blob: cfeb6eb83f35d44f8ac7e3c41b608c7104c387c1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The LUCI Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
package qscheduler;
import "infra/qscheduler/qslib/types/account/account.proto";
import "infra/qscheduler/qslib/types/vector/vector.proto";
// This API is under development and subject to compatibility-breaking changes.
// Do not use for production.
// QSchedulerAdmin is the administrative API for a quotascheduler.
service QSchedulerAdmin {
// Administrative endpoints.
// CreateSchedulerPool creates a scheduler, with the given configuration
// options.
rpc CreateSchedulerPool(CreateSchedulerPoolRequest) returns (CreateSchedulerPoolResponse);
// CreateAccount creates a quota account within a scheduler, with the
// given configuration options.
rpc CreateAccount(CreateAccountRequest) returns (CreateAccountResponse);
// ListAccounts returns the set of accounts for a given scheduler.
rpc ListAccounts(ListAccountsRequest) returns (ListAccountsResponse);
// InspectPool returns a description of the state of a scheduler, for debugging
// or diagnostic purposes.
rpc InspectPool(InspectPoolRequest) returns (InspectPoolResponse);
message CreateSchedulerPoolRequest {
// TODO(akeshet): The client shouldn't be creating this id. It should be
// creating a scheduler pool for a given name, and the id should be generated
// by admin service and returned. Punting on this for now because the naming
// and organization scheme for scheduler pools is not yet established. (i.e.
// will we have some hierarchical structure to these pools? will there be
// sub-pools?).
string pool_id = 1;
// Config is the scheduler configuration for the scheduler to create.
SchedulerPoolConfig config = 2;
message CreateSchedulerPoolResponse {}
message CreateAccountRequest {
// PoolID is the id of the scheduler to create an account within.
string pool_id = 1;
// TODO(akeshet): Similar to pool_id above, account_id should be generated
// on the server, not client. Instead, pass in some kind of path or
// hierarchical account name. Punting until this is figured out better.
string account_id = 2;
// Config is the quota account config for the quota account to create.
account.Config config = 3;
message CreateAccountResponse {}
message ListAccountsRequest {
// PoolID is the id of the scheduler to list accounts from.
string pool_id = 1;
message ListAccountsResponse {
map<string, account.Config> accounts = 1;
message SchedulerPoolConfig{
// Labels is a list of swarming dimensions in "key:value" form. This corresponds
// to swarming.ExternalSchedulerConfig.dimensionsions; it is the minimal set
// of dimensions for tasks or bots that will use this scheduler.
repeated string labels = 1;
message InspectPoolRequest {
string pool_id = 1;
message InspectPoolResponse {
// WaitingTasks is the number of waiting tasks.
int32 waiting_tasks = 1;
// RunningTasks is the number of running tasks.
int32 running_tasks = 2;
// IdleBots is the number of idle bots.
int32 idle_bots = 3;
// AccountBalances is the set of balances for all accounts.
map<string, vector.Vector> account_balances = 4;