blob: 22e8cc2035c328ba08b6736b7e0c3c03438434d4 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Implements the source version checking and acquisition logic."""
import functools
import itertools
import operator
import re
from pkg_resources import parse_version
from .run_script import run_script
from PB.recipe_modules.infra.support_3pp.spec import LT, LE, GT, GE, EQ, NE
def _to_versions(raw_ls_remote_lines, version_join, tag_re):
"""Converts raw ls-remote output lines to a sorted (descending)
list of (Version, v_str, git_hash) objects.
This is used for source:git method to find latest version and git hash.
ret = []
for line in raw_ls_remote_lines:
git_hash, ref = line.split('\t')
if ref.startswith('refs/tags/'):
tag = ref[len('refs/tags/'):]
m = tag_re.match(tag)
if not m:
v_str =
if version_join:
v_str = '.'.join(v_str.split(version_join))
ret.append((parse_version(v_str), v_str, git_hash))
return sorted(ret, reverse=True)
# Maps the operator OP(a, b) to the reverse function. For example:
# A < B maps to B >= A
# This will allow us to use functools.partial to pre-fill the value of B.
GT: operator.le,
# EQ and NE are commutative comparisons, so they map directly to their
# equivalent function in `operator`.
EQ: operator.eq,
def _filters_to_func(filters):
restrictions = [
functools.partial(FILTER_TO_REVERSE_OP[f.op], parse_version(f.val))
for f in filters
def _apply_filter(candidate_version):
for restriction in restrictions:
if not restriction(candidate_version):
return False
return True
return _apply_filter
def _filter_versions(version_strs, filters):
if not filters:
return version_strs
filt_fn = _filters_to_func(filters)
return [
(vers, vers_s, git_hash)
for vers, vers_s, git_hash in version_strs
if filt_fn(vers)
def resolve_latest(api, spec):
"""Resolves the latest available version given a ResolvedSpec.
This usually involves doing network operations, depending on the `source`
type of the ResolvedSpec.
* api - The module injection site for support_3pp recipe module
(i.e. `self.m`)
* spec (ResolvedSpec) - The spec to resolve.
Returns (str, str) the symver for the latest version of this package, e.g.
'1.2.3'. This should always use '.' as the digit separator. And checksum for
resolved source, e.g. git_hash for source:git method.
# TODO(iannucci): when we can put annotations on nest steps, put the 'resolved
# version' there.
method_name, source_method_pb = spec.source_method
source_hash = ''
if method_name == 'git':
# We need to transform the tag_pattern (which is a python format-string
# lookalike with `%s` in it) into a regex which we can use to scan over the
# repo's tags.
tag_re = re.escape(
source_method_pb.tag_pattern if source_method_pb.tag_pattern else '%s')
tag_re = '^%s$' % (tag_re.replace('\\%s', '(.*)'),)
step = api.git('ls-remote', '-t', source_method_pb.repo,
step_test_data=lambda: api.raw_io.test_api.stream_output(
versions = _to_versions(
versions = _filter_versions(
versions, source_method_pb.version_restriction)
highest_cmp = parse_version('0')
highest_str = ''
git_tree_hash = ''
for vers, v_str, git_hash in versions:
if vers > highest_cmp:
highest_cmp = vers
highest_str = v_str
git_tree_hash = git_hash
assert highest_str
version = highest_str
source_hash = git_tree_hash
api.step.active_result.presentation.step_text = (
'resolved version: %s' % (version,))
# TODO(akashmukherjee): Get/compute hash for script method.
elif method_name == 'script':
script = spec.pkg_dir.join([0])
args = map(str,[1:]) + ['latest']
version = run_script(api,
script, *args,
step_test_data=lambda: api.raw_io.test_api.stream_output('2.0.0')
api.step.active_result.presentation.step_text = (
'resolved version: %s' % (version,))
elif method_name == 'cipd':
version = source_method_pb.default_version
# We don't actually run a real step here, so we can't put the 'resolved
# version' anywhere :(. See TODO at top.
elif method_name == 'url':
version = source_method_pb.version
else: # pragma: no cover
assert False, '"latest" version resolution not defined for %r' % method_name
return version, source_hash
def fetch_source(api, workdir, spec, version, source_hash, spec_lookup,
"""Prepares a checkout in `workdir` to build `spec` at `version`.
* api - The module injection site for support_3pp recipe module
(i.e. `self.m`)
* workdir (Workdir) - The working directory object we're going to build the
spec in. This function will create the checkout in `workdir.checkout`.
* spec (ResolvedSpec) - The package we want to build.
* version (str) - The symver of the package we want to build (e.g. '1.2.0').
* source_hash (str) - source_hash returned from resolved version. This is
external hash of the source.
* spec_lookup ((package_name, platform) -> ResolvedSpec) - A function to
lookup (possibly cached) ResolvedSpec's for things like dependencies and
* ensure_built ((ResolvedSpec, version) -> CIPDSpec) - A function to ensure
that a given ResolvedSpec is actually fully built and return a CIPDSpec to
retrieve it's output package.
def _ensure_installed(root, cipd_pkgs):
# TODO(iannucci): once `cipd ensure` supports local package installation,
# use that.
for pkg in cipd_pkgs:
with api.step.nest('installing tools'):
# ensure all our dependencies are built (should be handled by
# ensure_uploaded, but just in case).
_ensure_installed(workdir.tools_prefix, [
ensure_built(tool, 'latest')
for tool in spec.unpinned_tools
] + [
spec_lookup(tool, spec.tool_platform).cipd_spec(tool_version)
for tool, tool_version in spec.pinned_tool_info
with api.step.nest('installing deps'):
_ensure_installed(workdir.deps_prefix, [
ensure_built(dep, 'latest')
for dep in spec.all_possible_deps
# Building a CIPDSpec for source package at resolved version
source_cipd_spec = spec.source_cipd_spec(version)
if source_hash:
# See if source is already cached in cipd
all_tags = source_cipd_spec.resolve_remote_tags()
# When source cache miss happens, set step status SUCCESS
except api.step.StepFailure: # pragma: no cover
api.step.active_result.presentation.status = api.step.SUCCESS
external_hash = all_tags.get('external_hash', None)
step_hash = api.step('Verify External Hash', None)
if external_hash != source_hash:
step_hash.presentation.status = 'FAILURE'
step_hash.presentation.step_text = (
'resolved version: %s has moved, current hash: %s, stored hash: %s, '
'please verify.' % (version, source_hash, external_hash))
raise AssertionError(
'External hash verification failed, please check the third party'
' git repository for any security incidents.'
else: # pragma: no cover
step_hash.presentation.step_text = (
'external source verification successful.')
_source_checkout(api, workdir, spec, version,
source_cipd_spec, source_hash=source_hash)
# Iff we are going to do the 'build' operation, copy all the necessary package
# definition scripts into the checkout. If no build message is provided,
# then we're planning to directly package the result of the checkout, and
# we don't want to include these scripts.
if spec.create_pb.HasField("build"):
# Copy all the necessary package definitions into the checkout
# We want to uniquify by package name, even if the same package is
# present for more than one platform (in the case of cross-compiling).
unique_pkgs = {
s.cipd_pkg_name: s
for s in itertools.chain([spec], spec.all_possible_deps_and_tools)
# Sort to make sure the packages are in order, otherwise it will produce
# inconsistent recipe train result.
for pkg in sorted(unique_pkgs.itervalues()):
'copy package definition %s' % pkg.cipd_pkg_name,
# TODO(akashmukherjee): Reconstruct the manifest object to beautify.
class Manifest(object):
"""Implements a manifest object used for downloading remote source.
* protocol (required) - Protocol to use for downloading the artifact.
* source_uri (required) - Remote artifact resource location(s) URL/URI.
source_uri is a list of str.
* path - Dictates where to download the sources to, e.g. checkout dir.
* source_hash (str) - source_hash returned from resolved version. This is
external hash of the GitSource.
* ext - Extension used for downloading sources.
* artifact_names - Corresponding to source_uri, optional name for downloaded
source. It's a list of str of equal length to source_uri. This is
optional, if passed will be used. For `pip_bootstrap`, name of the python
wheel is important.
def __init__(self,
self.protocol = protocol
self.source_uri = source_uri
self.path = path
self.source_hash = source_hash
self.ext = ext
self.artifact_names = artifact_names
#### Private stuff
def _generate_download_manifest(api, spec, checkout_dir,
"""Generates download manifest object for current 3pp package.
* api - The module injection site for support_3pp recipe module
(i.e. `self.m`)
* spec (ResolvedSpec) - The package we want to build.
* checkout_dir (Workdir) - The destination directory for remote sources.
* source_hash - Optional source hash, used for git method.
Returns a manifest class object with required attributes set for protocols.
method_name, source_method_pb = spec.source_method
if method_name == 'git':
return Manifest('git', source_method_pb.repo, checkout_dir, source_hash)
elif method_name == 'url':
return Manifest('url', [source_method_pb.download_url],
checkout_dir, ext=source_method_pb.extension or '.tar.gz')
elif method_name == 'script':
# version is already in env as $_3PP_VERSION
script = spec.pkg_dir.join([0])
args = map(str,[1:]) + ['get_url']
result = run_script(
step_test_data=lambda: api.json.test_api.output_stream({
'url': ['' % (
'ext': '.test',
'name': ['test_source']
source_uri, ext = result.stdout['url'], result.stdout['ext']
# Setting source artifact name is optional, used by `pip_bootstrap`.
artifact_names = result.stdout.get('name')
# Verify source_uri and artifact_names are equal length, if present.
if artifact_names:
assert len(source_uri) == len(
), 'Number of download URLs should be equal to number of artifacts.'
return Manifest(
'url', source_uri, checkout_dir, ext=ext, artifact_names=artifact_names)
else: # pragma: no cover
assert False, 'Unknown source type %r' % (method_name,)
def _download_source(api, download_manifest):
"""Fetches the raw source from the given remote location.
* api - The module injection site for support_3pp recipe module
(i.e. `self.m`)
* download_manifest - A manifest object used for downloading remote source.
# Checkout a raw git source given remote git hash.
if download_manifest.protocol == 'git':
download_manifest.source_hash, download_manifest.path)
elif download_manifest.protocol == 'url':
for i, uri in enumerate(download_manifest.source_uri):
if not download_manifest.artifact_names:
artifact = 'raw_source_' + str(i) + download_manifest.ext
else: # pragma: no cover
artifact = download_manifest.artifact_names[i]
api.url.get_file(uri, api.path.join(download_manifest.path, artifact))
else: # pragma: no cover
assert False, 'Unknown download protocol %r' % (protocol,)
def _source_upload(api, checkout_dir,
"""Builds and uploads the copy of the source package we have on the
local machine to the CIPD server.
This method will upload source files into CIPD with `infra/3pp/sources`
prefix for provided version. Essentially, uploading the source only for the
first time. In later builds, 3pp recipe will use these uploaded artifacts
when building the same version of a package.
* api - The module injection site for support_3pp recipe module
(i.e. `self.m`)
* checkout_dir - The checkout directory we're going to checkout the
source in.
* method_name - Source method in spec protobuf.
* source_cipd_spec (spec) - CIPDSpec obj for source.
* external_hash - Tag the output package with this hash.
if method_name == 'cipd': # pragma: no cover
raise ValueError('CIPD sources are already cached.')
with api.step.nest('upload source to cipd') as upload_step:
# Double checking if source is uploaded by a concurrent recipe
if not source_cipd_spec.check():
# building the source CIPDSpec into a source type package
# Some build systems overwrite files, make sure they're writable.
exclusions=['\.git'] if method_name == 'git' else [])
extra_tags = {'external_hash': external_hash} if external_hash else {}
except api.step.StepFailure: # pragma: no cover
upload_step.status = api.step.FAILURE
upload_step.step_text = 'Source upload failed.'
def _source_checkout(api,
"""Checks out source packages into checkout_dir.
This method makes sure sources used in the current build are made available
inside checkout_dir. Source checkout can done in two ways, if source is
already cached (url, script, git), it will download the source cache cipd
package, also true for cipd source. If not cached, downloader workflow is
triggered which downloads and builds a source package for future use.
* api - The module injection site for support_3pp recipe module
(i.e. `self.m`)
* workdir (Workdir) - The working directory object we're going to build the
spec in. This function will create the checkout in `workdir.checkout`.
* spec (ResolvedSpec) - The package we want to build.
* version (str) - The symver of the package we want to build (e.g. '1.2.0').
* source_cipd_spec (spec) - CIPDSpec obj for source.
* source_hash (str) - source_hash returned from resolved version. This is
external hash of the source.
method_name, source_method_pb = spec.source_method
source_pb = spec.create_pb.source
checkout_dir = workdir.checkout
# Run checkout in this subdirectory of the install script's $CWD.
if source_pb.subdir:
checkout_dir = checkout_dir.join(*(source_pb.subdir.split('/')))
'mkdir -p [workdir]/checkout/%s' % (str(source_pb.subdir),), checkout_dir)
if source_cipd_spec and not source_cipd_spec.check():
# If source is not cached already, downloads, builds and uploads source.
download_manifest = _generate_download_manifest(api, spec, checkout_dir,
_download_source(api, download_manifest)
_source_upload(api, checkout_dir, method_name,
source_cipd_spec, source_hash)
# Fetches source from cipd for all types.
source_package = str(
source_method_pb.pkg) if method_name == 'cipd' else str(
'version:' + str(version)))
if source_pb.unpack_archive:
with api.step.nest('unpack_archive'):
paths = api.file.glob_paths('find archive to unpack', checkout_dir, '*.*')
assert len(paths) == 1, (
'unpack_archive==true - expected single archive file, '
'but %s are extracted' % (paths,))
archive = paths[0]
archive_name = archive.pieces[-1]
api.step.active_result.presentation.step_text = ('found %r' %
tmpdir = api.path.mkdtemp()
# Use copy instead of move because archive might be a symlink (e.g. when
# using a "cipd" source mode).
# TODO(iannucci): Have a way for `cipd pkg-deploy` to always deploy in
# copy mode and change this to a move.
api.file.copy('cp %r [tmpdir]' % archive_name, archive,
# blow away any other files (e.g. .git)
api.file.rmtree('rm -rf [checkout_dir]', checkout_dir)
api.archive.extract('extracting [tmpdir]/%s' % archive_name,
tmpdir.join(archive_name), checkout_dir)
if not source_pb.no_archive_prune:
api.file.flatten_single_directories('prune archive subdirs',
if source_pb.patch_dir:
patches = []
for patch_dir in source_pb.patch_dir:
patch_dir = str(patch_dir)
api.file.glob_paths('find patches in %s' % patch_dir,
spec.pkg_dir.join(*(patch_dir.split('/'))), '*'))
with api.context(cwd=checkout_dir):
api.git('apply', '-v', *patches)