blob: f127ffa3ab5de42634109af277554b4b42a6dbc9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Goma Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
package command;
// Install describes which command to be installed.
// path is represented as server path (posix style),
// and converted to client path in CmdDescriptor.Setup.
message Install {
// PrefixStyle represents a style of prefix.
// if it is ASIS, prefix parameter is read as-is.
// if it is REGEXP, prefix parameter is read as a regular expression.
// the install is automatically extended to all matching directories.
// e.g. if there is directory named clang-r123 and clang-r234, and
// clang-r[0-9]+ is set in prefix, install for both clang-r123 and clang-r234
// are made.
// in this case, you can use grouping i.e. parentheses, and you can use
// the variables in binary_hash_from field in ForSelector.
// but skip if a file specified with binary_hash_from is missing.
enum PrefixStyle {
ASIS = 0;
// command key (e.g. "gcc", "clang++")
// note that this value will be Selector name in command.proto.
// in other words, this value must be the same with matching CommandSpec name
// in api/goma_data.proto if the install is a compiler.
// i.e. equivalent CompilerFlags::GetCompilerName.
// followings are known compiler keys (as of Jun 2017):
// gcc, g++, clang, clang++, cl.exe, clang-cl, javac, ps3ppusnc.exe
// for subprogram etc, it should be basename
// e.g. "".
string key = 1;
// prefix dir (or toolchain root).
string prefix = 2;
// prefix_style represents how prefix need to be handled.
PrefixStyle prefix_style = 7;
// path in prefix dir.
// actual binary should be found in "prefix/path".
string path = 3;
// glob for additional files (i.e. wrapper scripts, libs etc).
// glob syntax is filepath.Match's.
// relative to prefix dir.
// if it ends with '/', all files under this dir will be added.
repeated string files = 4;
// ForSelector is used for setting selector for cross compile.
// selector's name and version is set by compiler specified by
// prefix and path above.
// note that setup_cmd in cmd_server is responsible for setting version and
// equivalent hash, and setting cross option in CmdDescriptor.
// for compilers, the result of --version option must be the same between
// ForSelector and Install.
// for subprograms, the behavior must be the same between ForSelector and
// Install.
// ForSelector and Install are expected to be made from the same source code.
message ForSelector {
// target of this cross compile.
// this is used for dispatching a compiler as a build target.
// note that target must be normalized.
// e.g. x86_64-darwin
string target = 1;
// binary_hash_from represents a filename to calculate hash when selector is
// made.
// e.g. darwin/third_party/llvm-build/Release+Asserts/bin/clang
// if prefix_style above is either of REGEXP or
// REGEXP_MAY_SKIP_BINARY_HASH_MISSING, you can use regexp grouping variable
// here.
// e.g. if prefix_style is REGEXP, prefix is linux/clang-([0-9]+) and
// found clang-12345, binary_hash_from darwin/clang-$1/bin/clang is
// automatically converted to darwin/clang-12345/bin/clang when this
// field is used.
// if prefix_style is REGEXP_MAY_SKIP_BINARY_HASH_MISSING and
// darwin/clang-12345/bin/clang does not exist, setup_cmd just skip
// to proceed setup of the command without error.
string binary_hash_from = 2;
ForSelector for_selector = 5;
// clang_need_target is true if --target option is always needed
// to run command.
// this can be also true if exec_server want to use client's raw target.
// e.g. set --target x86_64-apple-darwin-10.8.0 sent by client.
// note: this is clang/clang++ only.
bool clang_need_target = 6;
message Setup {
repeated Install installs = 1;
reserved 2;
reserved "package_opt";