blob: 3edda34035c5c99aca22daca5c9e00effe34e77f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto2";
package chrome.chromeos_infra.skylab.proto.inventory;
option go_package = ".;inventory";
// This proto definition describes the on-disk configuration data describing the
// ChromeOS skylab inventory. This is _not_ intended to be used as an API
// definition between services. As a result, fields are marked as required
// whenever strict checking is desired, and the proto definition can change
// relatively freely in the future.
import "connection.proto";
import "device.proto";
import "server.proto";
// NEXT TAG: 6
message Lab {
repeated chrome.chromeos_infra.skylab.proto.inventory.DeviceUnderTest
duts = 1;
repeated chrome.chromeos_infra.skylab.proto.inventory.ServoHostDevice
servo_hosts = 2;
repeated chrome.chromeos_infra.skylab.proto.inventory.ChameleonDevice
chamelons = 3;
repeated chrome.chromeos_infra.skylab.proto.inventory.ServoHostConnection
servo_host_connections = 4;
repeated chrome.chromeos_infra.skylab.proto.inventory.ChameleonConnection
chameleon_connections = 5;
message Infrastructure {
repeated chrome.chromeos_infra.skylab.proto.inventory.Server servers = 1;