blob: 1a75fd260ce610de7ffca9dfba327094c7dd205d [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import glob
import os
import shutil
from . import util
from .types import Wheel
class PlatformNotSupported(Exception):
"""Exception raised by when the specified wheel's platform is
not support."""
class Builder(object):
def __init__(self, spec, arch_map=None, abi_map=None,
only_plat=None, skip_plat=None):
"""Initializes a new wheel Builder.
spec (Spec): The wheel specification.
arch_map (dict or None): Naming map for architectures. If the current
platform has an entry in this map, the generated wheel will use the
value as the "platform" field.
abi_map (dict or None): Naming map for ABI. If the current platform
has an entry in this map, the generated wheel will use the
value as the "abi" field.
only_plat (iterable or None): If not None, this Builder will only declare
that it can build for the named platforms.
skip_plat (iterable or None): If not None, this Builder will avoid declaring
that it can build for the named platforms.
version_fn (callable or None): If not None, and spec.version is None, this
function will be used to set the spec version at runtime.
if arch_map:
assert not any(isinstance(v, basestring) for v in arch_map.values()), (
'arch_map must map str->seq[str]')
self._spec = spec
self._arch_map = arch_map or {}
self._abi_map = abi_map or {}
self._only_plat = frozenset(only_plat or ())
self._skip_plat = frozenset(skip_plat or ())
def build_fn(self, system, wheel):
"""Must be overridden by the subclass.
system (runtime.System)
wheel (types.Wheel) - The wheel we're attempting to build.
None - The `wheel` argument will be uploaded in the CIPD package; the
build_fn was expected to produce the wheel indicated by
list[types.Wheel] - This list of wheels will be uploaded in the CIPD
package, instead of `wheel`.
raise NotImplementedError('Subclasses must implement build_fn')
def version_fn(self, system): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
"""Optionally overridden by the subclass.
str - The version of the wheel to upload. By default this is
return self._spec.version
def spec(self):
return self._spec
def wheel(self, system, plat):
wheel = Wheel(
# Only support Python 2.7 for now, can augment later.
# Determine our package's wheel filename. This incorporates "abi" and "arch"
# override maps, which are a priori knowledge of the package repository's
# layout. This can differ from the local platform value if the package was
# valid and built for multiple platforms, which seems to happen on Mac a
# lot.
plat_wheel = wheel._replace(
wheel_abi=self._abi_map.get(, plat.wheel_abi),
wheel_plat=self._arch_map.get(, plat.wheel_plat),
return wheel._replace(
def supported(self, plat):
if self._only_plat and not in self._only_plat:
return False
if in self._skip_plat:
return False
return True
def build(self, wheel, system, rebuild=False):
if not self.supported(wheel.plat):
raise PlatformNotSupported()
pkg_path = os.path.join(system.pkg_dir, '%s.pkg' % (wheel.filename,))
if not rebuild and os.path.isfile(pkg_path):'Package is already built: %s', pkg_path)
return pkg_path
# Rebuild the wheel, if necessary. Get their ".whl" file paths.
built_wheels = self.build_wheel(wheel, system, rebuild=rebuild)
wheel_paths = [w.path(system) for w in built_wheels]
# Create a CIPD package for the wheel. Give the wheel a universal filename
# within the CIPD package.
# See "A Note on Universality" at the top.'Creating CIPD package: %r => %r', wheel_paths, pkg_path)
with system.temp_subdir('cipd_%s_%s' % wheel.spec.tuple) as tdir:
for w in built_wheels:
universal_wheel_path = os.path.join(tdir, w.universal_filename())
shutil.copy(w.path(system), universal_wheel_path)
_, git_revision = system.check_run(
['git', 'rev-parse', 'HEAD'],
tdir, pkg_path)
return pkg_path
def build_wheel(self, wheel, system, rebuild=False):
built_wheels = [wheel]
wheel_path = wheel.path(system)
if rebuild or not os.path.isfile(wheel_path):
# The build_fn may return an alternate list of wheels.
built_wheels = self.build_fn(system, wheel) or built_wheels
else:'Wheel is already built: %s', wheel_path)
return built_wheels
def StageWheelForPackage(system, wheel_dir, wheel):
"""Finds the single wheel in wheel_dir and copies it to the filename indicated
by wheel.filename.
# Find the wheel in "wheel_dir". We scan expecting exactly one wheel.
wheels = glob.glob(os.path.join(wheel_dir, '*.whl'))
assert len(wheels) == 1, 'Unexpected wheels: %s' % (wheels,)
dst = os.path.join(system.wheel_dir, wheel.filename)
source_path = wheels[0]
util.LOGGER.debug('Identified source wheel: %s', source_path)
shutil.copy(source_path, dst)
def BuildPackageFromPyPiWheel(system, wheel):
"""Builds a wheel by obtaining a matching wheel from PyPi."""
with system.temp_subdir('%s_%s' % wheel.spec.tuple) as tdir:
'python', '-m', 'pip', 'download',
'--abi=%s' % (wheel.abi,),
'--python-version=%s' % (wheel.pyversion,),
'--platform=%s' % (wheel.primary_platform,),
'%s==%s' % (, wheel.spec.version),
StageWheelForPackage(system, tdir, wheel)
def BuildPackageFromSource(system, wheel, src):
"""Creates Python wheel from src.
system (dockerbuild.runtime.System): Represents the local system.
wheel (dockerbuild.wheel.Wheel): The wheel to build.
src (dockerbuild.source.Source): The source to build the wheel from.
dx = system.dockcross_image(wheel.plat)
with system.temp_subdir('%s_%s' % wheel.spec.tuple) as tdir:
build_dir = system.repo.ensure(src, tdir)
cmd = [
'python', '-m', 'pip', 'wheel',
'--wheel-dir', tdir,
StageWheelForPackage(system, tdir, wheel)