blob: d80dd0057f391eca4ae2ea9bed6f8264806cccdf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2010 Google LLC. All Rights Reserved.
// new proto definitions for goma v2
syntax = "proto2";
package devtools_goma;
option go_package = "";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
// persistent data
// hash_key = sha256(serialized FileBlob)
// for small file (< 2MB) embedded
// blob_type=FILE, !has_offset(), has_content()
// has_file_size(), hash_key_size() == 0
// for large file
// blob_type=FILE_META, !has_offset(), !has_content()
// has_file_size(), hash_key_size() > 0
// for each hash_key(i)
// blob_type=FILE_CHUNK, has_offset(), has_content(),
// has_file_size(), hash_key_size() == 0
// for small file (< 2MB), stored as blob_type=FILE in file server with
// key=hash_key[0]
// blob_type=FILE_REF, !hash_offset(), !has_content()
// has_file_size(), hash_key_size() == 1
message FileBlob {
enum BlobType {
FILE = 1;
// ARCHIVE = 4;
required BlobType blob_type = 1;
// for blob_type=FILE_CHUNK
optional int64 offset = 10;
// for blob_type=FILE or FILE_CHUNK
optional bytes content = 11;
// for all blob_types
optional int64 file_size = 20;
// for blob_type=FILE_META. hash_key is FileBlob hash of FILE_CHUNK.
repeated string hash_key = 21;
// Goma backend selects compiler with CommandSpec.
message CommandSpec {
optional string name = 1; // "gcc", "g++", "cl.exe", etc, without
// path, version number and architecture.
optional string version = 2; // "4.4.3[Ubuntu 4.4.3-4ubuntu5]"
optional string target = 3; // "x86_64-linux-gnu
// Binary size of the command.
// Necessary if toolchain is sent to the server.
// TODO: Now that we have ToolchainSpec, this is not necessary.
optional int64 size = 13;
// The followings will be used to request more specific version of
// command, populated by compiler_proxy.
optional bytes binary_hash = 4; // to require exact the same binary.
// A list of alternative hashes. This field will be used when
// multiple binaries can be considered the same. For example, linux
// android gcc will be used even if a user is using goma from
// mac. For such cases, we should fill this field with binary hash
// of mac gcc.
repeated bytes equivalent_hash = 11;
optional string detailed_info = 5; // output of "gcc -v"
// Tell compiler_proxy what the path to local 'gcc' (not goma gcc)
// is, populated by and consumed by compiler_proxy
optional string local_compiler_path = 6;
// Compiler system include paths (sent from compiler_proxy).
// Note that system include paths can be a relative path from cwd.
// For Windows NaCl, it could also be a relative path from toolchain root.
repeated string system_include_path = 7;
repeated string cxx_system_include_path = 8;
repeated string system_framework_path = 9;
// Compiler system library paths
repeated string system_library_path = 12;
// An optional label of this command for logging/monitoring purpose.
optional string comment = 10;
message SubprogramSpec {
// full path (in client filesystem)
// or basename (in result when default subprogram is used).
optional string path = 1;
optional string binary_hash = 2;
// Binary size of the subprogram.
optional int64 size = 3;
// Experimental.
// Specifies toolchain specification.
// This spec is necessary only if toolchain is also uploaded.
message ToolchainSpec {
// path to toolchain. Relative path from ExecReq::cwd or Absolute path.
optional string path = 1;
// SHA256 hash of the toolchain.
optional string hash = 2;
// file size of toolchain (in bytes).
optional int64 size = 3;
// true if the toolchain has 'x' bit.
optional bool is_executable = 4;
// If this spec is a symlink, set this path.
// hash, size, and is_executable should be empty in this case.
// If this spec is not a symlink, this should be empty.
optional string symlink_path = 5;
message ExecResult {
required int32 exit_status = 1 [default=-1];
optional bytes stdout_buffer = 2;
optional bytes stderr_buffer = 3;
optional CommandSpec command_spec = 4;
// subprograms that were used in compilation.
repeated SubprogramSpec subprogram = 5;
repeated group Output = 10 {
// TODO: We might want to normalize this path to relative path?
optional string filename = 11; // relative to request cwd or full path
// if blob.blob_type=FILE_META, client need to request blob.hash_key() later
optional FileBlob blob = 12;
optional bool is_executable = 13 [default=false];
// Common RPC message
message PlatformProperty {
optional string name = 1;
optional string value = 2;
message RequesterInfo {
optional string addr = 1; // requester's ip addr.
optional string username = 2; // requester's user name
// Identifier for each compiler_proxy request.
optional string compiler_proxy_id = 3;
// The version of goma protocol. This is intended to be used for two purpose:
// - When we changes the meanings of compiler_proxy's request, we may
// want to support the previous type of requests in our backend for a while.
// Backend can change its behavior by checking the value of this field.
// - Once a server stops supporting the old behavior, the backend can
// send an error messages to the client. Also, we can track the clients'
// versions with this field so we can easily decide if it's safe to
// stop supporting the old behavior.
// 0 => 1: Changed the meaning of command_spec.system_include_path.
// Now -isysroot in a command line is considered to obtain this field.
// 1 => 2: command_spec.version contains vendor versions.
// E.g., 4.4.3[Ubuntu 4.4.3-4ubuntu5]
enum GomaApiVersion {
// Can't use [default=CURRENT_VERSION] since GomaApiVersion is not int32.
optional int32 api_version = 4 [default=2];
optional int32 pid = 5;
// deprecated: indicates client use case.
reserved 6;
// # of retry. 0 is first call.
optional int32 retry = 7;
optional string goma_revision = 8;
// Unique ID per build.
// Client should set unique identifier of the build in this field.
// Note to LUCI users: since there could be multiple compile steps for
// recipes, you cannot use buildbucket build_id here.
optional string build_id = 9;
// Requester's dimensions. Each dimension is a "<key>:<value>" pair.
// `dimensions` can define the constraint of the remote machine.
// e.g. "os":"linux".
// Inspired from swarming bot dimensions.
repeated string dimensions = 10;
// Implementation Note: `WINDOWS` is defined on Win, so we have to add
// prefix or suffix.
enum PathStyle {
POSIX_STYLE = 1; // unix-style, slash separated.
WINDOWS_STYLE = 2; // windows-style. backslash separated.
// Requester's path style.
optional PathStyle path_style = 11;
// re-client compat flags
// The exec root of the command.
optional string exec_root = 12;
// This is used to identify remote platform settings like the docker image
// to use to run the command.
repeated PlatformProperty platform_properties = 13;
message RequesterEnv {
optional string gomacc_path = 41; // full pathname of gomacc.
optional string local_path = 42; // user's PATH.
optional int32 umask = 43; // user's umask.
optional bool verify_output = 50; // GOMA_VERIFY_OUTPUT
optional bool use_local = 51; // GOMA_USE_LOCAL
optional bool fallback = 52; // GOMA_FALLBACK
optional string verify_command = 53; // GOMA_VERIFY_COMMAND
repeated string fallback_input_file = 60; // GOMA_FALLBACK_INPUT_FILES
// ExecService Interface
message ExecReq {
required CommandSpec command_spec = 1;
repeated string arg = 2;
repeated string env = 3;
optional string cwd = 4;
repeated group Input = 10 {
optional string filename = 11; // relative to cwd or full path
required string hash_key = 12;
optional FileBlob content = 13;
// The @ notations in arg should be expanded and the result should
// be stored in this field for javac and VC++.
repeated string expanded_arg = 14;
// Subprograms that would be used in client. By setting this,
// client could request backend to use the same subprograms.
repeated SubprogramSpec subprogram = 15;
optional RequesterInfo requester_info = 30;
enum CachePolicy {
// IGNORE = 0;
optional CachePolicy cache_policy = 31 [default = LOOKUP_AND_STORE];
// This is passed from gomacc to compiler proxy, and compiler proxy
// clears it before sending ExecReq to goma service.
optional RequesterEnv requester_env = 32;
// When hermetic_mode is true, restrict backend use the same compiler
// as local version. Backend should use a compiler package
// that has the same version string and the same binary_hash only.
// If there is no such compilers in backend, it should not run any other
// compiler but returns error: ExecResp contains error messages,
// no command spec and empty missing_input. It isn't rpc error.
optional bool hermetic_mode = 33;
// Requests that the call is traced.
optional bool trace = 34;
// Expected output files and dirs, which are calculated in CompilerFlags.
// Goma server will return these files and dirs as output.
// If files which are not specified here are generated in the server,
// those files will be ignored (so, we can ignore temporary cache file or
// telemetry information).
// If files which are specified here are not generated in the server,
// the server just ignores such files. If the specified files do not look
// generated by a compiler, Goma server can return BAD_REQUEST.
// If output files and dirs are not specified, the server can calculate
// expected output files and dirs by itself (if possible).
// These path must be in client-format.
// Use '/' on Linux and Mac, and use '\\' for Windows.
repeated string expected_output_files = 35;
repeated string expected_output_dirs = 36;
// True if ExecReq contains toolchains as input.
optional bool toolchain_included = 37;
// If ExecReq contains toolchains as input, set toolchain spec.
// toolchain spec should contain all compiler related files except system
// shared objects which are expected to exist in the server side. For
// example, in `clang` case, recent `clang` binary usually contains
// everything, so it is OK to have just `clang`. In `pnacl-clang` case, it
// needs, and since it is a compiler wrapper, it needs related
// python scripts etc.
// Currently, if `dimensions` is set correctly, we don't need to add
// shared objects in /lib or /usr/lib.
// toolchain_specs should contain compiler-driver (which is set in
// command_spec) and subprograms, too.
repeated ToolchainSpec toolchain_specs = 38;
reserved 99;
// Stats of a single RBE execution. This is a subset of
message ExecutionStats {
// When the worker started executing the action command.
optional google.protobuf.Timestamp execution_start_timestamp = 1;
// When the worker completed executing the action command.
optional google.protobuf.Timestamp execution_completed_timestamp = 2;
message ExecResp {
enum ExecError {
OK = 0;
BAD_REQUEST = -1; // Non retryable error.
// Specifies the reason of ExecError::BAD_REQUEST.
enum BadRequestReasonCode {
// The reason is unknown (or not BAD_REQUEST)
// The request contains unsupported compiler flags.
enum CacheSource {
optional ExecResult result = 1;
optional ExecError error = 2 [default=OK];
optional BadRequestReasonCode bad_request_reason_code = 3 [default=UNKNOWN];
repeated string missing_input = 11; // filename
repeated string missing_reason = 15; // reasons of missing_input.
repeated string error_message = 12;
optional bool force_store_output_file_for_unmatched_hash = 13
optional bool force_store_output_file_for_unmatched_version = 14
optional bool force_store_output_file_for_unmatched_subprograms = 16
// for trace
optional string cache_key = 21; // result cache_key
optional CacheSource cache_hit = 27;
reserved 22, 23;
// requester's compiler_proxy_id.
// for cached resp, it is the original requester, not current requester.
optional string requester_compiler_proxy_id = 26;
// Time at compiler_proxy
optional double compiler_proxy_time = 50;
optional double compiler_proxy_include_preproc_time = 51;
optional double compiler_proxy_include_fileload_time = 52;
optional double compiler_proxy_rpc_call_time = 53;
optional double compiler_proxy_file_response_time = 54;
optional double compiler_proxy_rpc_build_time = 55;
optional double compiler_proxy_rpc_send_time = 56;
optional double compiler_proxy_rpc_wait_time = 57;
optional double compiler_proxy_rpc_recv_time = 58;
optional double compiler_proxy_rpc_parse_time = 59;
optional double compiler_proxy_local_pending_time = 60;
optional double compiler_proxy_local_run_time = 61;
optional bool compiler_proxy_goma_finished = 70;
optional bool compiler_proxy_goma_cache_hit = 71;
optional bool compiler_proxy_goma_aborted = 72;
optional bool compiler_proxy_goma_error = 73;
optional bool compiler_proxy_local_finished = 74;
optional bool compiler_proxy_local_run = 75;
optional bool compiler_proxy_local_killed = 76;
optional int32 compiler_proxy_exec_request_retry = 80;
// Execution stats collected from RBE
optional ExecutionStats execution_stats = 81;
// 99 was used in experimental phase.
reserved 99;
// FileService Interface
message StoreFileReq {
repeated FileBlob blob = 1;
optional RequesterInfo requester_info = 10;
message StoreFileResp {
repeated string hash_key = 1; // sha256(blob) for success or "" for error
message LookupFileReq {
repeated string hash_key = 1;
optional RequesterInfo requester_info = 10;
message LookupFileResp {
repeated FileBlob blob = 2;
message EmptyMessage {
message HttpPortResponse {
required int32 port = 1;