blob: fd16a35d9482952af2f48946ef5eb618a9a19766 [file] [log] [blame]
syntax = "proto3";
package findit.compile_failure;
// Represents the compile failures in a specific build.
message BuildCompileFailureOutput {
// A build edge represents one of the build commands to build a
// binary/object file/generated file/etc. For examples,
// * compiling to an object file is a build edge:
// gomacc clang++ ... -I../lib/inclide -c -o source.o
// * generating a header file from a checked-in source file:
// python ... --input flag.mojo --output flag.h
// * For CrOS, because >800 software packages are in every build,
// this edge is the package and its immediate dependencies.
message BuildEdge {
// The checked-in source files in the code base that the build edge takes
// as inputs. For the above example, it is and all the included
// header files or the source files (e.g. flag.mojo) that generate the
// included header files.
// This field is optional. If available, it is used by the heuristic
// analysis to identify suspicious commits that change the dependent files.
// Note:
// * If the build edge is to link object files into an executable binary,
// a shared lib, etc, it is better to not calculate the dependencies,
// because it is too huge to be useful.
// * This is most useful for cxx/cc build edges that compile a single source
// file into an object file.
// * Each element is a file path, and the file path is relative to the
// checkout directory of the root repository. For example, if the checkout
// of chromium/src is /path/chromium/src and one dependency file is
// /path/chromium/src/third_party/blink/, then the file path
// should be third_party/blink/
repeated string dependencies = 1;
// The stdout/stderr of the build edge.
// This field is optional. If available, file paths are extracted from the
// error output using regex, and those files are used by the heuristic
// analysis to identify suspicious commits that change those files.
// The best usage of this field is to capture ONLY the error log of the
// build edge which usually contains the critical file paths like the source
// file being compiled into an object file.
// Capturing the entire stdout/stderr of the build edge might not be useful,
// because if too many unrelated file paths are extracted, they can
// introduce false positives in suspicious commits.
// If `dependencies` above is available, this field is ignored.
string output = 2;
// Represent the list of targets the build edge will produce if it succeeds.
// This field is required. It is used to rerun the failed build edge to
// reproduce the failure for culprit finding.
// The more fine-grained output targets are available, the more efficient
// that rerun can do. For examples:
// * To build chrome.exe, //base/ has to be compiled into
// obj/base/base64.obj first. If failed to compile, it is better
// to specify 'obj/base/base64.obj' here instead of 'chrome.exe'.
// * For CrOS, this can be the package name 'chromeos-base/chromeos-chrome'
// that can be interpreted by a chromeos build to rerun the failed build
// edge.
// Later on, it can be '' if chromeos
// build can support this.
repeated string output_targets = 3;
// The build rule for the build edge, e.g. CXX for compiling a source file.
// This field is optional. This is used for monitoring purpose to understand
// which types of build edges fail more often.
string rule = 4;
// Represent all the failed build edges.
repeated BuildEdge failures = 1;
// Name of the failed compile step.
// For example: "install packages|installation results".
string failed_step = 2;
// Flag indicates if an analysis is needed for this build.
// Compile failures on non-critical CrOS builders should not be analyzed.
bool needs_bisection = 3;