blob: aafd5faa9c80de67588e9ccd2d992ad186e8669a [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is govered by a BSD-style
# license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
"""Servlet to export a range of issues in JSON format.
import logging
import time
from third_party import ezt
from businesslogic import work_env
from framework import permissions
from framework import jsonfeed
from framework import servlet
from tracker import tracker_bizobj
class IssueExport(servlet.Servlet):
"""IssueExportControls let's an admin choose how to export issues."""
_PAGE_TEMPLATE = 'tracker/issue-export-page.ezt'
def AssertBasePermission(self, mr):
"""Make sure that the logged in user has permission to view this page."""
super(IssueExport, self).AssertBasePermission(mr)
if not mr.auth.user_pb.is_site_admin:
raise permissions.PermissionException(
'Only site admins may export issues')
def GatherPageData(self, mr):
"""Build up a dictionary of data values to use when rendering the page."""
return {
'issue_tab_mode': None,
'initial_start': mr.start,
'initial_num': mr.num,
'page_perms': self.MakePagePerms(mr, None, permissions.CREATE_ISSUE),
class IssueExportJSON(jsonfeed.JsonFeed):
"""IssueExport shows a range of issues in JSON format."""
# Pretty-print the JSON output.
def AssertBasePermission(self, mr):
"""Make sure that the logged in user has permission to view this page."""
super(IssueExportJSON, self).AssertBasePermission(mr)
if not mr.auth.user_pb.is_site_admin:
raise permissions.PermissionException(
'Only site admins may export issues')
def HandleRequest(self, mr):
"""Build up a dictionary of data values to use when rendering the page.
mr: commonly used info parsed from the request.
Dict of values used by EZT for rendering the page.
if mr.query or mr.can != 1:
with work_env.WorkEnv(mr, as we:
url_params = []
pipeline = we.ListIssues(mr.query, [mr.project.project_name],
mr.auth.user_id, mr.num, mr.start, url_params,
mr.can, mr.group_by_spec, mr.sort_spec, False)
issues = pipeline.allowed_results
# no user query and mr.can == 1 (we want all issues)
elif not mr.start and not mr.num:
issues =
mr.cnxn, mr.project.project_id)
local_id_range = range(mr.start, mr.start + mr.num)
issues =
mr.cnxn, mr.project.project_id, local_id_range)
user_id_set = tracker_bizobj.UsersInvolvedInIssues(issues)
comments_dict =
mr.cnxn, [issue.issue_id for issue in issues])
for comment_list in comments_dict.itervalues():
starrers_dict =
mr.cnxn, [issue.issue_id for issue in issues])
for starrer_id_list in starrers_dict.itervalues():
# The value 0 indicates "no user", e.g., that an issue has no owner.
# We don't need to create a User row to represent that.
email_dict =
mr.cnxn, user_id_set, ignore_missed=True)
issues_json = [
mr, issue, email_dict,
comments_dict.get(issue.issue_id, []),
starrers_dict.get(issue.issue_id, []))
for issue in issues if not issue.deleted]
json_data = {
'metadata': {
'version': 1,
'when': int(time.time()),
'project': mr.project_name,
'start': mr.start,
'num': mr.num,
'issues': issues_json,
# This list could be derived from the 'issues', but we provide it for
# ease of processing.
'emails': email_dict.values(),
return json_data
def _MakeAmendmentJSON(self, amendment, email_dict):
amendment_json = {
if amendment.custom_field_name:
amendment_json.update({'custom_field_name': amendment.custom_field_name})
if amendment.newvalue:
amendment_json.update({'new_value': amendment.newvalue})
if amendment.added_user_ids:
{'added_emails': [email_dict.get(user_id)
for user_id in amendment.added_user_ids]})
if amendment.removed_user_ids:
{'removed_emails': [email_dict.get(user_id)
for user_id in amendment.removed_user_ids]})
return amendment_json
def _MakeAttachmentJSON(self, attachment):
if attachment.deleted:
return None
attachment_json = {
'name': attachment.filename,
'size': attachment.filesize,
'mimetype': attachment.mimetype,
'gcs_object_id': attachment.gcs_object_id,
return attachment_json
def _MakeCommentJSON(self, comment, email_dict):
if comment.deleted_by:
return None
amendments = [self._MakeAmendmentJSON(a, email_dict)
for a in comment.amendments]
attachments = [self._MakeAttachmentJSON(a)
for a in comment.attachments]
comment_json = {
'timestamp': comment.timestamp,
'commenter': email_dict.get(comment.user_id),
'content': comment.content,
'amendments': [a for a in amendments if a],
'attachments': [a for a in attachments if a],
'description_num': comment.description_num
return comment_json
def _MakePhaseJSON(self, phase):
return {'id': phase.phase_id, 'name':, 'rank': phase.rank}
def _MakeFieldValueJSON(self, field, fd_dict, email_dict, phase_dict):
fd = fd_dict.get(field.field_id)
field_value_json = {
'field': fd.field_name,
'phase': phase_dict.get(field.phase_id),
approval_fd = fd_dict.get(fd.approval_id)
if approval_fd:
field_value_json['approval'] = approval_fd.field_name
if field.int_value:
field_value_json['int_value'] = field.int_value
if field.str_value:
field_value_json['str_value'] = field.str_value
if field.user_id:
field_value_json['user_value'] = email_dict.get(field.user_id)
if field.date_value:
field_value_json['date_value'] = field.date_value
return field_value_json
def _MakeApprovalValueJSON(
self, approval_value, fd_dict, email_dict, phase_dict):
av_json = {
'approval': fd_dict.get(approval_value.approval_id).field_name,
'setter': email_dict.get(approval_value.setter_id),
'set_on': approval_value.set_on,
'approvers': [email_dict.get(approver_id) for
approver_id in approval_value.approver_ids],
'phase': phase_dict.get(approval_value.phase_id),
return av_json
def _MakeIssueJSON(
self, mr, issue, email_dict, comment_list, starrer_id_list):
"""Return a dict of info about the issue and its comments."""
descriptions = [c for c in comment_list if c.is_description]
for i, d in enumerate(descriptions):
d.description_num = str(i+1)
comments = [self._MakeCommentJSON(c, email_dict) for c in comment_list]
phase_dict = {phase.phase_id: for phase in issue.phases}
config =
mr.cnxn, mr.project.project_id)
fd_dict = {fd.field_id: fd for fd in config.field_defs}
issue_json = {
'local_id': issue.local_id,
'reporter': email_dict.get(issue.reporter_id),
'summary': issue.summary,
'owner': email_dict.get(issue.owner_id),
'status': issue.status,
'cc': [email_dict[cc_id] for cc_id in issue.cc_ids],
'labels': issue.labels,
'phases': [self._MakePhaseJSON(phase) for phase in issue.phases],
'fields': [
self._MakeFieldValueJSON(field, fd_dict, email_dict, phase_dict)
for field in issue.field_values],
'approvals': [self._MakeApprovalValueJSON(
approval, fd_dict, email_dict, phase_dict)
for approval in issue.approval_values],
'starrers': [email_dict[starrer] for starrer in starrer_id_list],
'comments': [c for c in comments if c],
'opened': issue.opened_timestamp,
'modified': issue.modified_timestamp,
'closed': issue.closed_timestamp,
# TODO(agable): Export cross-project references as well.
if issue.blocked_on_iids:
issue_json['blocked_on'] = [i.local_id for i in, issue.blocked_on_iids)
if i.project_id == mr.project.project_id]
if issue.blocking_iids:
issue_json['blocking'] = [i.local_id for i in, issue.blocking_iids)
if i.project_id == mr.project.project_id]
if issue.merged_into:
merge =, issue.merged_into)
if merge.project_id == mr.project.project_id:
issue_json['merged_into'] = merge.local_id
return issue_json