blob: 22520f9d481a439ba23b7ee66fb60a370a138951 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""CLI to send data via ts_mon from outside infra.git."""
import argparse
import base64
import collections
import itertools
import logging
import json
import textwrap
from infra_libs import ts_mon
import infra_libs.logs
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
MetricData = collections.namedtuple('MetricData',
('name', 'start_time', 'points'))
PointData = collections.namedtuple('PointData', ('value', 'fields'))
str: ts_mon.StringField,
unicode: ts_mon.StringField,
int: ts_mon.IntegerField,
long: ts_mon.IntegerField,
bool: ts_mon.BooleanField,
def get_arguments(argv):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
CLI to send data via ts_mon from outside infra.git.
Example invocation: \\
--ts-mon-endpoint=file:///tmp/send_ts_mon_value.log \\
--ts-mon-target-type task \\
--ts-mon-task-service-name generic_system \\
--ts-mon-task-job-name chromium \\
--gauge='{"name":"task/m1", "value":18, "custom_field": "value"}' \\
--float='{"name":"task/m2", "value":45}' \\
--counter='{"name":"task/count", "start_time": 149523409, \\
"value": 42}'
The argument to a metric argument (like --gauge, --float) must be a json
string. The names 'name', 'value' and 'start_time' are reserved because
they represent the metric name, and value (start_time only for --counter and
--cumulative, in seconds since UNIX epoch). All the other keys are
expected to be metric fields (with a maximum of seven).
Note, that all points in the same metric must have the same set of metric
fields. This must be true for all instances of the metric globally,
otherwise the metric will be rejected by the ts_mon endpoint.
Also, all cumulative metric points must have the same start_time value.
metrics_group = parser.add_argument_group('Metric types')
metrics_group.add_argument('--gauge', metavar='JSON', action='append',
help="Send data for a gauge metric. The json "
"string can be base64-encoded.")
metrics_group.add_argument('--gauge-file', metavar='PATH', action='append',
help="Same as --gauge but read json from a file, "
"one entry per line.")
metrics_group.add_argument('--float', metavar='JSON', action='append',
help="Send data for a float metric.")
metrics_group.add_argument('--float-file', metavar='PATH', action='append',
help="Same as --float but read json from a file, "
"one entry per line.")
metrics_group.add_argument('--string', metavar='JSON', action='append',
help="Send data for a string metric. The json "
"string can be base64-encoded.")
metrics_group.add_argument('--string-file', metavar='PATH', action='append',
help="Same as --string but read json from a file, "
"one entry per line.")
metrics_group.add_argument('--bool', '--boolean',
metavar='JSON', action='append',
help="Send data for a boolean metric. The json "
"string can be base64-encoded")
metrics_group.add_argument('--bool-file', metavar='PATH', action='append',
help="Same as --bool but read json from a file, "
"one entry per line.")
metrics_group.add_argument('--counter', metavar='JSON', action='append',
help="Send data for a counter metric.")
metrics_group.add_argument('--counter-file', metavar='PATH', action='append',
help="Same as --counter but read json from a file,"
" one entry per line.")
metrics_group.add_argument('--cumulative', metavar='JSON', action='append',
help="Send data for a cumulative metric. The json "
"string can be base64 encoded")
metrics_group.add_argument('--cumulative-file', metavar='PATH',
help="Same as --cumulative but read json from a "
"file, one entry per line.")
args = parser.parse_args(argv)
# Forcing manual flush here for efficiency.
args.ts_mon_flush = 'manual'
return args
def json_to_metric_data(json_str):
"""Parse arguments given to a metric flag.
json_str (str): JSON string describing a metric point,
or base64-encoded json.
MetricData or None: parsed metric if JSON is valid, otherwise None.
if not json_str.startswith('{'):
json_str = base64.b64decode(json_str)
except TypeError: # Wrong padding in base64 string. Oh well.
fields = json.loads(json_str)
metric_name = str(fields.pop('name'))
metric_value = fields.pop('value')
except ValueError:
LOGGER.error("Invalid json string: %s", str(json_str))
except KeyError:
LOGGER.error("Missing required fields ('name', 'value') in json string: %s",
start_time = fields.pop('start_time', None)
if not fields:
fields = None
metric_points = [PointData(metric_value, fields)]
return MetricData(metric_name, start_time, metric_points)
def set_metrics(json_strs, metric_type):
"""Create metrics and set their values.
json_str (str): json dict with keys 'name', 'value', plus at most 7 other.
metric_type (ts_mon.Metric): any class deriving from ts_mon.Metric.
For ex. ts_mon.GaugeMetric.
metric (list of metric_type): the metric instances, filled.
if not json_strs:
return []
decoded_metrics = [json_to_metric_data(s) for s in json_strs]
grouped_metrics = group_metrics(decoded_metrics)
collapsed_metrics = [
collapse_metrics(m) for m in grouped_metrics.itervalues()]
return [set_metric(md, metric_type) for md in collapsed_metrics if md]
def group_metrics(metrics):
"""Given singleton MetricData points, group them by metric name.
metrics (list of MetricData): each element is has a single point.
dict: a mapping of metric names to the list of correspoinding MetricData.
Skip entries that are None, but otherwise don't do any validation.
grouped_metrics = {}
for metric in metrics:
grouped_metrics.setdefault(, []).append(metric)
return grouped_metrics
def collapse_metrics(metrics):
"""Collapses a list of MetricData objects into a single MetricData object.
Validates that the points are consistent, i.e. have the same set of fields,
and the same start_time, if present.
Assumes that all metrics have the same metric name.
metrics (list of MetricData): list of MetricData objects.
MetricData on None: collects all points from input metrics into a single
list of points.
if not metrics:
return None
metric_name = metrics[0].name
metric_start_time = metrics[0].start_time
assert all( == metric_name for m in metrics)
if not all(m.start_time == metric_start_time for m in metrics):
"Start time must match in all points of %s. Skipping this metric.",
return None
points = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(m.points for m in metrics))
if not points:
return None
def get_fields_set(point):
if point.fields:
return set(point.fields.iterkeys())
return set()
fields = get_fields_set(points[0])
if not all(get_fields_set(p) == fields for p in points):
LOGGER.error('Metric %s: all points must have the same number of fields. '
'The metric was not sent.', metric_name)
return None
return MetricData(metric_name, metric_start_time, points)
def set_metric(metric_data, metric_type):
"""Create one metric and set its value.
metric_data (MetricData):
All points for the metric are aggregated into ``points`` field.
metric_type (ts_mon.Metric): any class deriving from ts_mon.Metric.
For ex. ts_mon.GaugeMetric.
metric (metric_type): the metric instance, filled.
# Get the fields from the first point. Assume all points have the same fields
# (this is checked elsewhere).
field_spec = []
fields = metric_data.points[0].fields
if fields is not None:
for name, value in metric_data.points[0].fields.iteritems():
field_ctor = FIELD_TYPE_MAP[type(value)]
kwargs = {'field_spec': field_spec}
if metric_type in (ts_mon.CumulativeMetric, ts_mon.CounterMetric):
kwargs['start_time'] = metric_data.start_time
metric = metric_type(,
'Automatically generated send_ts_mon_values metric.',
for point in metric_data.points:
metric.set(point.value, point.fields)
return metric
def set_metrics_file(filenames, metric_type):
"""Create metrics from data read from a file.
filenames (list of str):
Paths to files containing one json string per line (potentially base64
metric_type (ts_mon.Metric): any class deriving from ts_mon.Metric.
For ex. ts_mon.GaugeMetric.
metric (list of metric_type): the metric instances, filled.
if not filenames:
return []
metrics = []
for filename in filenames:
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
lines =
# Skip blank lines because it helps humans.
lines = [line for line in lines.splitlines() if line.strip()]
metrics.extend(set_metrics(lines, metric_type))
return metrics
def main(argv):
args = get_arguments(argv)
arg_to_metric_type = (
(args.gauge, ts_mon.GaugeMetric),
(args.float, ts_mon.FloatMetric),
(args.string, ts_mon.StringMetric),
(args.bool, ts_mon.BooleanMetric),
(args.counter, ts_mon.CounterMetric),
(args.cumulative, ts_mon.CumulativeMetric),
for arg, metric in arg_to_metric_type:
set_metrics(arg, metric)
argfile_to_metric_type = (
(args.gauge_file, ts_mon.GaugeMetric),
(args.float_file, ts_mon.FloatMetric),
(args.string_file, ts_mon.StringMetric),
(args.bool_file, ts_mon.BooleanMetric),
(args.counter_file, ts_mon.CounterMetric),
(args.cumulative_file, ts_mon.CumulativeMetric),
for arg, metric in argfile_to_metric_type:
set_metrics_file(arg, metric)