blob: 050ba1a8fb905349472d41bfc13887fa975d0881 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import collections
import os
from . import cipd
# BINARY_VERSION_SUFFIX is a string added to the end of each version tag. This
# can be used to distinguish one build of a given package from another.
# Incrementing BINARY_VERSION only affects binary wheels; it is not applied to
# universal wheels. Changing this is a heavy operation, requiring the user to
# regenerate all wheels for all platforms so that they become available with the
# new suffix.
UniversalSpec = collections.namedtuple('UniversalSpec', (
_Spec = collections.namedtuple('_Spec', (
'name', 'version', 'universal',
# default is true if this Spec should be built by default (i.e., when a
# user doesn't manually specify Specs to build).
class Spec(_Spec):
def tuple(self):
return (, self.version)
def tag(self):
return '%s-%s' % (, self.version) if self.version else
def to_universal(self):
return self._replace(universal=UniversalSpec(pyversions=None))
_Wheel = collections.namedtuple('_Wheel', (
'spec', 'plat', 'pyversion', 'filename'))
class Wheel(_Wheel):
def pyversion_str(self):
if self.spec.universal:
pyv = self.spec.universal.pyversions
if pyv is None:
return 'py2.py3'
assert 'py2' in pyv
return 'py2'
# We only generate wheels for "cpython" at the moment.
return 'cp%s' % (self.pyversion,)
def abi(self):
if self.spec.universal or not self.plat.wheel_abi:
return 'none'
return self.plat.wheel_abi
def platform(self):
return ['any'] if self.spec.universal else self.plat.wheel_plat
def primary_platform(self):
"""The platform to use when naming intermediate wheels and requesting
wheel from "pip". Generally, platforms that this doesn't work on (e.g.,
ARM) will not have wheels in PyPi, and platforms with wheels in
PyPi will have only one platform.
This is also used for naming when building wheels; this choice is
inconsequential in this context, as the wheel is renamed after the build.
return self.platform[0]
def default_filename(self):
return '%(name)s-%(version)s-%(pyversion)s-%(abi)s-%(platform)s.whl' % {
'name':'-', '_'),
'version': self.spec.version,
'pyversion': self.pyversion_str,
'abi': self.abi,
'platform': '.'.join(self.platform),
def universal_filename(self):
"""This is a universal filename for the wheel, regardless of whether it's
binary or truly universal. See "A Note on Universality" at the top for
details on why we'd ever want to do this.
wheel = self._replace(spec=self.spec.to_universal())
return wheel.default_filename()
def path(self, system):
return os.path.join(system.wheel_dir, self.filename)
def cipd_package(self, git_revision=None, templated=False):
base_path = ['infra', 'python', 'wheels']
if self.spec.universal:
base_path += ['%s-%s' % (, self.pyversion_str)]
base_path += []
if not templated:
base_path += [
'%s_%s_%s' % (self.plat.cipd_platform, self.pyversion_str, self.abi)]
base_path += ['${vpython_platform}']
version_tag = 'version:%s' % (self.spec.version,)
if not self.spec.universal and BINARY_VERSION_SUFFIX:
tags = [version_tag]
if git_revision is not None:
tags.append('git_revision:%s' % (git_revision,))
return cipd.Package(
name=('/'.join(p.replace('.', '_') for p in base_path)).lower(),