blob: 033039bbf5e9f2034f96181bc05c321e65eed467 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = "infra/tools/pkgbuild/pkg/spec";
package recipe_modules.infra.support_3pp;
// The Spec for a third-party package fully describes how to:
// * Fetch the package sources
// * Build the sources
// * Package the built product
// * Verify the packaged product
// * Upload the packaged product to CIPD
message Spec {
// Describes how to fetch+build+test the pkg.
// All scripts are invoked with the following environment variables (unless
// noted otherwise):
// * $_3PP_CIPD_PACKAGE_NAME - the CIPD package name, excluding the
// package_prefix and platform suffix.
// (if any patch version was set).
// * $_3PP_PATCH_VERSION - the `patch_version` set for this create block
// * $_3PP_PLATFORM - the platform we're targeting
// * $_3PP_TOOL_PLATFORM - the platform that we're building on (will be different
// than _3PP_PLATFORM if we're cross-compiling)
// * $_3PP_VERSION - the version we're building, e.g. 1.2.3
// * $GOOS - The golang OS name we're targeting
// * $GOARCH - The golang architecture we're targeting
// * $MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET - On OS X, set to 10.10, for your
// semi-up-to-date OS X building needs. This needs to be consistently
// set for all packages or it will cause linker warnings/errors when
// linking in static libs that were targeting a newer version (e.g.
// if it was left unset). Binaries built with this set to 10.10 will not
// run on 10.9 or older systems.
// Additionally, on cross-compile environments, the $CROSS_TRIPLE environment
// variable is set to a GCC cross compile target triplet of cpu-vendor-os.
message Create {
message Source {
// (required) Source messages must have one of these methods.
// In case multiple approaches are possible, prefer using one of the
// approaches in the following order: git, url, script, cipd.
oneof method {
GitSource git = 1;
CipdSource cipd = 2;
ScriptSource script = 3;
UrlSource url = 4;
// (optional) Run checkout in this subdirectory of the install script's
// $CWD.
// Useful for e.g. Go packages, where you want the install script to run
// in a parent directory of the go checkout.
// For example if this is `go/src/`, and you're using a `git`
// source method then the files in the git repo will be checked out to
// `/path/to/checkout/go/src/`, but the install script will still
// run in `/path/to/checkout`.
string subdir = 5;
// (optional) If set to true, the recipe will find and unpack it all
// archives fetched.
// * Archives must be .zip or a well-known tarball extension (supporting
// either none, gzip, bzip2, lzma/xz, or zstandard compression).
// * The recipe will delete any other files in this directory prior to
// unpacking the archives.
// * If there's only a single archive, and it has all files in a single
// directory, this directory will be pruned (and this applies
// recursively). Many source tallballs are released like
// `foo-1.2.tar.gz`, containing a folder `foo-1.2` with all source files
// inside that. Pruning these archives makes the installation scripts
// easier. If you run into a case where this behavior is undesired, set
// `no_archive_prune` to true. If more than one archive is produced,
// this setting has no effect.
bool unpack_archive = 6;
bool no_archive_prune = 7;
// (optional) Directories relative to the project folder holding patches
// to apply with "git apply".
// All patches in the directories will be applied, in alphanumeric order,
// after unpacking the archive (if any).
// This is provided as a list option so that different sets of patches can
// be applied for different values of ${platform}, possibly with some
// overlapping base patches.
repeated string patch_dir = 8;
// (optional) Used to differentiate from the stock symver during
// compilation and in the generated CIPD package tags.
// For example, if this is `my_org1`, and we were building `1.2.3` of the
// source, then this would upload with the CIPD tag of
// `version:1.2.3.my_org1`
string patch_version = 9;
// (required) Base address for constructing a Common Platform Enumeration
// ( )
// specification for this package.
string cpe_base_address = 10;
message Build {
// (optional) Name (and args) of a script adjacent to 3pp.pb which knows
// how to transform the source into the built product.
// If omitted, this defaults to `[""]`.
// Subsequent install args are passed to the script verbatim, followed by
// a target `prefix` path to install the compiled package to, followed by
// a path to a prefix containing all deps. The current directory is set to
// the base directory of the source checkout (excluding subdir). Any
// specified tools will be in $PATH (both '$tools' and '$tools/bin' are
// added to $PATH, because many packages are set up with their binaries at
// the base of the package, and some are set up with them in a /bin
// folder).
// Scripts ending with .py will be invoked with vpython3 (on all
// platforms).
// Scripts ending with .sh will be invoked with bash (on all platforms).
// For Windows this uses the git-for-windows copy of bash, which is
// mingw bash (in case you run into path issues, but since everything is
// relative paths it should be pretty transparent).
// Other script suffixes are currently not supported.
// For example, if this is `["", "quickly"]`, then the recipe
// will do:
// $ cd /path/to/checkout
// $ export PATH=/path/to/tools_prefix:/path/to/tools_prefix/bin:$PATH
// $ /path/to/checkout/.3pp/package_name/ quickly \
// /path/to/output_prefix
// /path/to/deps_prefix
repeated string install = 1;
// (optional) List of other 3pp packages built for the host and put in
// $PATH.
// You may specify specific versions with the notation (useful if the
// current tool you're building is self-bootstrapping, like cmake):
// <pkg_prefix>/<package_name>@version
// e.g. `tools/ninja@1.8.2`
// Tools are always used with the host's ${platform} value (e.g. if cross
// compiling on linux, the tools will likely be for linux-amd64,
// regardless of whatever cross compile target you're aiming for).
// If no cipd_version is specified, the recipe will use the cipd version
// "latest".
// If tools have a specified version other than "latest", they are
// required to be already built and present in CIPD. If they're "latest"
// or unspecified, they may be built if they're not already in CIPD.
repeated string tool = 2;
// (optional) List of non-3pp packages to be installed as tools.
// These may reference an arbitrary CIPD package, including a 3pp package
// from a different repo. A version tag is required, using the following
// format:
// cipd/pkg/path@version
// e.g. `infra/tools/foo@1.3.1`
// The package path may contain ${platform} which will be expanded for the
// host platform.
repeated string external_tool = 6;
// (optional) List of other 3pp packages built for the target and passed
// to the install command.
// Unlike `tools`, these may not specify versions. The reason for this is
// that the dependency graph gets too complicated for this simple 3pp
// recipe to resolve. Instead, the versions used will be the version of
// the `source` of the indicated deps. If you want to update the deps,
// update their source entry to pull a different version.
repeated string dep = 3;
// (optional) List of non-3pp packages to be installed as deps.
// These may reference an arbitrary CIPD package, including a 3pp package
// from a different repo. A version tag is required, using the following
// format:
// cipd/pkg/path@version
// e.g. `infra/tools/foo@1.3.1`
// The package path may contain ${platform} which will be expanded for the
// target platform.
repeated string external_dep = 7;
// TODO: options for controlling toolchain
// The docker environments for linux-amd64 is very old (in order to
// conform to PEP 513). As such, sometimes it's a hindrance for building
// universal packages (such as those using nodejs), as they're so old that
// node cannot run on them (!!).
// This option should be used VERY sparingly. A better solution would be
// to:
// * Separate the docker image creation from the `dockerbuild` tool
// (maybe as a 3pp package?) and allow an explicit dependency on
// a dockcross-derived image here.
// * OR, switch away from dockerbuild images and use dockcross directly,
// using the normal linux-x64 by default, and optionally being able to
// explicitly choose the manylinux-x64 for packages that need it.
bool no_docker_env = 4;
// If set, 3pp will not try to set up a compiler toolchain for this
// package. You can use this if your package is repackaging a prebuilt
// upstream package.
bool no_toolchain = 5;
// See CIPD documentation for specifics about these options.
message Package {
enum InstallMode {
copy = 0;
symlink = 1;
// (optional) How the CIPD package should be installed on client machines.
// If omitted, this defaults to `copy`.
InstallMode install_mode = 1;
// (optional) The CIPD-installation-relative path to a version file.
// If omitted, no version file will be added to the package.
string version_file = 2;
// (optional) The alter_version fields are used to change the version
// number we tag in CIPD as `version`. This is useful for when the
// upstream source versions vary across platforms (for example).
// This is applied like:
// re.sub(
// alter_version_re,
// alter_version_replace,
// full_symver_without_patch_version)
// If these are specified, the uploaded package will also be tagged with
// an additional tag `real_version`. This will be the original value of
// `version` before transformation.
string alter_version_re = 3;
string alter_version_replace = 4;
// If set, skip updating the 'latest' ref to point to newly-built
// packages using this spec. This may be useful if a spec is maintained
// to continue building an older release track for a package.
bool disable_latest_ref = 5;
message Verify {
// (required) Name (and args) of a script adjacent to 3pp.pb.
// Invoked after package with the built cipd package file as the first
// additional arg. $CWD is set to an empty folder that the test can use
// for scratch space, if it likes.
// For example if this is `["", "extra_arg"]`, then the recipe will
// do:
// $ cd /path/to/verify
// $ vpython3 /path/to/repo/subdir/package_name/ extra_arg \
// /path/to/built/cipd/package
repeated string test = 1;
// (optional) The platform_re field in each Create message is applied as
// a regex to ${platform}. Each matching Create message is applied in order
// using dict.update for each member message (i.e. ['source'].update,
// ['build'].update, etc.) to build a singular Create message for the
// current platform.
string platform_re = 1;
// (optional) If true, then the recipe will treat this package/platform as
// experimental. That is, it will prepend 'experimental/' to it's CIPD
// package name. This is the same effect as running the entire recipe in
// experimental mode, except on a per-package basis. The two experimental
// prefixes do not stack :).
bool experimental = 2;
// (optional) If true, all other fields are ignored and the recipe will
// return an error indicating that this package isn't configured for the
// current ${platform}.
bool unsupported = 3;
// (required) How to obtain the source for this pkg.
Source source = 4;
// (optional) How to transform the source into the output pkg.
// If this message is entirely omitted, then the output of the source stage
// will be used as the built result (useful for source packages, or python
// packages which don't need massaging).
// If this message is present, the package will be built according to the
// Build message.
Build build = 5;
// (optional) Options for creating a CIPD package from the built source.
Package package = 6;
// (optional) How to verify that the output pkg is useful.
Verify verify = 7;
// (required) How the package should be created.
// Multiple create messages can be specified, and they'll be combined together
// into a single Create message via the rules described in Create.platform_re.
// Required fields are checked on this combined Create message, so you can
// have multiple partial messages which combine into a complete message.
repeated Create create = 1;
message Upload {
// (required) The CIPD package name prefix to use when uploading.
// This is used as:
// <pkg_prefix>/<pkg_name>/${platform}
// e.g. with the prefix `pkg/prefix` for the package `cool_thing`, you'd
// get:
// pkg/prefix/cool_thing/${platform}
string pkg_prefix = 1;
// (optional) If set, then the output of the build is intended to be used by
// all platforms, and so the package we upload to will exclude the normal
// `${platform}` suffix. This will also cause the build for this package to
// ALWAYS run under the `linux-amd64` docker container (for consistency).
bool universal = 2;
// Ordinarily the package name is automatically computed using the spec
// file path. pkg_name_override can be set to force a specific package name
// in CIPD.
// The override is used only at upload time, so when specifying
// dependencies or the packages passed to ensure_upload(), use the standard
// package name.
string pkg_name_override = 3;
// (required) Upload describes how the built package should be uploaded to
// CIPD.
Upload upload = 2;
enum Operator {
LT = 1; // less-than
LE = 2; // less-than-or-equal-to
GT = 3; // greater-than
GE = 4; // greater-than-or-equal-to
EQ = 5; // equal-to
NE = 6; // not-equal-to
// SemverRestriction expresses a restriction on a semver.
// When SemverRestriction is used to restrict some `$version`, it works like
// `$version $op $val`. So, if this was `{op: LT val: "1.0"}`, then:
// * 1.1 would be excluded
// * 0.9 would be included
// * 0.9.9 would be included
// NOTE: Release candidates sort LOWER than their symver prefix. For example,
// "1.0rc1" < "1.0". This makes sense if you think about it a bit, but it
// implies that if you want to exclude "1.x", you need a rule
// `{op: LT val: "1.0rc0"}`.
message SemverRestriction {
// The comparison operator to use with this restriction.
Operator op = 1;
// The value to compare the version to.
string val = 2;
// Pulls package sources from a git repo.
message GitSource {
// (required) The URL to the repo, e.g.
string repo = 1;
// (optional) A substitution pattern where "%s" represents the location of the
// symver in a tag name.
// This is used for filter git repo tags for symantic version numbers. Some
// repos e.g. prefix their versions with `v`, or use other formats (e.g.
// "release/1.2.3").
// If omitted, this defaults to `%s` which would work for repos whose tags
// look like `refs/tags/1.2.3`.
// For example, if this was `v%s`, then this would look for the version 1.2.3
// as `refs/tags/v1.2.3`
string tag_pattern = 2;
// (optional) A list of SemverRestriction's to restrict the semvars from
// matched tags. You can use this to restrict which tags to consider when
// calculated the 'latest' version available.
// Note that if you over-constrain this, 3pp will simply see no available tags
// at all.
repeated SemverRestriction version_restriction = 4;
// (optional) version_join is a string used to join the portions of a version
// number together for repos which don't use "." as the joiner.
// If omitted, this defaults to ".", which would work for repos whose tags
// look like `refs/tags/1.2.3`.
// For example, if this is "-", then the recipe would transform the symantic
// version `1.2.3` into `1-2-3` before expanding it into tag_pattern to find
// the matching git tag.
string version_join = 3;
// (optional) only consider tags that fully match this regular expression.
string tag_filter_re = 5;
// Pulls sources from a CIPD package.
message CipdSource {
// (required) The full CIPD package name of the source.
string pkg = 1;
// (required) A symver to use when this package is built without specifying
// a version (e.g. as a dep for some other package). This will translate
// to the CIPD tag of `version:$default_version`.
// Note if the value is "latest", we will get value from the tag "version"
// of the cipd package with the ref "latest".
string default_version = 2;
// (required) The URL to the download page where we obtained this source. This
// is required, but is not used as part of the build, it's purely for
// documentation.
string original_download_url = 3;
// This is a custom catch-all script to probe for the latest version and
// obtain the latest sources.
// This will be invoked as `script latest` and is expected to
// print to stdout the latest symver available (e.g. `1.2.3`). The
// $_3PP_VERSION environment variable is not present.
// If this version needs to be fetched, the script will be invoked as
// `script get_url` and is expected to print to stdout a json string of
// the download manifest. For example:
// {
// "url": ["https://some_url/"],
// "ext": ".zip", # optional when the extension is ".tar.gz",
// # ignored when "name" is present
// "name": [""]
// }
message ScriptSource {
// (required) Name (and args) of a script adjacent to 3pp.pb.
// For example if this is `["", "foo"]`, then the recipe will
// do:
// $ cd /nowhere/in/particular
// $ vpython3 /path/to/repo/subdir/package_name/ foo latest
// 1.2.3
// $ _3PP_VERSION=1.2.3 vpython3 \
// /path/to/repo/subdir/package_name/ foo get_url \
// /path/to/checkout
// {"url": ["https://some_url/"], "ext": ".zip"}'
repeated string name = 1;
// TODO( Implement a permanent solution for this flow.
// (optional) Boolean to use fetch scripts to download artifacts.
// If present, the recipe will use fetch scripts to download artifacts via
// calling the "checkout" option.
// By reusing the same example above, the recipe will do:
// $ cd /nowhere/in/particular
// $ vpython3 /path/to/repo/subdir/package_name/ foo latest
// 1.2.3
// $ _3PP_VERSION=1.2.3 vpython3 \
// /path/to/repo/subdir/package_name/ foo checkout \
// /path/to/checkout
bool use_fetch_checkout_workflow = 1002;
// (optional) Duration string for setting a custom timeout for
// the source package verification on the backend.
// This is intended for packages with particularly large sources.
// Allowed units are 's', 'm', and 'h'. Defaults to '5m' in CIPD client code.
string verification_timeout = 1003;
reserved 1001; // Reserved ids for removed fields
// This will provide a original download url to fetch sources from third party.
// This will be used for replacement of CipdSource where packages are manually
// uploaded to cipd.
message UrlSource {
// (required) The URL to the download page where we obtained this source. This
// is required and used to fetch source.
string download_url = 1;
// (required) The version of the package source fetched from `download_url`.
// Please make sure those two are in sync.
// TODO(akashmukherjee): Implement a presubmit check to make sure of the sync.
// For example:
// source {
// url {
// download_url: ""
// version: "2.69"
// }
// }
// This version may also be used when this package is built without version
// specified (e.g. as a dep of other packages). This matches the current
// CIPDSource behavior.
string version = 2;
// Most of the side loaded sources use `.tar.gz` file extension, however
// some source artifacts use other. In order to prevent alteration of the
// source artifact when we cache sources, we need extension field passed
// via the spec.
// If not passed, 3pp will use default .tar.gz extension.
string extension = 3;