blob: fab00360793f051b43a291e6297ca58b12608b25 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Goma Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Package winpath handles windows-path (backslash separated path).
// It also accepts slash as path separator.
package winpath
import (
var (
absPathPattern = regexp.MustCompile(`^[A-Za-z]:[/\\].*`)
// FilePath provides win filepath.
type FilePath struct{}
func (FilePath) String() string { return "win.filepath" }
func (FilePath) IsAbs(path string) bool { return IsAbs(path) }
func (FilePath) Base(path string) string { return Base(path) }
func (FilePath) Dir(path string) string { return Dir(path) }
func (FilePath) Join(elem ...string) string { return Join(elem...) }
func (FilePath) Rel(basepath, targpath string) (string, error) {
return Rel(basepath, targpath)
func (FilePath) Clean(path string) string { return Clean(path) }
func (FilePath) SplitElem(path string) []string { return SplitElem(path) }
func (FilePath) PathSep() string { return `\` }
// IsAbs returns true if fname is absolute path.
func IsAbs(fname string) bool {
return absPathPattern.MatchString(fname)
// Base returns the last element of fname.
// If fname is empty, or ends with path separator, Base returns ".".
// If fname is `\` only, Base returns `\`.
func Base(fname string) string {
if fname == "" {
return "."
fname = fixPathSep(fname, '\\', '/')
_, path := splitDrive(fname)
if path == "" {
return "."
base := posixpath.Base(path)
return fixPathSep(base, '/', '\\')
// Dir returns all but the last element of path, typically the path's
// directory. Differnt from filepath.Dir, it won't clean ".." in the result.
// If path is empty, Dir returns ".".
func Dir(fname string) string {
if fname == "" {
return "."
fname = fixPathSep(fname, '\\', '/')
drive, path := splitDrive(fname)
if path == "" {
return drive
dirname := posixpath.Dir(path)
return drive + fixPathSep(dirname, '/', '\\')
// Join joins any number of path elements into a single path, adding a "/"
// if necessary. Different from filepath.Join, it won't clean ".." in
// the result. All empty strings are ignored.
func Join(elem ...string) string {
if len(elem) == 0 {
return ""
// copy
elem = append([]string{}, elem...)
for i := range elem {
elem[i] = fixPathSep(elem[i], '\\', '/')
var drive string
drive, elem[0] = splitDrive(elem[0])
path := posixpath.Join(elem...)
return drive + fixPathSep(path, '/', '\\')
// Rel returns a relative path that is lexically equivalent to targpath when
// joined to basepath with an intervening separator.
// TODO: case insensitive match.
func Rel(basepath, targpath string) (string, error) {
bdrive, bpath := splitDrive(basepath)
tdrive, tpath := splitDrive(targpath)
if tdrive == "" {
tdrive = bdrive
targpath = tdrive + tpath
if IsAbs(basepath) != IsAbs(targpath) {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Rel: can't make %s relative to %s (abs %t vs %t)", targpath, basepath, IsAbs(targpath), IsAbs(basepath))
if bdrive != tdrive {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Rel: can't make %s relative to %s (drive mismatch %q vs %q)", targpath, basepath, tdrive, bdrive)
bpath = fixPathSep(bpath, '\\', '/')
tpath = fixPathSep(tpath, '\\', '/')
rpath, err := posixpath.Rel(bpath, tpath)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return fixPathSep(rpath, '/', '\\'), nil
// Clean returns the shortest path name equivalent to path by purely lexical processing.
func Clean(path string) string {
drive, path := splitDrive(path)
path = fixPathSep(path, '\\', '/')
path = posixpath.Clean(path)
return drive + fixPathSep(path, '/', '\\')
// SplitElem splits path into element, separated by `\` or "/".
// If fname is absolute path, first element is `\` or `<drive>:\`,
// otherwise if fname has drive, first element is `<drive>:`.
// If fname ends with `\` or `\.`, last element is ".".
// Empty string, "/", `\` or "." won't be appeared in other elements.
func SplitElem(fname string) []string {
drive, path := splitDrive(fname)
path = fixPathSep(path, '\\', '/')
elems := posixpath.SplitElem(path)
if len(elems) > 0 && elems[0] == "/" {
elems[0] = drive + `\`
} else if drive != "" {
elems = append([]string{drive}, elems...)
return elems
// ToPosix converts fname into posix filepath.
// It drops drive letters.
func ToPosix(fname string) string {
_, path := splitDrive(fname)
return strings.ReplaceAll(path, "\\", "/")
func fixPathSep(path string, oldSep, newSep byte) string {
if !strings.ContainsRune(path, rune(oldSep)) {
return path
buf := make([]byte, len(path))
for i := 0; i < len(path); i++ {
b := path[i]
if b == oldSep {
b = newSep
buf[i] = b
return string(buf)
func isDriveLetter(ch byte) bool {
switch {
case ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z':
return true
case ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z':
return true
return false
func splitDrive(fname string) (string, string) {
if len(fname) == 0 {
return "", ""
if !isDriveLetter(fname[0]) {
return "", fname
if len(fname) < 2 {
return "", fname
if fname[1] != ':' {
return "", fname
// matches ^([A-Za-z]:)
return fname[:2], fname[2:]