blob: 72c14d2304632670dff149f0dccfb308c26dc3a3 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Logic to run testing script on the built CIPD package."""
from .run_script import run_script
def run_test(api, workdir, spec, cipd_spec):
"""Runs the test in the Verify message on the CIPD package.
* workdir (Workdir) - The directories that we're currently operating within.
* spec (ResolvedSpec) - The spec for the package we're testing.
* cipd_spec (CIPDSpec) - The package we've already built and want to test.
api.file.ensure_directory('mkdir [verify]', workdir.verify)
test_pkg = workdir.verify.join('cipd.pkg')
api.file.copy('cp cipd.pkg [verify]/cipd.pkg',
cipd_spec.local_pkg_path(), test_pkg)
# TODO(iannucci): allow better control of toolchain environments.
env_prefixes = {}
if spec.platform.startswith('linux-'):
# We're going to use dockcross, so make sure there's a compatible version of
# cipd in $PATH.
api.file.ensure_directory('mkdir [bin_tools]', workdir.bin_tools)
# TODO(iannucci): This is a bit gross; we should have a way to copy the
# CIPD/vpython versions (as a tag not an instance ID) from the environment
# for use here.
api.cipd.ensure(workdir.bin_tools, (api.cipd.EnsureFile().add_package(
'infra/tools/cipd/%s' % spec.tool_platform, 'latest').add_package(
'infra/tools/luci/vpython3/%s' % spec.tool_platform, 'latest')))
env_prefixes = {'PATH': [workdir.bin_tools]}
script = spec.create_pb.verify.test[0]
rest = spec.create_pb.verify.test[1:] + [test_pkg]
with api.context(cwd=workdir.verify, env_prefixes=env_prefixes):
api, workdir.script_dir(spec).join(script), *rest,
compile_platform=spec.platform, workdir=workdir)