, `C:a\b\d`},
// TODO: UNC path.
{[]string{`\`}, `\`},
{[]string{`\`, ``}, `\`},
{[]string{`\`, `a`}, `\a`},
{[]string{`\\`, `a`}, `\a`},
{[]string{`\`, `a`, `b`}, `\a\b`},
{[]string{`\\`, `a`, `b`}, `\a\b`},
{[]string{`\`, `\\a\b`, `c`}, `\a\b\c`},
{[]string{`\\a`, `b`, `c`}, `\a\b\c`},
{[]string{`\\a\`, `b`, `c`}, `\a\b\c`},
// different from filepath.Join, it won't clean \..\.
{[]string{`a\..`, `b`}, `a\..\b`},
} {
got := Join(tc.elem...)
if got != tc.path {
t.Errorf("Join(%q)=%q; want=%q", tc.elem, got, tc.path)
func TestRel(t *testing.T) {
for _, tc := range []struct {
root, path, want string
{"a/b", "a/b", "."},
{"a/b/.", "a/b", "."},
{"a/b", "a/b/.", "."},
{"./a/b", "a/b", "."},
{"a/b", "./a/b", "."},
{"ab/cd", "ab/cde", `..\cde`},
{"ab/cd", "ab/c", `..\c`},
{"a/b", "a/b/c/d", `c\d`},
{"a/b", "a/b/../c", `..\c`},
{"a/b/../c", "a/b", `..\b`},
{"a/b/c", "a/c/d", `..\..\c\d`},
{"a/b", "c/d", `..\..\c\d`},
{"a/b/c/d", "a/b", `..\..`},
{"a/b/c/d", "a/b/", `..\..`},
{"a/b/c/d/", "a/b", `..\..`},
{"a/b/c/d/", "a/b/", `..\..`},
{"../../a/b", "../../a/b/c/d", `c\d`},
{"/a/b", "/a/b", "."},
{"/a/b/.", "/a/b", "."},
{"/a/b", "/a/b/.", "."},
{"/ab/cd", "/ab/cde", `..\cde`},
{"/ab/cd", "/ab/c", `..\c`},
{"/a/b", "/a/b/c/d", `c\d`},
{"/a/b", "/a/b/../c", `..\c`},
{"/a/b/../c", "/a/b", `..\b`},
{"/a/b/c", "/a/c/d", `..\..\c\d`},
{"/a/b", "/c/d", `..\..\c\d`},
{"/a/b/c/d", "/a/b", `..\..`},
{"/a/b/c/d", "/a/b/", `..\..`},
{"/a/b/c/d/", "/a/b", `..\..`},
{"/a/b/c/d/", "/a/b/", `..\..`},
{"/../../a/b", "/../../a/b/c/d", `c\d`},
{".", "a/b", `a\b`},
{".", "..", ".."},
{`C:a\b\c`, `C:a/b/d`, `..\d`},
{`C:\Projects`, `C:\Projects\src`, `src`},
{`C:\Projects`, `C:\Projects`, `.`},
} {
got, err := Rel(tc.root, tc.path)
if err != nil || got != tc.want {
t.Errorf("Rel(%q, %q)=%q, %v; want %q, nil", tc.root, tc.path, got, err, tc.want)
// can't do purely lexically
for _, tc := range []struct {
root, path string
{"..", "."},
{"..", "a"},
{"../..", ".."},
{"a", "/a"},
{"/a", "a"},
{`C:\`, `D:\`},
{`C:`, `D:`},
{`C:\Projects`, `c:\projects\src`}, // case mismatch
{`C:\Projects`, `c:\projects`}, // case mismatch
{`C:\Projects\a\..`, `c:\projects`}, // different from filepath.Rel
} {
got, err := Rel(tc.root, tc.path)
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("Rel(%q, %q)=%q, nil; want error", tc.root, tc.path, got)
func TestClean(t *testing.T) {
for _, tc := range []struct {
path, result string
// Already clean
{"abc", "abc"},
{"abc/def", `abc\def`},
{"a/b/c", `a\b\c`},
{".", "."},
{"..", ".."},
{"../..", `..\..`},
{"../../abc", `..\..\abc`},
{"/abc", `\abc`},
{"/", `\`},
// Empty is current dir
{"", "."},
// Remove trailing slash
{"abc/", "abc"},
{"abc/def/", `abc\def`},
{"a/b/c/", `a\b\c`},
{"./", "."},
{"../", ".."},
{"../../", `..\..`},
{"/abc/", `\abc`},
// Remove doubled slash
{"abc//def//ghi", `abc\def\ghi`},
{"//abc", `\abc`},
{"///abc", `\abc`},
{"//abc//", `\abc`},
{"abc//", "abc"},
// Remove . elements
{"abc/./def", `abc\def`},
{"/./abc/def", `\abc\def`},
{"abc/.", "abc"},
// Remove .. elements
{"abc/def/ghi/../jkl", `abc\def\jkl`},
{"abc/def/../ghi/../jkl", `abc\jkl`},
{"abc/def/..", "abc"},
{"abc/def/../..", "."},
{"/abc/def/../..", `\`},
{"abc/def/../../..", ".."},
{"/abc/def/../../..", `\`},
{"abc/def/../../../ghi/jkl/../../../mno", `..\..\mno`},
{"/../abc", `\abc`},
// Combinations
{"abc/./../def", "def"},
{"abc//./../def", "def"},
{"abc/../../././../def", `..\..\def`},
// win path case
{`c:`, `c:.`},
{`c:\`, `c:\`},
{`c:\abc`, `c:\abc`},
{`c:abc\..\..\.\.\..\def`, `c:..\..\def`},
{`c:\abc\def\..\..`, `c:\`},
{`c:\..\abc`, `c:\abc`},
{`\`, `\`},
// TODO: UNC path.
} {
got := Clean(tc.path)
if got != tc.result {
t.Errorf("Clean(%q)=%q; want=%q", tc.path, got, tc.result)
func TestSplitElem(t *testing.T) {
for _, tc := range []struct {
path string
elem []string
{"", nil},
{"/", []string{`\`}},
{`\`, []string{`\`}},
{"a", []string{"a"}},
{".", []string{"."}},
{"/.", []string{`\`, "."}},
{`\.`, []string{`\`, "."}},
{"////", []string{`\`}},
{`\\\\`, []string{`\`}},
{"////.", []string{`\`, "."}},
{`\\\\.`, []string{`\`, "."}},
{".////", []string{"."}},
{`.\\\\`, []string{"."}},
{"a/b", []string{"a", "b"}},
{`a\b`, []string{"a", "b"}},
{"/a/b", []string{`\`, "a", "b"}},
{`\a\b`, []string{`\`, "a", "b"}},
{"a/b/.", []string{"a", "b", "."}},
{`a\b\.`, []string{"a", "b", "."}},
{"a/b/", []string{"a", "b", "."}},
{`a\b\`, []string{"a", "b", "."}},
{"a//b", []string{"a", "b"}},
{`a\\/b`, []string{"a", "b"}},
{"//a", []string{`\`, "a"}},
{`\\a`, []string{`\`, "a"}},
{"a//", []string{"a", "."}},
{`a\\`, []string{"a", "."}},
{"a//.", []string{"a", "."}},
{`a\\/.`, []string{"a", "."}},
{"a/./b", []string{"a", "b"}},
{`a\.\b`, []string{"a", "b"}},
{"a/././b", []string{"a", "b"}},
{`a\.\.\b`, []string{"a", "b"}},
{"a/../b", []string{"a", "..", "b"}},
{`a\..\b`, []string{"a", "..", "b"}},
{"c:/a/b", []string{`c:\`, "a", "b"}},
{`c:\a/b`, []string{`c:\`, "a", "b"}},
{"c:a/b", []string{"c:", "a", "b"}},
{`c:\\\\`, []string{`c:\`}},
} {
got := SplitElem(tc.path)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, tc.elem) {
t.Errorf("SplitElem(%q)=%q; want=%q", tc.path, got, tc.elem)
func TestToPosix(t *testing.T) {
for _, tc := range []struct {
path string
want string
{"a", "a"},
{`a\b`, "a/b"},
{"a/b", "a/b"},
{`a\b\c`, "a/b/c"},
{`a/b\c`, "a/b/c"},
{`\a\b\c`, "/a/b/c"},
{`c:\a`, "/a"},
{`c:\a\b\c`, "/a/b/c"},
{`c:a\b\c`, "a/b/c"},
} {
got := ToPosix(tc.path)
if got != tc.want {
t.Errorf("ToPosix(%q)=%q; want=%q", tc.path, got, tc.want)
func BenchmarkCleanAlreadyClean(b *testing.B) {
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
func BenchmarkCleanAlreadyCleanAbs(b *testing.B) {
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
func BenchmarkCleanParentDir(b *testing.B) {
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
func BenchmarkCleanParentDirAbs(b *testing.B) {
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {