blob: e4e4368c4446fb0fa48f1ed696540aaa3209eb4b [file] [log] [blame]
syntax = "proto3";
package findit.test_failure;
// Represents the test failures in a specific build.
// Planned usage of this proto is for test failures in ChromeOS builds at suite
// level. For chromium builds, or builds from other projects that we currently
// have plan to support, there's no need to use this proto.
// TODO( In the future when LUCI Tests is in place, Findit
// should instead request test failures of any build from LUCI Tests, and this
// proto should be deprecated at that time.
message BuildTestFailureOutput {
// Represents failure information of a test suite.
message TestFailure {
// The leaf step corresponds to a failed test suite.
string failed_step = 1;
// A json serialized data for running the suite.
// Findit receives it from the failed build and passes it as is to rerun
// builds.
string test_spec = 2;
// Name of the test suite.
string suite = 3;
// All failed hardware test suites in one build.
repeated TestFailure hw_test_failures = 1;
// Represents the input to a build to rerun test failures.
message BuildRerunTestFailureInput {
// Represents information required to rerun a test suite.
message RerunTestFailure {
// A json serialized data for running the suite.
// Findit receives it from the failed build and passes it as is to rerun
// builds.
string test_spec = 1;
// Hardware test failures to rerun.
repeated RerunTestFailure hw_test_failures = 1;
// Flag indicates if an analysis is needed for this build.
// If there are too many failures in one build, an analysis should not be
// triggered, because a. it's likely the failures are because of infra failure
// and b. the analysis will take too much resources.
bool needs_bisection = 2;