blob: a7dcd63cc7fcb78119a89c637bf79c1a0279f86a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package util
import (
ufspb "infra/unifiedfleet/api/v1/proto"
const (
// MachineCollection refers to the prefix of the corresponding resource.
MachineCollection string = "machines"
// RackCollection refers to the prefix of the corresponding resource.
RackCollection string = "racks"
// VMCollection refers to the prefix of the corresponding resource.
VMCollection string = "vms"
// ChromePlatformCollection refers to the prefix of the corresponding resource.
ChromePlatformCollection string = "chromeplatforms"
// MachineLSECollection refers to the prefix of the corresponding resource.
MachineLSECollection string = "machineLSEs"
// HostCollection refers to the prefix of the corresponding resource.
HostCollection string = "hosts"
// RackLSECollection refers to the prefix of the corresponding resource.
RackLSECollection string = "rackLSEs"
// NicCollection refers to the prefix of the corresponding resource.
NicCollection string = "nics"
// KVMCollection refers to the prefix of the corresponding resource.
KVMCollection string = "kvms"
// RPMCollection refers to the prefix of the corresponding resource.
RPMCollection string = "rpms"
// DracCollection refers to the prefix of the corresponding resource.
DracCollection string = "dracs"
// SwitchCollection refers to the prefix of the corresponding resource.
SwitchCollection string = "switches"
// VlanCollection refers to the prefix of the corresponding resource.
VlanCollection string = "vlans"
// MachineLSEPrototypeCollection refers to the prefix of the corresponding resource.
MachineLSEPrototypeCollection string = "machineLSEPrototypes"
// RackLSEPrototypeCollection refers to the prefix of the corresponding resource.
RackLSEPrototypeCollection string = "rackLSEPrototypes"
// DHCPCollection refers to the prefix of the dhcp config id in change history
DHCPCollection string = "dhcps"
// IPCollection refers to the prefix of the ip id in change history
IPCollection string = "ips"
// StateCollection refers to the prefix of the states id in change history
StateCollection string = "states"
// DefaultImporter refers to the user of the cron job importer
DefaultImporter string = "crimson-importer"
defaultPageSize int32 = 100
// MaxPageSize maximum page size for list operations
MaxPageSize int32 = 1000
// Filter names for indexed properties in datastore for different entities
var (
ZoneFilterName string = "zone"
RackFilterName string = "rack"
MachineFilterName string = "machine"
HostFilterName string = "host"
NicFilterName string = "nic"
DracFilterName string = "drac"
KVMFilterName string = "kvm"
MacAddressFilterName string = "mac"
RPMFilterName string = "rpm"
SwitchFilterName string = "switch"
SwitchPortFilterName string = "switchport"
ServoFilterName string = "servo"
TagFilterName string = "tag"
ChromePlatformFilterName string = "platform"
MachinePrototypeFilterName string = "machineprototype"
RackPrototypeFilterName string = "rackprototype"
VlanFilterName string = "vlan"
StateFilterName string = "state"
IPV4FilterName string = "ipv4"
IPV4StringFilterName string = "ipv4str"
OccupiedFilterName string = "occupied"
ManufacturerFilterName string = "man"
FreeVMFilterName string = "free"
ResourceTypeFilterName string = "resourcetype"
OSVersionFilterName string = "osversion"
OSFilterName string = "os"
VirtualDatacenterFilterName string = "vdc"
const separator string = "/"
// GetPageSize gets the correct page size for List pagination
func GetPageSize(pageSize int32) int32 {
switch {
case pageSize == 0:
return defaultPageSize
case pageSize > MaxPageSize:
return MaxPageSize
return pageSize
// FormatInputNames formats a given array of resource names
func FormatInputNames(names []string) []string {
var res []string
for _, n := range names {
if n != "" {
res = append(res, RemovePrefix(n))
return res
// FormatDHCPHostname formats a name which will be a dhcp host
func FormatDHCPHostname(old string) string {
return strings.ToLower(old)
// FormatDHCPHostnames formats a given array of resource names which could be used as dhcp hostnames
func FormatDHCPHostnames(names []string) []string {
for i, n := range names {
names[i] = FormatDHCPHostname(n)
return names
// RemovePrefix extracts string appearing after a "/"
func RemovePrefix(name string) string {
// Get substring after a string.
name = strings.TrimSpace(name)
pos := strings.Index(name, separator)
if pos == -1 {
return name
adjustedPos := pos + len(separator)
if adjustedPos >= len(name) {
return name
return name[adjustedPos:]
// AddPrefix adds the prefix for a given resource name
func AddPrefix(collection, entity string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s", collection, separator, entity)
// GetPrefix returns the prefix for a resource name
func GetPrefix(resourceName string) string {
s := strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(resourceName), separator)
if len(s) < 1 {
return ""
return s[0]
// GetRackHostname returns a rack host name.
func GetRackHostname(rackName string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s-host", rackName)
// FormatResourceName formats the resource name
func FormatResourceName(old string) string {
str := strings.Replace(old, " ", "_", -1)
return strings.Replace(str, ",", "_", -1)
// StrToUFSState refers a map between a string to a UFS defined state map.
var StrToUFSState = map[string]string{
"registered": "STATE_REGISTERED",
"deployed_pre_serving": "STATE_DEPLOYED_PRE_SERVING",
"deployed_testing": "STATE_DEPLOYED_TESTING",
"serving": "STATE_SERVING",
"needs_reset": "STATE_NEEDS_RESET",
"needs_repair": "STATE_NEEDS_REPAIR",
"repair_failed": "STATE_REPAIR_FAILED",
"disabled": "STATE_DISABLED",
"reserved": "STATE_RESERVED",
"decommissioned": "STATE_DECOMMISSIONED",
"deploying": "STATE_DEPLOYING",
"ready": "STATE_READY",
// StateToDescription refers a map between a State to its description.
var StateToDescription = map[string]string{
"registered": "Needs deploy",
"deployed_pre_serving": "Deployed but not placed in prod",
"deployed_testing": "Deployed to the prod, but for testing",
"serving": "Deployed to the prod, serving",
"needs_reset": "Deployed to the prod, but required cleanup and verify",
"needs_repair": "Deployed to the prod, needs repair",
"repair_failed": "Deployed to the prod, failed to be repaired in previous step and requires new repair attempt",
"disabled": "Deployed to the prod, but disabled",
"reserved": "Deployed to the prod, but reserved (e.g. locked)",
"decommissioned": "Decommissioned from the prod, but still lives in UFS record",
"deploying": "Deploying the resource with required configs just before it is READY",
"ready": "Resource is ready for use or free to use",
// IsUFSState checks if a string refers to a valid UFS state.
func IsUFSState(state string) bool {
_, ok := StrToUFSState[state]
return ok
// ValidStateStr returns a valid str list for state strings.
func ValidStateStr() []string {
ks := make([]string, 0, len(StrToUFSState))
for k := range StrToUFSState {
ks = append(ks, k)
return ks
// RemoveStatePrefix removes the "state_" prefix from the string
func RemoveStatePrefix(state string) string {
state = strings.ToLower(state)
if idx := strings.Index(state, "state_"); idx != -1 {
state = state[idx+len("state_"):]
return state
// ToUFSState converts state string to a UFS state enum.
func ToUFSState(state string) ufspb.State {
state = RemoveStatePrefix(state)
v, ok := StrToUFSState[state]
if !ok {
return ufspb.State_STATE_UNSPECIFIED
return ufspb.State(ufspb.State_value[v])
// StrToUFSZone refers a map between a string to a UFS defined map.
var StrToUFSZone = map[string]string{
"atlanta": "ZONE_ATLANTA",
"chromeos1": "ZONE_CHROMEOS1",
"chromeos4": "ZONE_CHROMEOS4",
"chromeos6": "ZONE_CHROMEOS6",
"chromeos2": "ZONE_CHROMEOS2",
"chromeos3": "ZONE_CHROMEOS3",
"chromeos5": "ZONE_CHROMEOS5",
"chromeos7": "ZONE_CHROMEOS7",
"chromeos15": "ZONE_CHROMEOS15",
"atl97": "ZONE_ATL97",
"iad97": "ZONE_IAD97",
"mtv96": "ZONE_MTV96",
"mtv97": "ZONE_MTV97",
"fuchsia": "ZONE_FUCHSIA",
"unspecified": "ZONE_UNSPECIFIED",
"cros_googler_desk": "ZONE_CROS_GOOGLER_DESK",
// IsUFSZone checks if a string refers to a valid UFS zone.
func IsUFSZone(zone string) bool {
_, ok := StrToUFSZone[zone]
return ok
// ValidZoneStr returns a valid str list for zone strings.
func ValidZoneStr() []string {
ks := make([]string, 0, len(StrToUFSZone))
for k := range StrToUFSZone {
ks = append(ks, k)
return ks
// RemoveZonePrefix removes the "zone_" prefix from the string
func RemoveZonePrefix(zone string) string {
zone = strings.ToLower(zone)
if idx := strings.Index(zone, "zone_"); idx != -1 {
zone = zone[idx+len("zone_"):]
return zone
// ToUFSZone converts zone string to a UFS zone enum.
func ToUFSZone(zone string) ufspb.Zone {
zone = RemoveZonePrefix(zone)
v, ok := StrToUFSZone[zone]
if !ok {
return ufspb.Zone_ZONE_UNSPECIFIED
return ufspb.Zone(ufspb.Zone_value[v])
// ToUFSRealm returns the realm name based on zone string.
func ToUFSRealm(zone string) string {
ufsZone := ToUFSZone(zone)
if IsInBrowserZone(ufsZone.String()) {
return BrowserLabAdminRealm
if ufsZone == ufspb.Zone_ZONE_CHROMEOS3 || ufsZone == ufspb.Zone_ZONE_CHROMEOS5 ||
ufsZone == ufspb.Zone_ZONE_CHROMEOS7 || ufsZone == ufspb.Zone_ZONE_CHROMEOS15 {
return AcsLabAdminRealm
return AtlLabAdminRealm
// ToUFSDept returns the dept name based on zone string.
func ToUFSDept(zone string) string {
ufsZone := ToUFSZone(zone)
if IsInBrowserZone(ufsZone.String()) {
return Browser
return CrOS
// GetStateDescription returns the description for the state
func GetStateDescription(state string) string {
state = RemoveStatePrefix(state)
v, ok := StateToDescription[state]
if !ok {
return ""
return v
// GetSuffixAfterSeparator extracts the string appearing after the separator
// returns the suffix after the first found separator
func GetSuffixAfterSeparator(name, seprator string) string {
name = strings.TrimSpace(name)
pos := strings.Index(name, seprator)
if pos == -1 {
return ""
adjustedPos := pos + len(seprator)
if adjustedPos >= len(name) {
return ""
return name[adjustedPos:]