blob: daeb9344034cbba68a36241e47ff3485027c7be1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by the Apache v2.0 license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
package rubber_stamper.config;
option go_package = "infra/appengine/rubber-stamper/config";
// Config is the service-wide configuration data for rubber-stamper.
message Config {
// A map stores configs for all the Gerrit hosts, where keys are names of
// hosts (e.g. "chromium" or "chrome-internal"), values are corresponding
// configs.
map<string, HostConfig> host_configs = 1;
// A global default time window for clean reverts and cherry picks. The
// format is the same as that of CleanRevertPattern.time_window.
string default_time_window = 2;
// HostConfig describes the config to be used for a Gerrit host.
message HostConfig {
// A map stores config for repositories, where keys are names of repos (e.g.
// "chromium/src", "infra/infra") and values are corresponding configs.
map<string, RepoConfig> repo_configs = 1;
// The default valid time window for clean reverts. This time window is
// applied at a host-level and the time window configured in repo-level
// configs will override this one. The format is the same as that of
// CleanRevertPattern.time_window.
string clean_revert_time_window = 2;
// RepoConfig describes the config to be used for a Gerrit repository.
message RepoConfig {
BenignFilePattern benign_file_pattern = 1;
CleanRevertPattern clean_revert_pattern = 2;
// BenignFilePattern describes pattern of changes to benign files.
message BenignFilePattern {
// file_extension_map has been deprecated.
reserved 1;
// Paths contains the information that which files are allowed and which are
// not. The paths is parsed as lines in a .gitignore document, and therefore
// should follows rules listed in
repeated string paths = 2;
// CleanRevertPattern describes pattern of clean reverts.
message CleanRevertPattern {
// The length of time in <int><unit> form. Reverts need to be within this
// time_window to be valid.
// Valid units are "s", "m", "h", "d", meaning "seconds", "minutes",
// "hours", "days" respectively.
string time_window = 1;
// Paths that must have a human reviewer.
repeated string excluded_paths = 2;