blob: 913497b23483ff4509eefa266d916605699894e0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package commands
import (
_go ""
testapipb ""
testapi_metadata ""
artifactpb ""
labapi ""
buildbucketpb ""
// RdbPublishUploadCmd represents rdb publish upload cmd.
type RdbPublishUploadCmd struct {
// Deps
CurrentInvocationId string
TesthausURL string
Sources *testapi_metadata.PublishRdbMetadata_Sources
BaseVariant map[string]string
// Either constructed TestResultForRdb is required,
TestResultForRdb *artifactpb.TestResult
// Or all these are required.
GcsURL string
TestResponses *testapipb.CrosTestResponse
// ExtractDependencies extracts all the command dependencies from state keeper.
func (cmd *RdbPublishUploadCmd) ExtractDependencies(
ctx context.Context,
ski interfaces.StateKeeperInterface) error {
var err error
switch sk := ski.(type) {
case *data.HwTestStateKeeper:
err = cmd.extractDepsFromHwTestStateKeeper(ctx, sk)
return fmt.Errorf("StateKeeper '%T' is not supported by cmd type %s.", sk, cmd.GetCommandType())
if err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "error during extracting dependencies for command %s: ", cmd.GetCommandType()).Err()
return nil
func (cmd *RdbPublishUploadCmd) extractDepsFromHwTestStateKeeper(
ctx context.Context,
sk *data.HwTestStateKeeper) error {
if sk.CurrentInvocationId == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("Cmd %q missing dependency: CurrentInvocationId", cmd.GetCommandType())
if sk.TesthausURL == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("Cmd %q missing dependency: TesthausURL", cmd.GetCommandType())
if sk.CftTestRequest == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Cmd %q missing dependency: CftTestRequest", cmd.GetCommandType())
// If TestResultForRdb is not provided, try to construct it.
if sk.TestResultForRdb == nil {
logging.Infof(ctx, "Since TestResultForRdb is not provided, cmd will try to construct it.")
if sk.BuildState == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Cmd %q missing dependency: BuildState", cmd.GetCommandType())
if sk.GcsURL == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("Cmd %q missing dependency: GcsURL", cmd.GetCommandType())
if sk.TestResponses == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Cmd %q missing dependency: TestResponses", cmd.GetCommandType())
// Construct testResultProto
var testResultProtoErr error
sk.TestResultForRdb, testResultProtoErr = constructTestResultFromStateKeeper(ctx, sk)
if testResultProtoErr != nil {
return errors.Annotate(testResultProtoErr, "Cmd %q failed to construct dependency: TestResultForRdb", cmd.GetCommandType()).Err()
if sk.BaseVariant == nil {
logging.Infof(ctx, "Since BaseVariant is not provided, cmd will try to construct it.")
sk.BaseVariant = constructBaseVariantFromStateKeeper(ctx, sk)
cmd.CurrentInvocationId = sk.CurrentInvocationId
cmd.TestResultForRdb = sk.TestResultForRdb
cmd.TesthausURL = sk.TesthausURL
cmd.BaseVariant = sk.BaseVariant
var err error
if sk.CrosTestRunnerRequest != nil {
cmd.Sources, err = SourcesFromPrimaryDevice(sk)
if err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "Cmd %q failed to construct dependency: Sources", cmd.GetCommandType()).Err()
} else {
cmd.Sources, err = SourcesFromCFTTestRequest(sk.CftTestRequest)
if err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "Cmd %q failed to construct dependency: Sources", cmd.GetCommandType()).Err()
cmd.GcsURL = sk.GcsURL
cmd.TestResponses = sk.TestResponses
return nil
// constructBaseVariantFromStateKeeper constructs the base variant of test
// results within an invocation. If there are duplicate keys, the variant value
// given by the test command always wins.
func constructBaseVariantFromStateKeeper(
ctx context.Context,
sk *data.HwTestStateKeeper) map[string]string {
baseVariant := make(map[string]string)
// Buildbucket tags
build := sk.BuildState.Build()
if build != nil {
for _, tag := range build.GetTags() {
if tag.GetKey() == "label-board" {
baseVariant["board"] = tag.GetValue()
} else if tag.GetKey() == "label-model" {
baseVariant["model"] = tag.GetValue()
// Autotest keyval from CFT test request
buildTarget := common.GetValueFromRequestKeyvals(ctx, sk.CftTestRequest, sk.CrosTestRunnerRequest, "build_target")
if buildTarget != "" {
baseVariant["build_target"] = buildTarget
return baseVariant
func constructTestResultFromStateKeeper(
ctx context.Context,
sk *data.HwTestStateKeeper) (*artifactpb.TestResult, error) {
build := sk.BuildState.Build()
botDims := protoutil.MustBotDimensions(build)
resultProto := &artifactpb.TestResult{}
// Invocation level info
populateTestInvocationInfo(ctx, resultProto, sk, botDims, build)
// Test level info
populateTestRunsInfo(ctx, resultProto, sk, botDims, build)
return resultProto, nil
// populateTestInvocationInfo populates test invocation info.
func populateTestInvocationInfo(
ctx context.Context,
resultProto *artifactpb.TestResult,
sk *data.HwTestStateKeeper,
botDims []*buildbucketpb.StringPair,
build *buildbucketpb.Build) {
testInv := &artifactpb.TestInvocation{}
resultProto.TestInvocation = testInv
// Dut topology
populateDUTTopology(ctx, testInv, sk)
// Primary execution info
populatePrimaryExecutionInfo(ctx, testInv, sk, botDims, build)
// Secondary execution info
populateSecondaryExecutionInfo(ctx, testInv, sk, botDims, build)
// Scheduling metadata
bbTags := build.GetTags()
populateSchedulingMetadata(ctx, testInv, bbTags)
// Project tracker metadata
populateProjectTrackerMetadata(ctx, testInv, bbTags)
// getPrimaryDut get the primary Dut if exists. Otherwise, return nil.
func getPrimaryDut(sk *data.HwTestStateKeeper) *labapi.Dut {
if sk == nil {
return nil
duts := sk.Devices
if len(duts) > 0 {
return duts[common.Primary].GetDut()
return nil
// populateBuildInfo populates build info.
func populateBuildInfo(
ctx context.Context,
executionInfo *artifactpb.ExecutionInfo,
sk *data.HwTestStateKeeper,
botDims []*buildbucketpb.StringPair,
build *buildbucketpb.Build,
dut *labapi.Dut) {
buildInfo := &artifactpb.BuildInfo{}
executionInfo.BuildInfo = buildInfo
if buildName := common.GetValueFromRequestKeyvals(ctx, sk.CftTestRequest, sk.CrosTestRunnerRequest, "build"); buildName != "" {
buildInfo.Name = buildName
// TODO (azrahman): Even though this says build-target, it's always being
// set to board upstream (since pre trv2). This should be fixed at some point.
buildTarget := dut.GetChromeos().GetDutModel().GetBuildTarget()
if buildTarget != "" {
buildInfo.BuildTarget = buildTarget
buildInfo.Board = buildTarget
} else {
// Falls back to the CTR and CFT requests if it's the primary DUT.
if dut == getPrimaryDut(sk) {
if buildTarget = common.GetValueFromRequestKeyvals(ctx, nil, sk.CrosTestRunnerRequest, "build_target"); len(buildTarget) == 0 {
buildTarget = common.GetValueFromRequestKeyvals(ctx, sk.CftTestRequest, sk.CrosTestRunnerRequest, "build_target")
if len(buildTarget) != 0 {
buildInfo.BuildTarget = buildTarget
buildInfo.Board = buildTarget
populateBuildMetadata(ctx, buildInfo, sk, botDims, dut)
// populateBuildMetadata populates build metadata.
func populateBuildMetadata(
ctx context.Context,
buildInfo *artifactpb.BuildInfo,
sk *data.HwTestStateKeeper,
botDims []*buildbucketpb.StringPair,
dut *labapi.Dut) {
// Build metadata
buildMetadata := &artifactpb.BuildMetadata{}
buildInfo.BuildMetadata = buildMetadata
// - Firmware info
firmwareInfo := &artifactpb.BuildMetadata_Firmware{}
buildMetadata.Firmware = firmwareInfo
// TODO (b/270230867): add missing properties when available.
// ro_fwid, rw_fwid [Dependant on new cft logging service]
// - Chipset info
chipsetInfo := &artifactpb.BuildMetadata_Chipset{}
buildMetadata.Chipset = chipsetInfo
if wifiChip := getSingleTagValue(botDims, "label-wifi_chip"); wifiChip != "" {
chipsetInfo.WifiChip = wifiChip
if wifiRouterModels := getSingleTagValue(botDims, "label-wifi_router_models"); wifiRouterModels != "" {
chipsetInfo.WifiRouterModels = wifiRouterModels
// - Kernel info
kernalInfo := &artifactpb.BuildMetadata_Kernel{}
buildMetadata.Kernel = kernalInfo
// TODO (b/270230867): add missing properties when available.
// kernel_version [Dependant on new cft logging service]
// - Sku info
skuInfo := &artifactpb.BuildMetadata_Sku{}
buildMetadata.Sku = skuInfo
if hwidSKU := getSingleTagValue(botDims, "label-hwid_sku"); hwidSKU != "" {
skuInfo.HwidSku = hwidSKU
if dlmSKUID := getSingleTagValue(botDims, "label-dlm_sku_id"); dlmSKUID != "" {
skuInfo.DlmSkuId = dlmSKUID
// - Cellular info
cellularInfo := &artifactpb.BuildMetadata_Cellular{}
buildMetadata.Cellular = cellularInfo
if carrier := getSingleTagValue(botDims, "label-carrier"); carrier != "" {
cellularInfo.Carrier = carrier
// - Lacros info
lacrosInfo := &artifactpb.BuildMetadata_Lacros{}
buildMetadata.Lacros = lacrosInfo
if ashVersion := common.GetValueFromRequestKeyvals(ctx, sk.CftTestRequest, sk.CrosTestRunnerRequest, "ash_version"); ashVersion != "" {
lacrosInfo.AshVersion = ashVersion
if lacrosVersion := common.GetValueFromRequestKeyvals(ctx, sk.CftTestRequest, sk.CrosTestRunnerRequest, "lacros_version"); lacrosVersion != "" {
lacrosInfo.LacrosVersion = lacrosVersion
if dut != nil {
chromeOSInfo := dut.GetChromeos()
if chromeOSInfo != nil {
// - Chameleon info
buildMetadata.Chameleon = chromeOSInfo.GetChameleon()
// - Modem info
buildMetadata.ModemInfo = chromeOSInfo.GetModemInfo()
// isSkylab returns true if the dut is deployed in internal lab.
func isSkylab(dut *labapi.Dut) bool {
if dut != nil {
return !strings.HasPrefix(dut.GetId().GetValue(), "satlab-")
return true
// populateDutInfo populates dut info.
func populateDutInfo(
ctx context.Context,
executionInfo *artifactpb.ExecutionInfo,
sk *data.HwTestStateKeeper,
dut *labapi.Dut,
provisionState *testapipb.ProvisionState) {
dutInfo := &artifactpb.DutInfo{}
executionInfo.DutInfo = dutInfo
if dut != nil {
dutInfo.Dut = dut
if provisionState != nil {
dutInfo.ProvisionState = provisionState
// populateEnvInfo populates env info.
func populateEnvInfo(
ctx context.Context,
executionInfo *artifactpb.ExecutionInfo,
botDims []*buildbucketpb.StringPair,
build *buildbucketpb.Build,
dut *labapi.Dut) {
// - Drone info
droneInfo := &artifactpb.DroneInfo{}
if drone := getSingleTagValue(botDims, "drone"); drone != "" {
droneInfo.Drone = drone
if droneServer := getSingleTagValue(botDims, "drone_server"); droneServer != "" {
droneInfo.DroneServer = droneServer
// - Swarming info
swarmingInfo := &artifactpb.SwarmingInfo{}
if testTaskId := getTaskRequestId(build.GetInfra().GetSwarming().GetTaskId()); testTaskId != "" {
swarmingInfo.TaskId = testTaskId
} else if testTaskId := getTaskRequestId(build.GetInfra().GetBackend().GetTask().GetId().GetId()); testTaskId != "" {
swarmingInfo.TaskId = testTaskId
if suiteTaskId := getTaskRequestId(getSingleTagValue(build.Tags, "parent_task_id")); suiteTaskId != "" {
swarmingInfo.SuiteTaskId = suiteTaskId
buildID := build.GetId()
builder := build.GetBuilder()
if builder != nil {
swarmingInfo.TaskName = fmt.Sprintf("bb-%d-%s/%s/%s", buildID, builder.GetProject(), builder.GetBucket(), builder.GetBuilder())
if pool := getSingleTagValue(botDims, "pool"); pool != "" {
swarmingInfo.Pool = pool
if labelPool := getSingleTagValue(botDims, "label-pool"); labelPool != "" {
swarmingInfo.LabelPool = labelPool
// - BuildBucket info
bbInfo := &artifactpb.BuildbucketInfo{Id: buildID}
if builder != nil {
bbInfo.Builder = &artifactpb.BuilderID{Project: builder.GetProject(), Bucket: builder.GetBucket(), Builder: builder.GetBuilder()}
if len(build.AncestorIds) > 0 {
bbInfo.AncestorIds = build.AncestorIds
if isSkylab(dut) {
// Skylab
skylabInfo := &artifactpb.SkylabInfo{DroneInfo: droneInfo, SwarmingInfo: swarmingInfo, BuildbucketInfo: bbInfo}
executionInfo.EnvInfo = &artifactpb.ExecutionInfo_SkylabInfo{SkylabInfo: skylabInfo}
} else {
// Satlab
satlabInfo := &artifactpb.SatlabInfo{DroneInfo: droneInfo, SwarmingInfo: swarmingInfo, BuildbucketInfo: bbInfo}
executionInfo.EnvInfo = &artifactpb.ExecutionInfo_SatlabInfo{SatlabInfo: satlabInfo}
// populateInventoryInfo populates inventory info.
func populateInventoryInfo(
ctx context.Context,
executionInfo *artifactpb.ExecutionInfo,
sk *data.HwTestStateKeeper,
botDims []*buildbucketpb.StringPair) {
inventoryInfo := &artifactpb.InventoryInfo{}
executionInfo.InventoryInfo = inventoryInfo
if ufsZone := getSingleTagValue(botDims, "ufs_zone"); ufsZone != "" {
inventoryInfo.UfsZone = ufsZone
// populateExecutionInfo populates execution info.
func populateExecutionInfo(
ctx context.Context,
executionInfo *artifactpb.ExecutionInfo,
sk *data.HwTestStateKeeper,
botDims []*buildbucketpb.StringPair,
build *buildbucketpb.Build,
dut *labapi.Dut,
provisionState *testapipb.ProvisionState) {
// Build info
populateBuildInfo(ctx, executionInfo, sk, botDims, build, dut)
// Dut info
populateDutInfo(ctx, executionInfo, sk, dut, provisionState)
// Env info
populateEnvInfo(ctx, executionInfo, botDims, build, dut)
// Inventory info
populateInventoryInfo(ctx, executionInfo, sk, botDims)
// populatePrimaryExecutionInfo populates primary execution info.
func populatePrimaryExecutionInfo(
ctx context.Context,
testInv *artifactpb.TestInvocation,
sk *data.HwTestStateKeeper,
botDims []*buildbucketpb.StringPair,
build *buildbucketpb.Build) {
primaryExecInfo := &artifactpb.ExecutionInfo{}
testInv.PrimaryExecutionInfo = primaryExecInfo
primaryDut := getPrimaryDut(sk)
requestedPrimaryDut := sk.CftTestRequest.GetPrimaryDut()
if sk.PrimaryDeviceMetadata != nil {
requestedPrimaryDut = sk.PrimaryDeviceMetadata
provisionState := requestedPrimaryDut.GetProvisionState()
populateExecutionInfo(ctx, primaryExecInfo, sk, botDims, build, primaryDut, provisionState)
// populateSecondaryExecutionInfo populates secondary execution info.
func populateSecondaryExecutionInfo(
ctx context.Context,
testInv *artifactpb.TestInvocation,
sk *data.HwTestStateKeeper,
botDims []*buildbucketpb.StringPair,
build *buildbucketpb.Build) {
// TODO (azrahman): check if inventory service actually provides these duts info
// or not for multi-duts. If not, raise this issue to proper channel.
companionDevicesMetadata := sk.CompanionDevicesMetadata
secondaryExecInfos := []*artifactpb.ExecutionInfo{}
for i, device := range sk.CompanionDevices {
secondaryExecInfo := &artifactpb.ExecutionInfo{}
secondaryDUT := device.GetDut()
secondaryProvisionState := companionDevicesMetadata[i].GetProvisionState()
populateExecutionInfo(ctx, secondaryExecInfo, sk, botDims, build, secondaryDUT, secondaryProvisionState)
secondaryExecInfos = append(secondaryExecInfos, secondaryExecInfo)
testInv.SecondaryExecutionsInfo = secondaryExecInfos
// populateSchedulingMetadata populates scheduling metadata.
func populateSchedulingMetadata(
ctx context.Context,
testInv *artifactpb.TestInvocation,
tags []*buildbucketpb.StringPair) {
schedulingArgs := map[string]string{}
for _, tag := range tags {
schedulingArgs[tag.GetKey()] = tag.Value
if len(schedulingArgs) != 0 {
testInv.SchedulingMetadata =
SchedulingArgs: schedulingArgs,
// populateDUTTopology populates DUT topology.
func populateDUTTopology(
ctx context.Context,
testInv *artifactpb.TestInvocation,
sk *data.HwTestStateKeeper) {
testInv.DutTopology = &labapi.DutTopology{
Duts: []*labapi.Dut{},
if sk.DutTopology != nil {
testInv.DutTopology.Id = sk.DutTopology.GetId()
for _, device := range sk.Devices {
testInv.DutTopology.Duts = append(testInv.DutTopology.Duts, device.GetDut())
// populateProjectTrackerMetadata populates project tracker metadata.
func populateProjectTrackerMetadata(
ctx context.Context,
testInv *artifactpb.TestInvocation,
tags []*buildbucketpb.StringPair) {
projectTrackerMetadata := &artifactpb.ProjectTrackerMetadata{}
testInv.ProjectTrackerMetadata = projectTrackerMetadata
for _, tag := range tags {
if tag.GetKey() == "bug_id" {
projectTrackerMetadata.BugId = tag.GetValue()
// Remove the break if adding more fields whitin the loop.
// populateTestRunsInfo populates test runs info.
func populateTestRunsInfo(
ctx context.Context,
resultProto *artifactpb.TestResult,
sk *data.HwTestStateKeeper,
botDims []*buildbucketpb.StringPair,
build *buildbucketpb.Build) {
testRuns := []*artifactpb.TestRun{}
resultProto.TestRuns = testRuns
suite := common.GetValueFromRequestKeyvals(ctx, sk.CftTestRequest, sk.CrosTestRunnerRequest, "suite")
branch := common.GetValueFromRequestKeyvals(ctx, sk.CftTestRequest, sk.CrosTestRunnerRequest, "branch")
mainBuilderName := common.GetValueFromRequestKeyvals(ctx, sk.CftTestRequest, sk.CrosTestRunnerRequest, "master_build_config")
channel := getSingleTagValue(build.Tags, "branch-trigger")
displayName := getSingleTagValue(build.Tags, "display_name")
for _, testCaseResult := range sk.TestResponses.GetTestCaseResults() {
// - TestRun
testRun := &artifactpb.TestRun{}
testCaseInfo := &artifactpb.TestCaseInfo{}
testRun.TestCaseInfo = testCaseInfo
testRun.LogsInfo = []*_go.StoragePath{{HostType: _go.StoragePath_GS, Path: sk.GcsURL}}
// -- TestCaseInfo
testCaseInfo.TestCaseResult = testCaseResult
if displayName != "" {
testCaseInfo.DisplayName = displayName
if suite != "" {
testCaseInfo.Suite = suite
if branch != "" {
testCaseInfo.Branch = branch
if mainBuilderName != "" {
testCaseInfo.MainBuilderName = mainBuilderName
if channel != "" {
testCaseInfo.Channel = channel
timeInfo := &artifactpb.TimingInfo{}
testRun.TimeInfo = timeInfo
timeInfo.StartedTime = testCaseResult.GetStartTime()
timeInfo.Duration = testCaseResult.GetDuration()
timeInfo.QueuedTime = build.GetCreateTime()
testRun.TestHarness = testCaseResult.GetTestHarness()
testRuns = append(testRuns, testRun)
resultProto.TestRuns = testRuns
// getTagValues gets tag values from provided string pairs.
func getTagValues(tags []*buildbucketpb.StringPair, key string) []string {
values := []string{}
if len(tags) == 0 {
return values
for _, tag := range tags {
if tag.GetKey() == key {
values = append(values, tag.GetValue())
return values
// getSingleTagValue gets the first value found from provided string pairs.
func getSingleTagValue(tags []*buildbucketpb.StringPair, key string) string {
values := getTagValues(tags, key)
if len(values) > 0 {
return values[0]
} else {
return ""
// getTaskRequestId converts the swarming task run id with non "0" suffix to the swarming task
// request id with "0" suffix. Both can be used to point to the same swarming
// task. Swarming supported implicit retry and first task has "1" in suffix and
// retried task has "2" in suffix.
func getTaskRequestId(taskId string) string {
if taskId == "" {
return ""
return fmt.Sprintf("%s0", taskId[:len(taskId)-1])
// SourcesFromPrimaryDevice returns the code sources tested in the given
// testing request assuming provision was successful and the version did
// not shcnage during the test.
func SourcesFromPrimaryDevice(sk *data.HwTestStateKeeper) (*testapi_metadata.PublishRdbMetadata_Sources, error) {
provisionState := sk.PrimaryDeviceMetadata.GetProvisionState()
if provisionState == nil {
// Invalid request.
return nil, errors.Reason("CFTTestRequest: primary_dut.provision_state missing").Err()
// The path to the system image.
imagePath := provisionState.SystemImage.GetSystemImagePath()
if imagePath == nil || imagePath.GetHostType() != _go.StoragePath_GS {
// For non-GS stored build outputs (e.g. local files),
// we do not have information about the sources used.
return nil, nil
if !strings.HasPrefix(imagePath.GetPath(), "gs://") {
return nil, errors.Reason("CFTTestRequest: primary_dut.provision_state.system_image.system_image_path.path: must start with gs://").Err()
if strings.HasSuffix(imagePath.GetPath(), "/") {
return nil, errors.Reason("CFTTestRequest: primary_dut.provision_state.system_image.system_image_path.path: must not have trailing '/'").Err()
return &testapi_metadata.PublishRdbMetadata_Sources{
// Path to the file in Google Cloud Storage that contains
// information about the code sources built into the build.
GsPath: imagePath.Path + common.SourceMetadataPath,
// If custom firmware is used or custom packages are deployed
// that were not built as part of the Chrome OS image (e.g. Lacros
// testing or firmware testing), the test is not a pure test
// of the build sources.
IsDeploymentDirty: provisionState.GetFirmware() != nil || len(provisionState.GetPackages()) > 0,
}, nil
// SourcesFromCFTTestRequest returns the code sources tested in the given
// CFT testing request.
func SourcesFromCFTTestRequest(request *skylab_test_runner.CFTTestRequest) (*testapi_metadata.PublishRdbMetadata_Sources, error) {
if request == nil {
return nil, errors.Reason("CFTTestRequest: missing").Err()
provisionState := request.GetPrimaryDut().GetProvisionState()
if provisionState == nil {
// Invalid request.
return nil, errors.Reason("CFTTestRequest: primary_dut.provision_state missing").Err()
// The path to the system image.
imagePath := provisionState.SystemImage.GetSystemImagePath()
if imagePath == nil || imagePath.GetHostType() != _go.StoragePath_GS {
// For non-GS stored build outputs (e.g. local files),
// we do not have information about the sources used.
return nil, nil
if !strings.HasPrefix(imagePath.GetPath(), "gs://") {
return nil, errors.Reason("CFTTestRequest: primary_dut.provision_state.system_image.system_image_path.path: must start with gs://").Err()
if strings.HasSuffix(imagePath.GetPath(), "/") {
return nil, errors.Reason("CFTTestRequest: primary_dut.provision_state.system_image.system_image_path.path: must not have trailing '/'").Err()
return &testapi_metadata.PublishRdbMetadata_Sources{
// Path to the file in Google Cloud Storage that contains
// information about the code sources built into the build.
GsPath: imagePath.Path + common.SourceMetadataPath,
// If custom firmware is used or custom packages are deployed
// that were not built as part of the Chrome OS image (e.g. Lacros
// testing or firmware testing), the test is not a pure test
// of the build sources.
IsDeploymentDirty: provisionState.GetFirmware() != nil || len(provisionState.GetPackages()) > 0,
}, nil
func NewRdbPublishUploadCmd(executor interfaces.ExecutorInterface) *RdbPublishUploadCmd {
singleCmdByExec := interfaces.NewSingleCmdByExecutor(RdbPublishUploadCmdType, executor)
cmd := &RdbPublishUploadCmd{SingleCmdByExecutor: singleCmdByExec}
cmd.ConcreteCmd = cmd
return cmd