blob: b6072ddf942ff5a42727e938c4a6cb5e7bac338a [file] [log] [blame]
package utils
import (
. ""
var combineTagsCases = []struct {
name string
toolName string
logDogURL string
customTags []string
out []string
func TestCombineTags(t *testing.T) {
for _, tt := range combineTagsCases {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
tc := &TaskCreator{
Environment: site.Environment{
LUCIProject: "Env1",
session: "session1",
got := tc.combineTags(tt.toolName, tt.logDogURL, tt.customTags)
if diff := cmp.Diff(tt.out, got); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("%s output mismatch (-want +got): %s\n",, diff)
func TestDeployTask(t *testing.T) {
Convey("Test deploytask of task creator", t, func() {
Convey("Verify deploy task has the highest priority", func() {
So(deployTaskPriority, ShouldBeLessThan, defaultTaskPriority)
Convey("Verify deploy task request is correct formated", func() {
tc := &TaskCreator{
Client: nil,
Environment: site.Dev,
session: "session0",
r := tc.getDeployTaskRequest("fake_dut_id", "fake_actions")
So(r.Name, ShouldEqual, "deploy")
So(r.TaskSlices, ShouldHaveLength, 1)
command := strings.Join(r.TaskSlices[0].Properties.Command, " ")
So(command, ShouldContainSubstring, "/opt/infra-tools/skylab_swarming_worker -actions fake_actions -logdog-annotation-url")
So(command, ShouldContainSubstring, "-task-name deploy")
for _, d := range r.TaskSlices[0].Properties.Dimensions {
switch d.Key {
case "pool":
So(d.Value, ShouldEqual, "ChromeOSSkylab")
case "dut_id":
So(d.Value, ShouldEqual, "fake_dut_id")
So("skylab-tool:deploy", ShouldBeIn, r.Tags)
So("admin_session:session0", ShouldBeIn, r.Tags)
So("deploy_task:fake_dut_id", ShouldBeIn, r.Tags)
So("pool:ChromeOSSkylab", ShouldBeIn, r.Tags)
func TestGetLeaseCommand(t *testing.T) {
Convey("Create command for lease tasks ", t, func() {
Convey("Task with update DUT state to needs_repair", func() {
cmd := getLeaseCommand(true)
So(cmd[0], ShouldEqual, "/bin/sh")
So(cmd[1], ShouldEqual, "-c")
So(cmd[2], ShouldEqual, `/opt/infra-tools/skylab_swarming_worker -task-name set_needs_repair; while true; do sleep 60; echo Zzz...; done`)
Convey("Task without update DUT state to needs_repair", func() {
cmd := getLeaseCommand(false)
So(cmd[0], ShouldEqual, "/bin/sh")
So(cmd[1], ShouldEqual, "-c")
So(cmd[2], ShouldEqual, `while true; do sleep 60; echo Zzz...; done`)